Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Ah, get used to it frankly. I joined the original guild in, what 2009? Been in dozens of rps - only seen one be completed, really, and it went on for 4+ years.

Really, use rping to hone your writing and befriend people and maybe see if any of them will be willing to stick with you for any personal projects (and vice versa of course) because if you only rp to see a story to its end, you're gonna end up bitter quick.
Well. That sounded nothing like the soft-spoken digimon who had helped disperse the others. And it sounded like things were getting worse too. So where did he fit into all this?

"I think I zaw the one who did, though." Even if she had no answer to that question yet, it couldn't hurt to mention it. "He juzt didn't feel like a real digimon. It waz like seeing a tree - not a Cherrymon or Woodmon, a tree - moving. He left, though-" Her eyes widened. "-with another group, heading zouth." Oh boy. Neither one seemed especially capable of a pursuit right now. Maybe if he was involved, he could only infect one digimon at a time? Keramon hoped so.
....ok I know I'm taking forever to post, and I do apologize. To be honest, work's getting busier than ever, and several other matters are demanding my already-limited energies. I do intend to try to post once more but after that, well, I suggest we either drop the rp or put it on hiatus. I'll allow you to decide, though, if hiatus, it would probably be picked back up no sooner than January.
The remaining crowd cringed at Foxsumon's howl, and even Sonia had to clap her hands over her ears. Wizardmon seemed unaffected as her glowing hand pressed above the wound, working on pushing Foxsumon's natural healing into overdrive and seal the torn data in seconds. It felt like a few things inside had gotten nicked by the deceptively small fragment, but nothing lethal.

"Not too bad. You'll be fine." When the wound magically sealed, Wizardmon pulled her hand away and allowed its glow to fade. "Zee? Fine." She stood and walked towards Sonia. About halfway over, her body glowed, and suddenly Keramon fell limp to the ground. "Eugh..." Though Sonia seemed dismayed by this development, she didn't look surprised.

"Right then....gonna get Taomon, be right back, just a sec-" Still rattling off reassurances, Sonia darted past the remaining digimon up to the north. Keramon managed to pushed herself onto her elbows, clearly fatigued by the effort.

"Digivolution..." She shook her head with a weak laugh and then looked to Foxsumon. "Hey, so you've seen other infecteez, right? Could any of them actually talk?" She remembered that strange digimon who had helped clear the side side of the battlefield.
Yeah. To be honest, it was noted that Jordan's probably the only one who won't be able to figure out that Dorugoramon = Zei based on that.

And adding wow the rp fitted in 11 posts?
Well. If the Cthulhu Mythos is considered nonviable, I may have a god from Celtic mythology to consider heirs for.
Got my post thought iut. Should have it up tonight ir tomorrow. Question, who took out Duftmon?
Also thinking of using the Character section to repost our original rp since I have it all saved. Yay or Nay?

I say might as well, embarrassing as it may be. My only question will be how many posts will it take? 150,000 character limit and all.
I'm aware not actually involved, and I do recognize this fight has taken a while. Arc fatigue's probably settling in for some of us. However, I also feel B's important because, as Ob pointed out, there are a fair amount of subplots that may not be easily addressed if the fight's cut short, so gonna suggest for those who are in favor of A due to arc fatigue, do remember you'll likely receive express permission to keep your posts to a line or two, if you so desire. Just enough so everyone knows what your guys are doing. I can also, again, take up roles if anyone really wants.

tl;dr: lurker votes B.
<Snipped quote by Fish of Oblivion>

Actually neither of them have been his fault. Both were associates of mine, and believe me, if I could make them do anything I'd have been doing so long before they came here.

As the one who actually noted an apparent connection to Kaithas, I also extend my apologies.
@tobiax The thing is appreciated. Thank you.
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