Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Maybe Sulley should just scoop Soron and Alexis up as he retreats to Sunfire. Maybe pick up a few others too. He will have to escape the cloak though. Which is still a sentient man despite its form. Get past him and you're Scott free since the basilisk is not moving and the cultists are mostly charcoal.

Since Sulley might have calmed down some he can hear your mental messages.



Spoke Rain in a low and contained voice to the female waiter who aimed to serve him. She stood near him as he sat leaning back facing toward the stage. His eyes avoided meeting hers. A line made his lips and with it his facial expression exuded a look of apathy. His eyes were surrounded by dark coloration that gave his cold eye lids the look of a man with little sleep but within his eyes was a sharpness that defied the likely apparant ailment. He was leaned back but active. His eyes not darting but hardly stopping to blink as he looked to be observing the stage and nothing else. However his eyes did come down to meet the numbers and appearances of the other hunter entrants. The waiter next to him expressed her desire to serve him a good meal. He declined but gave her a word to return later and said "Maybe I'll get hungry after looking at something more ripe to eat." He spoke with a surprising eloquence despite the vulgarity of his language. His eyes looking to meet her unexpectedly and winking as he leaned on his fist. The waitress could only blush in reply as she nodded and walked away. Rain sighed with a disappointed suck of his teeth. "That butt is a little too flat.." His eyes returned to the stage and observed silently the atmosphere and those around him. Using little beyond a glance here and there to give away his curiosity. The more interesting people he saw the more he found his excitement rising. The pre-exam was a addictive taste to what was soon to come. As the waiter returned with a tall glass of iced water with a lime on the edge Rain began to remember the moments leading up to here.

It was a job for some mafia boss. He was a stickler for getting the right guy's for a job who had no ties to legal industries. Rain was perfect. He was called in for his knowledge on chemistry and most importantly his narcotic knowledge. It was a rare plant brought in from a far away land. They wouldn't exactly say where it was from just that it had very rare seeds and he was to use those seeds to perfect a drug for them. To make things even more strange they only had enough to make two pills. While not introduced to the plant directly Rain was able to reflect upon the multicolored hue the seeds gave off when but by sunlight. Otherwise they appeared as normal seeds the size of sunflowers and dark brown to black in color. Rain used this opportune moment to request a specific kind of payment and that payment was to find him a navigator. As most navigators were honest people it was difficult to tell if he would ever come across one given his lifestyle. So it was specifically stated for him to find a navigator under any means and to find the location of the exams if possible. "You ask for a lot KID but if you deliver I'LL deliver." The boss told him assuredly and proved himself with the display of his wealth. However Rain was only interested in his end of the bargain being met, knowing that the hunter association was a formidable group to try and manipulate. So Rain went to work and concocted two pills of the drug for the Mafia boss and completed his end.

Things get interesting once you make promises. Rain found himself looking down the barrel of a few guns and didn't seem to flinch much. He simply raised his hands in the air. "Sorry KID but finding a navigator for your little dream ain't worth it. Might as well clean up loose ends." It was at this moment Rain simply began to smile. He looked to the ground and then held his mouth with his hands. Apologizing before facing the boss. "YOU'RE the loose end here." When he was done the boss was lit up with gunfire from his subordinates who stood by his side. Riddled he fell to the ground in a bloody heap and could only watch from the pooling crimson floor as his very son stepped from the other room onto the floor. His son was young but around Rain's age. He had a suite on and gloves as he stepped before his father's dying body. "You always try to destroy your greatest assets. This is where things change my dear papa. Join mama in heaven and be free of this world. Your ancient ways can no longer stay in effect. I will soar us beyond what you've ever seen." He held his father's bloodied corpse as rears streamed down his face.

