Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Just to check, how much do you think Keramon should know about Foxsumon?
Well, Ob is back from Italy.

And no one posted.

@Draconis Nevyn@Vincanity@Psyker Landshark

Y'all getting your asses kicked.
"Well, yeah! Keramon used to live here before she ended up in the human world actually so that's how she knew but I guess most everyone knows about this since it's so popular, which is really neat though I guess it's worth asking why. I met a guy earlier who was kinda asking the same thing, really - he's got a Falcomon and honestly if I were in charge of naming I would've called him Owlmon but his vest was still adorable! I'd get Keramon one if I could but I don't think she'd like it."

Only after all that did Sonia pause to breathe.

"So yeah, we're getting lunch and because Keramon's friends with the owner so it'll be free which is really nice. Since you're not from around here, wanna join us?" Well, why not? Just because she'd been rebuffed once didn't mean this one would too, right? How many people could turn down a free lunch?
Jesus, I re read the couple of posts after my last. Dynasmon's best attack was entirely ineffectual. Also Elle wouldn't judge Zei, Elle's the last person to go on about DarkDigivolution. XD I'll post after the next one, I need to plan out his next moves.

Moreover, fuck you RBY, Scotland is fucking baus. <3

Actually I should point out no one knows it's Zei yet. As far as everyone knows, a giant dragon monster popped up out of nowhere and is being sufficiently intimidating.

And noh </3
Good to hear, Vo c: Best of luck with the job hunt.

...and since it's the weekend, time to bully those who need to post!

@Vincanity I know you mentioned posting so you just get off with a reminder.

Ob gets an exemption because there is a draft in Google Docs and he's in Italy.
I really don't know why you're complaining now. While the exact plan of action was hazy, we all knew Millenniummon played a major role in S5, so it's not illogical his other forms are present too.
Tob it's not too late to write in ZeedMillenniummon.
Thankfully, as Keramon and Sonia headed north, the toy demonstration had ended for the hour and the two passed through with relative ease. Of course, it didn't mean they were going any faster - Sonia stopped at one stall to buy Keramon a painted top that barely fit in the digimon's hands, which Keramon approved of immensely. And of course, with many of the residents in this particular stretch of road, Keramon had to stop to say hello to old friends and acquaintances more than once. Sonia pieced together various stories from her occasional listening and frequent questioning - there was the time, for example, when Tsumemon fell asleep on Mayor Asuramon's back and no one thought to mention it except as amused whispers behind his back; or when Keramon spent an entire year assisting in a Soulmon's potion shop; or the festival where a Strabimon caught Keramon pranking tourists, only for the fellow Rookie to join her and not stop until Taomon caught them.

And when it wasn't much farther to Flawizardmon's soup kitchen, a Candlemon nearly tripped into Keramon's tendrils, did a double-take, and animatedly began telling her about some dishware project. Sonia would've joined in the conversation had her stomach not begun to rumble with hunger. She paced, trying to keep from running into digimon as she did. Just needed to keep distracted and hope Keramon could wrap up soon. Keramon swore up and down that Sonia had to try Flawizardmon's place, the human world had nothing like his food and she'd be forever disappointed with the human idea of 'spice' afterwards. Sonia didn't know if she liked that idea, but it was a free meal and things here weren't exactly cheaply-priced.

As Sonia paced, she began identifying digimon to herself. Numemon, Zassomon, that Sethmon was probably from out of town, a digimon that looked like a Togemon but with a sombrero-

And this one.

She didn't recognize it - at first, she had called it Renamon, but the colors were all wrong and, at a second glance, its build was different too, altered by metallic armor. Well. She looked to Keramon, who was busy explaining to Candlemon why she couldn't paint bowls for him. So much for asking Keramon. Maybe ask the digimon herself? That didn't sound like a bad plan, really. Sonia cleared her throat and slipped into the crowd after the mysterious digimon. It didn't take long to catch up.

"Hiya! Do you live here?"

Seemed better than starting off with 'what are you?', at least.
The cart and tent near the south end of town had not been there this morning. He was sure of it. He looked down at Falcomon, who shrugged back to him.

"Perhaps this particular vendor was late?" Falcomon said. His partner didn't reply, looking at the tent in silence. Falcomon waited.

"There's no sign." Short as always, but Falcomon caught his drift.

"Or any wares out. I wonder what they're selling then and why the advertising is so poor."

"I think it's a funhouse?" Both human and digimon looked at the Flamemon who had stopped behind them. He stopped talking to finish off the roll in his hand and then wiped his mouth with his arm. Falcomon noticed the way his human cringed at the action; Flamemon did not. "Like, I saw a guy in costume setting up the tent earlier. I don't know what he was supposed to be, but it was pretty high quality." He looked at the two, who stared back in unimpressed silence. "Hey, wanna go in with me? It's so boring going in one of those by yourself." He grinned.

"Are you from around here?" Falcomon asked.


"We have to pass. I'm sure you'll find someone else to join you." The human nodded and kept walking. Falcomon waved goodbye - Flamemon's wave was much less energetic.

"Aw, man..."

"What's wrong?"

Flamemon nearly jumped at the unfamiliar voice and turned to see the costumed digimon - what kind of pelt he was wearing escaped Flamemon but it seemed well-made. Apparently he'd come out while Flamemon was watching the other two go. The digimon tilted his head.

"Is there something I can help with?"

"This is a funhouse, right?"

"Well..." The digimon glanced away. "Not exactly. We just don't sell goods here - more of a service." The digimon smiled. "So we don't have a formal set-up, since there's nothing to display." Flamemon put his hands on his hips.

"A service?"

"Digivolution. Would you like to digivolve?"

At this, Flamemon's eyes lit up. Digivolution was tough to achieve alone and it was on sale here! Except...

"How much?"

"Well..." At this, the digimon's smile tensed with nervousness. "Thing is, no one's come in. So I suppose it could be free, as long as you tell others about this place?"

"Deal!" Flamemon nearly knocked over the other digimon in his haste to get in.

The mysterious digimon stood by the tent entrance and waited.
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