Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

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you're not my mum

That's it young man, go to your room! You are not getting dessert tonight!
@Psyker Landshark@Fish of Oblivion Post plz

@Vincanity@Draconis Nevyn@tobiax Anyone want to help Dorugoramon? Anyone?
If you think Foxsumon would be bleeding, you can write Wizardmon healing her instead of waiting for my reply.
"Whoa, hey!" Sonia reached forward, but didn't touch Foxsumon, in case the digimon fell over. Keramon flew over, eyeing up the fragment protruding from the fox digimon's skin.

"I think the problem iz obviouz." Keramon punctuated the statement with a chuckle clearly acting as a vocal tic instead of a sign of amusement. "It wouldn't be wize to pull it out until we know we can ztop the bleeding. But Taomon'z probably at the shrine ztill... hmmm..." Keramon seemed to be pondering their options. Sonia, however, looked like she had come up with a solution the moment Keramon said 'wise'.

"Hey, think Wizardmon could do it?" She looked down at the blood from the wound and grimaced. "Eesh." Keramon pondered.

"If not, you'll need to retrieve Taomon."

"Yeah, sure! Ready?" Sonia lifted her digivice and Keramon glowed, her outline obscured by the bright white light.

Keramon digivolve to - Wizardmon!

Wizardmon opened her eyes. "Right then." Digivolving seemed to do nothing for her odd tone or accent. "Let me zee then..." She knelt by Foxsumon's side, one hand developing a faint glow; if Foxsumon began bleeding, she could press her hand to the wound and at least superficially heal the wound. If there was internal damage, well, there would be trouble. Her other hand grabbed the fragment. "Thiz will be qu-" She didn't finish the sentence before she yanked out the piece and checked the injury.
Alright, thanks. Sorry about that, and I do appreciate the cooperation. (Also, unfortunately probably can't post tonight but at least wanted to express my gratitude)
It does, but I feel then I should clarify something I was trying to hint at in other IC posts: even the pieces will try to infect other digimon. The cables dealt with were already fragments of a larger source. It's kind of like a parasite situation, I suppose - you can cut out a lot of the parasite but, if you fail to destroy it all, it'll just grow back. The idea is mostly to justify what would create the need to cut off the digital world entirely, and, well, connects to a potential different plot point with the digimon eggs. Granted, that one's a lot easier to cut than the other one I mentioned, but yeah. That's why I'm arguing over the piece in her side.

If you're not hardset on the piece, I still would suggest a shell fragment, with the justification that the cable's corruption and data composition results in blocking the healing. If you are, however, I can cut the egg plot point without any harm right now.
Uh, sorry to be a pain, but does Foxsumon absolutely positively have to be being eaten by one of the cables?

I mean, considering some of the other plot points that I have set

It just may not be good for her in the long run. Maybe a bit of shell blasted outward?
Ah, that'd be neat.

Also, sorry for the delay. As mentioned in my status, last week was just bad for doing anything.
"Yiiikes..." Sonia eyed the bubble warily before tapping a different button on her digivice. The bubble and its contents vanished to be stored in the digivice; Sonia hoped the stasis would hold. With that taken care of, Sonia pocketed her digivice and ran over to help Foxsumon up as Keramon approached.

"The 'otherz'?" Keramon asked, managing to keep her focus after Foxsumon gave her theory on what the cable functioned as. "I prezume we'll have to deliver that thing perzonally to the 'otherz'?"

"We can talk about it later, I guess. You don't look too good." Sonia didn't sound like she was intending to insult Foxsumon, at least. "I think I can carry you back to Flawizardmon's, if you want. Or Keramon could get carryout?" Sonia missed Keramon's glare at the idea. "Either way, food's gotta help, right?"
Alright, and gave Sonia's digivice a stasis bubble then.
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