Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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<Snipped quote by RBYDark>

I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. XD

Unrelated, Seibah. Naked Seibah available through Patreon.

Is it just me or is Patreon now a hub for artistic pay-for-porn?

I follow different Patreons who don't do porn - but hey, it's a powerful incentive, I suppose.
Well. To Keramon, that sounded like a horribly good way to stay dead forever. She didn't much fancy the idea. So time to try to avoid that while blasting the things to oblivion. She clamped her mouth shut, charging up as the cables seemed to recognize there was a prone - and thus vulnerable - digimon. Keramon could best compare their movements to a landlocked Octomon and, while their chosen style of movement was not particularly intimidating, she had already seen their effects. There was every reason to worry.

She spat the Crazy Giggle out. Though the attack wasn't homing, the slow speed of the cables and their attempts to converge on Foxsumon made them easy targets. Two were destroyed outright. Seemed like they were pretty weak outside of a digimon. The remaining three that hadn't been stunned by Keramon's initial assault writhed as the energy tore at them. Though Keramon was pleased to note the three were much shorter, only one was rendered too small to move anymore. One inched towards Keramon and the other to Foxsumon. Well, this still seemed easy enough. A Network Flapping shockwave was enough to destroy the too-short cable and the cable approaching herself. A final Crazy Giggle ended the fifth one, and Keramon exhaled a plume of smoke. "Well, that was zomething."

The sixth, stunned cable had begun to move and slither back to Foxsumon when-

"Got it!" A pink bubble formed about it mid-curling, trapping it in time. Sonia left the still-present crowd to pick up the bubble formed by her digivice. Unless she or another human willed it, it would never break. "...so-" She looked up to Foxsumon and Keramon, both plainly exhausted by their efforts (Foxsumon moreso). "-I think it's data? Maybe?"
According to my brother, they haven't even gotten past the first room.
Well, I meant if you wanted to destroy them or contain them for 'studying'. Sorry for the confusion.

That said, that's a pretty accurate assessment.
Sorry for shortness, though also wanted to ask - any particular plan you wanted for the cables? If you didn't have any ideas, could claim Sonia's digivice could make a stasis field around them or something.
Keramon turned at Foxsumon's shout. Oh boy. Her disquiet driven from her mind, Keramon flew at Foxsumon.

"Network Flapping!" As Keramon skidded to a halt, she slammed her tentacles down. There was a chance she'd stun Foxsumon in the process but hopefully first it'd stun... that. "What ARE thoze?" Were they part of the infection? ...maybe it wouldn't be too late to drag Sonia out of this though the odds wouldn't be in Keramon's favor once she saw the, ah, remains.
Well, Drac, at least you'll get another chance soon I guess then.
*Cough* Sorry, where's Leon going?

...ok you know what, don't even give me that. That post wasn't a joke - between the refusal to take Ob and Psych's deadline seriously in spite of Ob doing his best to keep you from getting the boot, choosing to join another rp without so much of a 'yo got some writer's block' here, and, once more with feeling, going four months without an IC post - yeah, dude, I don't think you're gonna get the same leniency as you did this time, and you barely made it even then. So may as well sort it now. I doubt you'll be given a third chance, and I at least think Drac should get a say in it.

Now if you all will excuse me, off to work.
@Draconis Nevyn Hey, this may be some bad timing what with the recent commission discussion but @Vincanity's deadline is in about three days and in which case, I do recall you wanting Leon and Elle shipped together. So in the event Vin fails to post in the IC:
A) do you have a preference for who writes for Leon/Veemon/Ulforceveedramon?
B) do you want to maintain shipping status if Vin is not the one writing for Leon?

It's not pleasant, I know, but it's better to get this stuff sorted instead of floundering around for a week or something, right? We've already waited about four months and all.
Well, hoping I guessed right.
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