Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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I guess it depends on Digi's response. If Digi drops as well, then Fell needs to post. If Digi doesn't want to drop, waiting on him (I think).
Couldn't get my scanner to work, decided to just type up a rough description. Sheet should be done now.
I thought about it but I've also read up on alignments a bit. While she has no allegiance to authority due to its rapid changes and the fact she can take advantage of it, she does have lawful traits such as reliability, strong belief in promises, and honesty. I thought Neutrality on both axes suit her best for now.
Alright, seems fine to me. Copy over to the character sheets tab when you can.
Still a WIP due to picture-lacking. Will try to sketch something tomorrow. Name: Cyanak Thoraak Race: Rock Gnome Age: 72 Gender: Female Appearance: Short, of course, with brown skin and blond braided hair. Her clothing's relatively light - a plain tan shirt and vest, a grey skirt, and black boots and gloves. Class: Sorcerer Alignment: Neutral Bio: Cyanak was born in Tinkertown, though her affinity for magic over technology resulted in her leaving as soon as she could, at age 40. She skipped over the Northern continent, opting for the less-stable Western continent and its constantly shifting map for a few reasons. For one, she was quite fond of the chaos - as long as she kept her head low and didn't openly support any regime, she was regarded as useful by more than a handful of people over the years. She sold her brewed items to whoever was willing to pay her cheap prices and, if things got too exciting, she packed up shop and moved to another kingdom. When things began to grow relatively stable, she found herself becoming bored and finding new ways to keep herself amused - offering her services as a utility mage to adventurers wanting to explore the desert, studying alchemical recipes, kidnapping people's pets, all sorts of things. The last one ended up getting her arrested eventually and she would have been beheaded had an adventurer's group not bailed her out - they needed a magic-user to support them, and they'd be keeping her around for the long run. Cyanak agreed since, sure, she needed something to do anyhow if she wasn't going to be executed. The last time she saw them, the barbarian and rogue threw the halfling fighter into the dragon's mouth at his request and were hoping he'd be able to cut through as he promised. She still has no idea if he ever did. Personality: Cyanak is, at a glance, extremely sweet and kind. She'll gladly chat you up if you're interested, will not bother you if you aren't, will volunteer for raids without demanding compensation beyond healing and supplies used, and will likely gush over your animal companions. She seems content to use her magic for support as opposed to front-line fighting, and she barely seems capable of lying. She believes in honoring any promises she made and that she should be as upfront as is comfortable. That all said, she also seems to have an intense love for fighting and killing, and her love of magic tends to emphasize how she can turn a fight around with a flick of her wrist and a word. It also cannot be emphasized enough she should not be left alone with small animals. While promises are important, she doesn't hold any particular loyalty to anyone, considering herself a drifter. A good teammate if you can put up with her rather inconsistent personality, a villain if you cannot. Equipment: Alchemist's crafting kit, crowbar, one set of caltrops, two flasks of oil, four empty flasks, four sets of rations, a waterskin, a bedroll, a sling, sling bullets, spell component pouch, and of course a backpack.
Yeah, for their digimon form since we won't be seeing a lot of their human form. As I noted, accessories do exist for the digimon avatars, so I figured it was worth adding in. I'd prefer moves for the entire line. If one of the stages doesn't have two moves (or moves that have no description anywhere), feel free to make something up. Though this reminds me, I forgot to include resources. Wikia, Wiki, and Dex.
It took them long enough, but it finally exists: a digimon MMO where you get to play as a digimon! Pick your Rookie, explore the continent set up for you, battle other digimon, collect upgrades, and become the strongest digimon on the server! You consider yourself a fan of the franchise and, hey, it's free to play. It costs real money for immediate upgrades, extra moves, and special second Megas, but it's still possible to be #1 without them. So of course you signed up. You've even met some other players of varying experience and befriended them. Sure makes clearing dungeons easier. It's a weekend when your group decides to try clearing one of the trickier dungeons for a band of under-Ultimate digimon. It's going fairly well. You've just opened the boss room to defeat the digimon within and get your reward. Only to discover someone else beat you to it. Someone that doesn't exist, and yet there it is. And now you're going to get a chance to play the game on a much more personal level...
Rules/information to keep in mind:
  • Of course, no powerplaying/godmodding. While I've yet to find any reason to ban a particular digimon, it should be remembered that their flavor text will not necessarily apply to their in-game abilities.
  • Be reasonable in your decisions. I won't punish you for whatever choice you make regarding the plot. I probably will punish you if you, say, provoke a notably more powerful enemy.
  • Don't expect a lot of gore/sexual content; most enemies are AI and computer models, and the same does apply to your characters. Swearing is acceptable - no server filters.
  • As the plot will be driven by your decisions, I strongly urge everyone to communicate, either via PM or in the OOC.
  • If you feel you can handle it, I will allow multiple characters due to the possibility of death.
  • I will handle digimon NPCs/item drops. Suggestions are welcome for items.
  • If you are a slow poster or unable to post for a while, please notify me.
  • PvP is currently banned. I'd rather no one had their character die on page 1.
  • The rules and available information may change, but I will post the changes before editing them in, and there will be no punishment for anyone who broke a rule before it was made.
Alright, fair. And yeah, that's why I suggested sudden illness. Since Karn got acknowledged by a few people.
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