Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

It took them long enough, but it finally exists: a digimon MMO where you get to play as a digimon! Pick your Rookie, explore the continent set up for you, battle other digimon, collect upgrades, and become the strongest digimon on the server! You consider yourself a fan of the franchise and, hey, it's free to play. It costs real money for immediate upgrades, extra moves, and special second Megas, but it's still possible to be #1 without them. So of course you signed up. You've even met some other players of varying experience and befriended them. Sure makes clearing dungeons easier. It's a weekend when your group decides to try clearing one of the trickier dungeons for a band of under-Ultimate digimon. It's going fairly well. You've just opened the boss room to defeat the digimon within and get your reward. Only to discover someone else beat you to it. Someone that doesn't exist, and yet there it is. And now you're going to get a chance to play the game on a much more personal level...
So the basic story is 'encountered a digimon that doesn't exist and it pulled you into your avatar'. Your mission afterwards... is up to you. Continue playing the game, now as the digimon you picked? Try to find a way back to the real world? Try to find where that mysterious digimon came from? Go find that digimon and destroy him for doing this to you? It's up to you guys. I would like 4-5 players, each with a digimon line of Rookie to Mega. Your avatar should be able to already access Rookie and Champion, though Ultimate and Mega need to be unlocked. I intend to play as relevant NPCs/other digimon hiding in the game and enemies. Regarding choices for your lines:
  • Armor digimon can act as Rookie to Ultimate
  • Human spirit digimon = Champions
  • Beast spirit digimon = Ultimates,
  • Hybrid spirit digimon as Megas
  • Most flavor text for digimon will not apply, so, no, Omegamon-X is not invincible. On an upside, it means you are free to select digimon like Alphamon, Keramon, and other digimon that would otherwise be game breakers
  • X-antibodies can be dropped if desired, though I'd rather nobody start with an X-digimon. Digimon with no 'X' in their name will be treated as X-antibody-free and thus available
Other things to keep in mind:
  • I may allow people to use the same digimon within reason. Two people want V-mon, ok. Two people want the exact same lines for their V-mon, try to work something out. Everyone wants to use V-mon, please consider another Rookie
  • Regarding the digimon avatars, they cannot maintain a form above Rookie indefinitely. If you will, imagine all of them having a health bar and a digivolution bar - once the latter runs out, they have to dedigivolve and recharge. Regarding the health bar, running out would, in any other circumstance, result in respawing elsewhere. In your character's current state, it would mean death
  • Two moves per level. Many moves have some element associated with them which can make them useful in specific battle situations and outside of a fight
  • It may help to have some knowledge of how other Digimon MMOs have worked in the past - namely, that 'digivices' would drop, and accumulating them would unlock the upper stages of your partner. That's what I meant by unlocking Ultimate and Mega
  • Upgrades can include increasing health/armor, increasing the digivolution bar, adding some elemental bonus to moves, giving new weaponry, the mentioned digivices, increasing attack power - about what you'd expect, really
  • Digivices aside, I will allow everyone one upgrade to start with
  • Ultimately, what items and upgrades are given during the rp will depend on what goals the group pursues. You probably won't need a lot weaponry if your goal is to return home, but you probably also won't receive a lot of digivolution bar energy if you choose to pursue the mysterious digimon
  • Higher level =/= what is needed to proceed past a problem
If interested, here's a rough CS. It will very likely be updated between now and the OOC but it'll give me an idea of what I should expect and if maybe I need to make any changes to the setup so far.
Silver may be dropping, so you know, Tob.
Hey, nice to meet another fan. Am curious as to the story, though I assume first off it'd be fairly unrelated to the Gates.
Well, understandable if you do. Wishing you nothing but the best.
Oh, sorry to hear that dude. (...out of curiosity, as we are in another rp together, wanna know if you'll drop that one too, if I may ask)
Wow, I miss all the best stuff, including what was originally behind those dots. Fortunately Google Cache exists. (And if that doesn't work, for anyone else who's curious.)
Like, no one responding to Ganon after four weeks in his thread, I get. But I'd like to think this thread isn't being consciously ignored.
Well, Silver, my guess would be either to react only to EBEmon, or to take note of how other characters are reacting. Granted, it's not like you're the only one who's gotta post, at least.
So we're waiting on @paigesweetheart, @Digizel, and @Silver Fox, right?
Hey, @Digizel, @XxFellsingxX, @22xander, just wanna know how posting's going.
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