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    1. robtheguru 10 yrs ago


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Fat Boy Kyle said
Also, will this be a case of you can let your character die and make a new one? Or if your character is killed off while your away, coming back and making another?

Yeah, if you want to kill off your character because you're getting bored or just want a fresh start then let me know and we can talk about how we will kill them off and introduce your new one.

To be honest if people want their characters to survive but have holidays and things then aslong as they let me know, i won't kill them off, but if I do, they can feel free to make another when they get back.

Well i'm not really looking at having all that many to be honest but if people want to join they can because ultimately people join and drop out. Would be nice to kill off those who don't stay the course.

Fat Boy Kyle

It'll be about a week after so that people are still in shock etc.
Haha it isn't a problem. Im glad I could inadvertantly help you discover a new celeb crush :) lol
Robert awoke to a blinding light directly on his face, the sunlight cutting through the gap between the drab curtains. He let out a soft groan, always been one of those people who struggled to get back to sleep once they had woken up. He turned to see Chris and Michael both unconscious, the elder brother with a stream of drool running down his pillow. Shuffling out of bed Rob's stomach decided it was time for breakfast, letting out a monstrous roar. He felt his entire body shake at his body openly cried out for nourishment. He scoured the floor, still trying to regain his vision after being blinded by the sunlight. The familiar feeling of a shirt underneath his foot let him now he had found his pile of clothes from the previous day.

Breakfast, shower and then wake up these two...

Leaning over to the bedside table he picked up his phone and headphones, putting them into his ears. He cranked up the volume and put on one of his mixed playlists, although the majority of it was heavy metal. He wasn't always into it but something in him changed as he got older that made the heavy bass, ear shredding riffs and unholy vocals touch his soul. As he left the room he found himself nodding along to the beat.

The corridor wasn't the biggest, he had to turn his shoulder as a young couple left their room with their bags, seemingly in so much of a rush that they didn't even want breakfast. The wallpaper wasn't to his taste and at some places it was started to peel away from the wall, but he didn't mind, he was getting more than what he had paid for. He realised that more than anything when he arrived at the dining room. There was a large buffet at the far side that sent out the smell of freshly cooked bacon, teasing its way up his nostrils.

Jesus...cannot wait...

He had not been a fan of the american style of bacon, much preferring that of his native country, but it had started to grow on him. Still, in a straight up choice he would always go with his nans grease riddled rashers every time. He spotted several people sat about the place, catching glimpse of a woman trying to stealthily clean the handles of her cutlery. The way she carried herself was a clear sign of someone who was pretty uncomfortable with her surroundings. He shrugged his shoulders and continued on towards the buffet, banging his head harder as the next song kicked in.

Robert was greeted by a variety of different foods but there was only one plan for him. Picking up his plate he began to stack a mountain of bacon and sausage, before smothering them all in in baked beans. He topped the almost volcano like mound with several hashbrowns before taking a seat on the table across from the OCD suffering girl. He caught a glimpse of her again as he sat down, seeing the pleasure across her face as she took her first mouthful of food. He quickly turned his gaze back to his own sustenance and dove in. As he chewed he still nodded his head, getting lost in the sound of the music. So much so that he had started to hum along and occasionally banging out a beat on the table. He wasn't intentionally trying to annoy anyone, music was the only thing that kept away the memory of losing his girlfriend.
Can we see each others stalkers?

I for the life of me can't remember reading anything saying whether we can or not lol
Well if you want to post a CS now feel free.
Nice to see some interest so soon
Welcome :)
This is a thread is so I can gauge possible interest from the fine folks of this wonderful place. So before I write a long winded introduction I thought i'd just make a list of the basic premise and any details i deem necessary to share. If enough interest is shown then I will get a proper introductory post up when I do the OOC. So here is the information:

-Will be set in the UK, England initially, with the possibility of going to other countries

-Walking Dead rules apply...everyone is infected already etc...(No referring to them as zombies even though everyone pretty much knows what a zombie is)

-I am looking for this to be more about the characters than the shamblers but do not worry, there will be plenty of opportunity to smash some undead skulls

-Try and create some varied characters, I don't want an entire cast of police, military and Bruce Lee reincarnations. Characters who I think are unique and breaking the mould will be more likely to get "presents" in character

-Weapons and ammo is scarce, even more so than in the series because of this countries gun laws. When you create your character you will be limited to one fire arm(if you even want one) with only half a full magazine worth of ammo. That does mean a double barrelled shotgun would be a single shell.

-On the point above, you can't just happen upon swords, guns and ammunition while roleplaying. I will PM people as and when they can stumble across a weapon. Unique characters get more "presents" *wink*. Also posts I think are exceptional will result in "presents". Exceptional does not mean downing fifty shamblers with a butter knife, but something that evokes emotion. Even with these criteria met, it'll still be a rarity that people get weapons.

-Other items you can happen upon yourself, such as tools, medical supplies, food etc.

-The story will initially start in a Quarry however feel free to use your first few posts to describe arriving there if you wish.

-I will be using Google maps to get a basic overview of the nearby area so that you can all see whats going on. Should things take off and enough interest gets shown then I will populate the Coalville with key locations for supplies etc. Click here for a preview of what i mean

-Nobody is ever going to successfully hit with every single bullet

-Below is the WiP character sheet. Try and be realistic in terms of what your character can carry etc:

Example CS

Name: Robert Cadogan
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1”
Weight: 186lbs
Occupation: Quarry Foreman
Hobbies: Heavy Metal, Woodland Camping, Football and Rugby
Personality: Will always voice his opinion, often rather bluntly, but is not afraid to admit when wrong or to go with a different idea. Will put himself out for others her cares for.

Appearance: Coming Soon...

-Head: Beanie
-Chest: Red Check Shirt and Hooded Gilet
-Legs: Faded Blue Jeans
-Hands: Extra Grip Work Gloves
-Feet: Steel Toed Work Boots
-Back: Backpack

-Full Waterproof Overalls
-Wind-up and Solar Powered Torch/Radio/Mobile Phone Charger Combo

-Two Metal Headed Mallets [Tucked underneath belt]
-Axe [Put through a loop on his backpack]

-Toyota Hilux Invincible 2014

-Awareness: 3
-Close Quarters: 4
-Fitness: 3
-Marksmanship: 1
-Speed: 3
-Strength: 4

History: Coming Soon

Companions: Coming Soon
Anyway thats basically it for now, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Haha its ok, I get like that sometimes :)
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