Rain was soon compensated with what he looked for. A navigator connected to the Mafia one way or another was told of Rain's intrigue and resourcefulness. Able to make out what would happen and used the bosses own son against him. How Rain managed to gain favor with the Boss's son was a mystery. But it was clear Rain used his connections and his time well enough to keep him afloat in the most dangerous of organized operations. Being dropped off by a limousine was not his style but it worked all the same. The land he saw coming here was familiar with how impoverished the people here were in the slum areas he rode past. He had a black bandana over his nose and mouth and tinted goggles to protect his sensitive eyes to not only the sand but the sunlight as well. He met the front desk woman and laughed a bit at the million dollar price tag. However he was given a VIP card by the navigator. A mafia esque character with sunglasses and a top hat. He had a trimmed beard and stache but did not reveal any special details about what made him an appropriate navigator. Rain did not ask though. He simply used the elevator to find his way around and indulge in what he could find. He was feeling nervous and this made him excited. A smile emerging on his lips as he sat at the table. The waitress placing the glass of water on the table caused him to hide his smile which was emerging ever greater in width on his face. His black bandana covering his nose and mouth.
Think of a slime trying to widen itself out to swallow you. It's like that but a cloak and all dark. Dark dark darknesses!!
No other being seemed to travel the paths that sat between the crops that layered the land. None other than that woman whom strolled his way, as he too strolled to her. He ignored the cackling flames behind him that dwindled as the seconds rolled by and left nothing more than smoke, a clear sign of a fire as the black lines marked the open blue sky. It was when his sharp eyes could make out the design of this woman's attire did he pause. No armor. No visible strength and a rusted weapon being dragged along. Perhaps this was her mere means of protection from bandits. It was only a woman, a weak looking one at that. But weak was not entirely bad as subservience was easier and better in his trials for concubines. As a rare opportunity this may be he was wary of this lone woman who had eyes that have seen blood. He knew these eyes well but the figure did not match. She was like an angel the way she appeared so fragile and this was opposite to the warrior women he knew well in his armies.

As she approached he stood with arms crossed. He spoke to her when she reached 7 meters from his person. "You. Farmer woman. Have you a moment for a word to please your ears? It will be worth more than the fields before you I assure you."
The initial ball was full of manifested properties. But once Singard combined his souls essence to redirect it upward what remained was just heat and fire.
Well it's not something with normal properties. It's essentially just a advanced seraphim or ascended ability to have a different physical property. Like water, fire etc.

I'm thinking of making a discord. Also going to update the new npcs
You wiped out most of the fodder and a boss with one shot. At least you did something. And can you burn dark essence?

Woooooo I posted. Singard is now a skeleton.

@FallenTrinity @WingsOfBronze
The death of Soron was only the beginning in Singard's mind. His fists both bloodied, one from his own and another from his foes. He turned slowly to face those who looked on in horror at his deed. This man I killed must have been special to them. He thought as his colorless eyes faced the Vrondi elite captain who only looked on with a distasteful expression on his face. Having told Soron to stay back earlier he felt remorse for the bravery he showed. But one even as capable of slaying dragons as Soron was defeated within a glance. Just like the Vrondi elites who charged Singard, and the seraphim earlier. This very thing seemed to keep the Captain at bay, only to observe. For the battle was not one of power alone. A truth yet to be seen as the other side began to tip the scales of this skirmish. Tears rolling down the warm cheeks of the dragon lord. His fiery soul unable to dry the well of sadness pouring from his core, his heart. Singard looked on with little concern. He ripped Soron's blade from his hand and observed the wound left by Soron's second strike he did not see. The wound began to fester and blacken with the poison of a Basilisk growing deeper into Singard's hardened flesh. As he came to notice this he ignored the cries of Sulleykaar for his fallen comrade. It was only after the flames of the dragon's soul dried away the waters of his eyes did Singard notice the spike in aura arising within the battle. The taste of aura was a fine skill to acquire and Singard was a master of it, and because of this he could sense the heat arising from the essence of this dragon and knew he soon would retaliate.

Singard's hands flew back to halt his master's movements. "My Lord. Remain where you are." He spoke assuredly of what will happen next. He could not however stop the horde of cultists who ran forward with full sprints to fight whatever stood before them. Sulleykaar rose now, his wings expanding and his flames soon to take form. The air around them began to lose its cool and heated rapidly as if nearing the sun. Grass ends lit ablaze and clothing and hair follicles did too. Cultists were slowed to a halt as the heat was beyond fleshly withstanding. Soon the area was hardened and held the cultists in place. Singard being within range was affected as well and was coated in a glass. Sulleykaar tossed his weapon now. It ate the ground beneath it as it rolled across the glassy floor and devoured those in its way. As it headed for Singard the glass around his body began to snap and crack until he broke free. He brought both hands forward in anticipation of the roaring flames. It seemed he aimed to catch it. The flames destroyed all that came even remotely close to it.

"Oh. Looks as if they actually have someone powerful among them." Spoke the beautiful mysterious man. He looked at Sulley's with a smile emerging on his lips, a sign of subtle excitement building within his uninterested expression. From behind Singard but not close enough to be in range of the initial attack he stood, Basilisk even further behind him still emerging from the tree tops as a observing tower. "He is familiar.. Perhaps an old soul looking for its place in this realm. Defeated. Ripped apart and used. That is the life of a Dragon in this day. The accomplished dream of my father and mother." He spoke softly as he went on. Eyes barely seeing the battle and instead looking into a distant memory. His companion bowed as much as he could before speaking. His posture being very low and nearly leaning on the staff he had in his arms. "Only the beginning is it not master?" He was given a smirk as his master looked back to him before replying. Indeed..

