Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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4 yrs ago
Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
4 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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A small step back from her to retain distance. But all his words and charm did reach some part of her, perhaps the weariness of a warriors path. He sensed her carnal desire in her eyes. But what he found intriguing, if not a tad outside his tastes, was the lack of sheer infatuation. Yes she was fair and must have many suitors. But to a mere traveling woman his presence and alluded wealth would humble her to complete servitude. He wanted feel like a king again. He did little to soften his expression and simply smiled with a stiff raised chin. He knew little else about this dimension but the needs were mostly the same throughout. As she listed the things she desired he found it all to be conviniently alike his world. Yes all things I am familiar with.

"Hi..same.. of Japan." He spoke slowly as he tried to properly speak these entirely foreign words. "My land is named Fotia, or the fire's womb. You would be in awe of our volcanoes." He looked up proudly. His voice softening into a more elegant pitch that carried with it the majesty he saw in his visions of his home. He looked her in the eyes and met his stare with one of his own. A assuredly deviant look before breaking it to look to the barn. His dreaded hair tied to a ponytail whipped as he looked back to her. Smiling with a smirk as he regained sight of her. "Perhaps we will have all we need there... come. Let us setup a place to rest our feet and then I will tell you what a king desires.." He turned and as he did so his wings on his back flowed across before dangling behind him and above the ground. They acted similar to a cape that rested on his back but with black scaled properties.

Once arriving to the barn Magnixx would rip open the large wooden doors. The violent way he did so would break it from it's hinges. He would toss it behind him and look to the open hay floor. There atop two stacks of hay he sat. Next to him were more and he motioned for Hisame to sit on them. His blade was placed on the ground next to him. It's massive length and width made it seem like an impossible weapon for any normal warrior. "Perhaps there will be what we seek within the living quarters.. Perhaps you can fetch it.. you are more familiar with this land, no?"
Stay away from my axe tiny woman.
Somewhat. As it helps all the agro god dragons keep their promise to retain order. But this eventually breaks as you know.

Ok everyone dump some npcs you've made and I'll add them in the NPC list
Yeah I'm thinking of a place loosely related to steel and mountain located. Uses trains and some steam punk tech. Maybe even implement pump rifles to add to the danger for ninjas. Just ideas.
I'm interested in a small group. Maybe we should relocate to a new part of the world far away from Konoha as to have a entirely original cast.
Well he automatically knew how to have a good time when stepping out after isolation. But he's also a red dragon of power and flame and rage. He also turned on his own because he felt it was right. So here are my choices you can choose from. Or choose your own.

Wrath. Retribution. Justice. Bounty. Mercy. Compassion.

Along with a major thing. You could also choose smaller stuff like medicine. Crops. Martial arts. Etc. That you helped spawn into the world

After fully reading the latest post (wall of text) I've decided it's good time I set up the pantheon esque stuff from the past. Each ancient dragon was once gods to the descended and other dragons. Each having a legitimate role to play to contain order. The head being the dragon god king Tevlanuit. Even if a ancient dragon dies a new dragon is appointed the role. These roles were formed since the beginning and have always been around. Things like ruling over life, death, love, wisdom, merriment, servitude etc. Decide what yours was and is.

@Landaus Five-One @13org
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