Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts


Not really to be honest. The posts could be accumulated in non-rp/long interest check threads which gives them a very high ratio, even if they aren't reliable - or a person could have a low ratio but only be involved in PM rps/one board rp and be incredibly reliable. It's one reason why 'check Recent Posts' has come up as a suggestion since it gives an accurate picture of when their lasts posts were and where.

For the record, not dissing on people who post in the non-rp boards. Just that if a person has a high ratio but all of their posts come from Spam, you can't really guess if they have a tendency to flake or not, which is what's at the heart of this discussion.
You did read the discussion right? Aside from simply realizing the rp is not what they thought it'd be (which may lead to negative votes from upset GMs), rpers may not get along with others in the rp (which may lead to negative votes from upset rpers), may lose Internet due to an outage or being grounded (which may lead to negative votes despite having a valid reason), may feel forced to disclose what feels like completely personal problems such as depression to relative strangers in order to avoid negative votes, or may just lie altogether to avoid negative votes. And sometimes they just forget to go on the Guild because something big's going on offline like an upcoming exam or work, and no one in the rp has non-Guild contact information. In short, people flake for a lot of reasons beyond 'let's screw over your rp' and these reasons can lead to system abuse.

Also, I do note you bring up Youtube. The thing is, Youtube also has a larger population. People with Google+ OR Youtube accounts can vote on a video. A downvote doesn't mean much because there are millions of others who can provide an upvote. At the time of this writing, the Guild has less than 60,000 accounts registered - some of which are inactive, some of which only post in non-rp boards exclusively. As such, the actual number of potential voters is much smaller. If the ability to vote depends on rping with these people, then one negative vote can be devastating.

Finally, at this point, 'participation' still hasn't been defined. Are they no longer an active participant if they flake after ten posts after they post a CS? What about 20? What if they flake a year later? 4? Never - and let me say, as a long-time rper, it can easily take 4+ years to reach the end of a rp with a decent plot. Me, I was in a rp that lasted 3 months. We didn't reach anywhere near an endpoint, and those who vanished didn't leave an explanation why. Do I say that, because they only lasted 3 months, they're unreliable? It was a lot of work lost, after all. Or do those who chronically skip out after a month or so get skipped by this system?
Then I do apologize. I'd been asking around on who was waiting for stuff, and your name came up.
Asks Vin and Drac if they have posting plans?
I hope 03 manages to even justify Matt/Sora.

Largely because I enjoy shipper tears.
Yeah. Don't need to be smart to shoot a mouth laser. And if that mouth laser sends people to other dimensions, it's not really a factor of intelligence.

<Snipped quote by RBYDark>

Okay. I should have explained better. I was thinking that it could be introduced as a threat to everyone, but... it's like saying "You have to fight Superman" but what you mean is "You have to fight Superman, but he won't use his heat vision or ice breath."

To pile on Tob one last time - seriously, dude, you've both complained that Millenniummon's OP and that he's unfairly nerfed. I don't even know what the fuck you were trying to accomplish.
Hey, I noticed you mentioned you wanted to rp via IM - does that happen to include Skype? Sorry, didn't seen an answer in OP, other posts, or your bio.
Fluff not used that you didn't comment on:
  • Alphamon cannot use temporal copies
  • Armaggeddemon not more powerful than Diaboromon
  • Examon not being ungodly huge
  • Sleipmon being nowhere near the north pole
  • Omegamon cannot see the future and didn't keep his infinite stamina

Also Ob, Psych, don't go too hard on Nocturnomon for the sleep attempt. I don't expect it to be more than an unconscious stun effect, and I would accept Millenniummon blinking as easily as it missing or hitting.

I mean, seeing as Night Echo is meant to disorient Insectoid Digimon. It's not that I think Tonbogiri would do Dramon Breaker levels of damage to Millenniummon, but it could be pained by Night Echo.

I want Jordan to make a point out of tearing the constructed Digimon limb from limb.

If you REALLY want Millenniummon unrestrained, I will quite happily write the scene for you at this point.

But to be constructive, this rp has ALWAYS used fluff as it desired, sometimes including it (e.g. Lordknightmon) and sometimes not (see: examples listed above). Especially in cases where, otherwise, a battle would be little more than a prolonged curbstomp if fluff was actually utilized. Acting as if this is something new or that Millenniummon will be less threatening sans fluff is to pretty much set your characters up for a mortal blow. If you don't think punches should be pulled in a situation where, otherwise, the enemy can just LOOK at you and you keel over - and ESPECIALLY if then you both complain that the opponent is unfairly nerfed and that you don't want to be unfairly killed off because opponent is too OP, then I don't know what to say.

And Drac, all of the above is why even your comments got a snappish reply.
Plus it's more a matter of not putting a "Surprise! You're (as good as) dead!" past a certain someone.

I'm actually insulted. You could've been written out during the fight against the Orci with relative ease. There has already been several opportunities to surprise-kill people and, aside from removing the character from a rper who is no longer in the rp, there have been MANY pulled punches for your sake or the sake of others.

Like you actually genuinely believe that Psych and Ob would do that and then miraculously have a way to explain why it was a one-time deal and couldn't be used on, say, Zei or Siggy.
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