Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

"Can do!" Keramon cackled as she lifted her hand off of Sonia's face. Sonia shook her head and glanced to Foxsumon, rapidly vanishing from sight due to the rising barrier.

"Want me to help?" Sonia asked as she looked back to Keramon. Keramon wiggled her hand noncommittally before nodding.

"Take the north zide. I'll cover the zouth." It'd keep Sonia away from the fight at least, if something went wrong. Sonia beamed and raced to the watching crowd. Keramon darted past the fight and surveyed the area. To be honest, if reaching the south side of the road hadn't meant passing Foxsumon and the infected digimon, Keramon would've sent Sonia this way. The north side was filled with passing spectators from the festival, digimon who were planning to go elsewhere to eat, or digimon who were just flat-out done for the day - in short, quite a large crowd. Her human would have her work cut out for her. The south side, on the other hand, largely had latecomers and a handful of picnickers. Keramon could count them all on her fingers and tentacles. Oh well. Keramon raised her hands to the concerned, frightened, and downright angry digimon.

"Pleaze return in ten minutez, the road will be open by then. Go for a walk, check out our neighborz, whatever you like-" Keramon saw a Chakmon dart forward, apparently sick of waiting, and she spat a Crazy Giggle in retaliation. The attack landed right in the middle of the Chakmon's path with no damage but a startled digimon. "I do mean it." Her expression had darkened. "I don't know what'z going on either for zure, but one digimon iz probably going to die. Let'z not make it more." The few digimon didn't seem mollified by her words. Keramon waited to see who would respond next.

"Well, next town over does have a wonderful art collection in its town hall, I've heard. Maybe we could all go?" The digimon just out of sight to her left - where had he come from? Keramon had been sure no one was behind her. However, his words seemed to work. Even the frightened and annoyed Chakmon shrugged and nodded. Thank goodness. Keramon grinned and turned to express her gratitude.

She froze.

The digimon - the one closer to her, actually, of the two - tilted his head. "Well, good luck here." He began walking, the second and stranger digimon mutely following him. Keramon only managed a wave to the departing digimon. That... she needed to ask Foxsumon if infected digimon were capable of speech. That almost-Agumon reminded her of the 'Flamemon' far too much.
The infected digimon attempted sounds once more - now muffled and slurred as well - and struck at the rising shadows. The attack bounced off and it slid back. It turned to Foxsumon, its base still bubbling and charring, and lunged at her in what was clearly a last move of desperation.

It never made it.

Even as it got in range of her blade, the gelatinous substance making up its body fell apart. Gravity pulled the remains to earth in a green puddle of burning ooze. Fragments of two digicores - the hearts of digimon - floated on the surface.

And were promptly devoured by the next things that rose.

They were cables. As they spread out over the puddle like miniature serpents, there seemed to be half a dozen individually. On each, one end had a hook protruding over a hole that flexed and twitched every so often; the other end was a clean cut, the severing from their source. Five of the cables continued pulling in and absorbing the ooze surrounding them. One, however, stopped and coiled before leaping at Foxsumon from the ooze.
There's also Google Wallet, I believe, if you don't fear the Great God Google.
Kiarou. As of two years ago tomorrow, he has not been doing commissions for an indefinite period of time. He/She is doing art recently, so isn't dead, so that's good, but no announcement for re-opened commissions since then.

Yeah, that's what I heard. Thus, me searching. Granted, their art is fantastic. I'd commission them if I could.
Well, I'll go start looking for artists. Again, lemme know style/price range (for clarification in a group thing, I guess: how much you're willing to pony up for your guys)
I can afford commissions but don't know any artists properly enough XD

...if you are serious, I know a few people who are accepting commissions, as well as a collection of freelancers who are open. Let me know what style/price range you're looking for and I can probably put you in touch with some people?

We should get a group commission of our characters, rookies, megas and fusions.

Not that I'm against this, but remember it'll be hella expensive.
Quick question, what would happen if the infected digimon touched the shadow barrier?
<Snipped quote by Vocalia>

Wait, which day is your birthday because my birthday is next month too. XD Also I had my interview, went well I think but I'll hear how well it went by the end of the week.

I'll start work on a post now. Though there's not much Elle can do, she fired the Dragon's Breath and it barely noticed it :P Haha Though I realise it's shrugging off every attack too. Elle might go Sage mode or something.

My presence is the objection or I just wouldn't post a thing.

Alright. Looking forward to your post then c:

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