The flames came forward and Singard was not immediately overtaken or destroyed by the flames. Instead his outer flesh began to dissolve and his hair began to burn away as well. As this happened he roared in defiance to the Dragon's flames. "I-I EMBRACE!!!" His outer being was layered with an aura of darkness. This aura did not go away even as the flames met his palms and began to push his body back, but he held with determination and dug into the earth with his feet. The flames roared past his body but the source remained before him. The flame moved in swirls as a massive orb in his palms but his body was being burned away by the second. "DEEEAAATTHHHHSSSUUUURRRGGHHHH!!!" His face was little more than a skeleton, all features burned away. His body was little more than a skeleton as well but his hardened muscular structure remained intact despite being burned black. Despite all this he held on and roared his final cry before the flames engulfed him entirely. The center of the flames began to swirl with darkness and erupted into a pillar of flames that went into the sky and rained harmless sparks down on those below. Remaining in the location Singard stood was a black skeleton with smoke streaming up its body and into the sky to evaporate. This was what remained of Singard's body. The aftermath being devastating to the cultists. Their numbers being cut severely by the flames killing all within its trajectory. Very few remained to come out of the forest to the battle field, hardly a replacement for the loss. "Interesting.." The cultist leader spoke as he looked at the resulting damage done before him. "A worthy sacrifice Singard was. He finished his last mission with time to spare." The silver sand timer floating above his head faded away as it grew more and more transparent. "Come.. let me complete the goal of tonight. To make all aware of my arrival." He began to step forward. Next to him on both sides was a torched field and where he walked was perfectly fine. Singard's attempt to stop the flames gave him a clear and narrow path down the battle field. He then began to sprint, his cloaked companion who could hardly walk or stand earlier began to move with him. Both moving at high speeds down the path and past Singard. One was running and the other seemed to fly above the ground. As they ran the only person within the area who was in their way was Sulleykaar.

He smiled at Sulley. Catching his eyes with his own before the cloaked man came out from behind him, like a shadow coming to life, and soared toward Sulley. His cloak expanded and began to widen unnaturally so. A black mass that widened beyond Sulley's size but came in as if it would devour him. This also blocked his vision of anything in front of him, both above, to the sides, and below. As this happened the man swiftly sprinted underneath Sulley and toward the army that stood far behind him to remain safe. With a flip he curled up midair and began to flip rapidly into a ball. He came hurtling into the shields of the soldiers and in doing so impacted them so hard they tore like paper when coming into contact with his sudden entry. Confused and broken up he tossed soldiers aside with little effort. They attempted to strike him but missed every time as he effortlessly and fluidly moved his limbs to avoid the blades. It was after a few dodges that he jumped into the air and with a unnatural force jumped back down straight into the soldiers. His impact cratering the ground below and sending soldiers flying around him. He then moved like a bullet through the air and above the soldiers who remained grounded. They could only look on in horror and bewilderment. Another cratering impact and he was within the center of the soldiers formation. Standing in front of him was the Guardian. It stood as the Basilisk did and only observed from afar, not entering the battle itself for some deep purpose. Perhaps as a last resort despite the Vrondi being fully prepared to use it. He looked up at the guardian with a smile widening on his lips as he freely expanded his arms as if to greet the guardian with a friendly gesture. "Now." Arms spread out he gently strolled to the Guardian. Soldiers having a nervous twitch in them from what he had displayed himself capable of doing and did not rush him. They only watched as the Guardian stepped forward once and brought its right arm back. "Come to me." He spoke softly, sweat dripping down the edges of a soldier's face as he watched unsure of what would happen next. With a loud crash the fist of the Guardian came down on the mysterious man. His body was ripped apart into bloody pieces. His delicate flesh being thrown across as delicate limbs to every direction. Black and crimson blood covered the fist of the guardian as it returned to its standing posture. The soldiers around this began to breathe again as the danger seemed to have been handled with little casualty. The question on everyone's mind now was.. is it over?


"Kukukuh.. So many demands." His reptile eyes rotated around the area for a brief moment before narrowing on Lila. "It seems you have many surrounding you right now.." He chuckled again. "Do not fear me. I am no threat. A friend no. But an enemy even less." The leaves surrounding them began to rustle and dance with unusual vigor. Two cultists emerging from the dark with long blades in hand. They seemed like twins as their sabers were held in opposite hands. Their faces were covered in tattered black wraps with a single white eye visible beneath a hole on its surface. They cackled as they stepped toward Lila, seeming to find zero threat in her appearance and not noticing the large dragonkin standing behind the thin tree. They edged forward to surround Lila, but stayed within distance to avoid her scythe.

