Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Sorry for the delay, yesterday wasn't good for writing. Let me know if you need more or anything?
The Festival of Life, held at the beginning of every summer in the Digital World at Tenacity Town, was probably the only reason anyone even knew Tenacity Town existed. While not a small town by any means, it was dwarfed by the other cities in the area and the residents rarely left. It was a fair-sized location, with a shrine to the north of the city dedicated to the 'Guardians of the Digital World' - who these Guardians were was apparently unknown to all but the Taomon who led the town and the shrine - and buildings made of largely cobblestone design. Any other time of year, digimon in the area were bipedal at best, but, when the festival began, all types of bestial and humanoid digimon came to gather.

Metal and wooden stalls alike lined the main road going from the south end of town to the shrine's pathway. Food, toys, offerings, flowers, all were sold by the stall owners for browsing by curious festival-goers. The younger locals tended to frequent the toy stalls set up by out-of-town salesmen, and there was always a crowd when they demonstrated the newer wares - currently, an Omekamon was showing off a clockwork miniature Omegamon who would shoot paint from his cannon and spread it with his sword-paintbrush, effectively blocking the road around the middle area. Meanwhile, given the early afternoon hour, more than a few foreign digimon (and, for some, their human partners) were sampling the local cuisine. Prices were a bit high, but certainly cheaper still than trying to find a restaurant in the town or one of the cities over and besides, surely it was worth the extra money to watch them prepare the fish rolls and the small stuffed pastry shells and the like. Overall, the Festival of Life was proving to be quite a success this year, with the crowd larger than ever - and it was only the first day too.

Between the south entrance to Tenacity Town and the crowd in the middle of the road, a Keramon examined the bag of minted silver coins; they weren't currency, no shop in the Digital World would accept them except as part of a barter. Of course, who would barter ceremonial offerings escaped Keramon. You were supposed to leave them at the shrine, ask for a blessing, and then leave and hope for the best. Unless there was someone far away who collected such coins, it was pointless to hold onto them.

"Miz Zonia, what do you think? Would you like to try an offering?" There was no answer. Keramon looked up to see her human was no longer at her side. "Miz Zonia?" The Soulmon in charge of the stall gestured for Keramon to turn around. She did - to find her human chatting up another. Naturally, she had managed to find another redhead. Keramon looked back to the Soulmon.

"I'll take a bag." From within her tendrils, she produced a smaller bag of currency and left it for the Soulmon to collect, and she floated back over to Sonia and her new friend.

"Really? Well, I hope you manage to find something-" Keramon tapped her human on the shoulder. Sonia turned, grinned and waved to the Rookie, and turned back to the human. "Hey, you wanna come hang out with us? Keramon knows a place we can go and eat for free! I've never tried anything from here, but I mean so far everything in the Digital World's been great and I figure here will be too so might as well invite you along, you know?"

"Thank you for the invitation-" The young man shook his head. "-but Falcomon and I can't hang around too long. I hope you enjoy your food." He gave a short bow, which Sonia returned enthusiastically, and drifted away into the crowd. Sonia waved him off as Keramon watched.

"What waz that about?" Keramon glanced up at Sonia.

"Oh - uh, he's just looking into the legends behind the shrine. Hasn't found anything yet but maybe he'll get lucky?" Sonia shrugged. "There's gotta be some or this festival wouldn't be so popular, right? It's just trying to find the right people and apparently the Taomon's too busy to talk about it so he's gotta look elsewhere-" Keramon nodded as Sonia continued on, and the two began walking north. Keramon decided she'd mention the ceremonial offerings when Sonia had to catch her breath.
Yeah, uh, the whole "imagine how it'll make others feel" is probably why those people leave home in the first place - to avoid having anyone find their body.

Seriously, can we stop mentioning reasons for people to feel guilty about killing themselves? It's frequently a tough decision as it is (because often there's despair of staying alive and simultaneously fear of dying), and feeling like you're a drain on society alive AND dead and can only make everyone else miserable no matter the outcome sure doesn't help. At that point, suicide may seem even better because at least then any drain and misery inflicted is more short-term as opposed to dragging it out for years.

Me personally, it's pure ineptitude that keeps me alive. Can't swallow pills, inaccessibility to certain quick/relatively painless methods, and just concerned about leaving a mess for someone else to clean up for the slower ones. When I'm not actively contemplating ways I could die, then usually fear of a cessation of existence keeps me going a bit longer. Most recently, have gotten a job and the feeling that I'm not entirely a waste of resources and can give back helps overall.

Not the most inspirational, I suppose, compared to some of the others here. And it's probably coming from a slightly-warped perspective. But it's as honest as I can be, and it has kept me alive.
Alright. Anyways, I'll try to get the first post up today. I was thinking maybe that festival mentioned? Would that work, you think?
Ah. Well, the levels, by the dub, are Baby > In-Training > Rookie > Champion > Ultimate > Mega, if that helps at all?
Images are kinda big as warning.

Looks good. Decided to go with Sonia and Keramon, should be up in a bit. Though quick question - what digimon level is 'Trainer'?
Holy crap, that's just - rest in peace, good sir. I don't even know what else to say.
Strange things have been happening in the Digital World lately. Digimon that go missing without a trace. Tears opening up to show the coding and structural lines of the Digital World. Eggs hatching into monsters. Digimon never seen before ravaging small villages. A small little wagon inviting in digimon who come out a bit differently. And to top it off, it seems a quarantine is being imposed by the Knights until these problems are solved. No one goes into the Digital World. No one goes out.

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@MegaraFoxfire how's this look?
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