"Boring.. these are no challenge at all for you.." Whispered the voice of the reptile into the ears of the unaware cultists. They looked around nervously. The man lifted a finger to his jaws as if to signal to Lila to remain silent. It was at this moment he began to vanish, even from Lila's senses. His presence seemed entirely gone. It was only when two loud blows could be heard did he reappear in front of Lila. The Cultists rose upward from the strikes he did not even seem to do, as his position and their position was too far away for two blows to be made and then to stand next to Lila before the bodies even dropped. Despite this mystery he stood with a smirk on his jaws and looked down at Lila. While in range of her weapon he didn't seem to flinch at her.

"My name is Wasu and I intend to observe. However I was distracted by your presence.. Lila. Oh. I am entirely weaponless." As he spoke he gave a oddly pleased expresion. Suddenly a flame erupted from afar behind the jungle trees and bushes as the battle raged on in the field not too far off.

The battle on the territory of Blaze was well dwindling down as the fires of the Fotian soldiers turned the bodies of the cultists into ash and their ash into dust that flowed in the winds. The high breeze was caused by the warm waters by the docks. There Calamity bathed off her blood alone and out of sight of most civilians. However a few guards saw her on their patrol. One found her crimson form alluring. The blood dripping from her hairs and turning the water around her red. He called the attention of his fellow guards to her and the three Fotian men stood not too far from the water's edge. One whistled as she rose out of the water and her clothing was dampened. Her dragon features did not change their obvious appeal to her. Though as she walked she strolled too far for their appreciative language to be heard. All but for one as he approached her. "The night is dangerous. Where are you headed?" He asked. His armor covering his face for the most part. As the battle was nearly done the night was nearing it's end.

Castiel was alone in the mist. Bones breaking with each step as he headed toward what massive creature awaited him at the source. However soon a tall black silhouette of a man came from the mist before Castiel. Upon closer inspection its body seemed almost ethereal but also distorted with long slender legs and arms. It's body was a clumped mass of a misshapen form. Like a bag filled with twigs and stones, spikes coming from some of the edges. It walked with a massive staff the length of a tree. Its height itself was over twelve feet and it's slender form appeared even more so. It took a moment but it leaned in toward Castiel, it's body remained shadowed but it's face beneath long black and mangled hair was just a large silver skull with empty sockets. "You... there.. Do you seek.. the Lord of death? He rules over this land... Soon to be all..."

As it spoke in it's gentle elderly mans voice the ground around them shifted as the bones moved like something was beneath them. Soon Castiel will find himself standing on a massive pile off bones and within the clearing mist were mounds and towers made of bones and black stone. A basilisk could be seen in the far distance wrapped around a tower. However the mist would begin to clear only briefly before the dark mass of another serpent could be seen below the hill of bones before Castiel.

The Lord seeks strong souls..


As Alexis returned she came across the voices of the soldiers. Their relay of what they saw went similar to this.
This guy's insane!
Captain fall Back!

Don't worry about me. Get the medics here and plenty of water!
Medics forward!
That's too much heat! I can hardly see a thing!
It's a friendly! It's a friendly!
My God!
HE'S wiping them out in one blow! REMAIN IN FORMATION!

WHAT happened? Did it work?
Geez a dragon huh..
That's no dragon like I've ever seen one.
Yeah! Burn mother fuckers!
Haha ye- the fuck is that!?

HE'S stopped at the Guardian...
Good. Time to crush that son of a bitch.
Do It!

Blood dripped gently from the fist of the Guardian as it stood among the soldiers. Steam still rising from beneath it's armor with a constant breath of heat. Completely unresponsive as it's usual nature.

@Landaus Five-One

The capital of Vrondi was peaceful. Despite the battles raging all over the lands the people were mostly tucked in their beds for a nights rest. In the morning sunlight they will rise and begin to charge their soul's batteries in the sunlight. Given it was the cover of night none but guards saw the transformation. However they found this unsurprising as the Vrondi Capital had wells of knowledge on Dragons and their abilities. Some even being birthed here. The libraries and stores however were mostly closed. A few were open but they are small. The major Magoi shops and libraries were closed until the morning. The inns were open but not very busy as All did not stay up late due to the lack of sunlight at night. A few mixed blooded or foreigners remained awake in the inn and other locations for the subtle night life of Vrondi.
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