Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Just noticed that my post confused you as well. Sorry about that. It's not Jeneice you're following. It's the senior officer.

"Topaz the Radiant is your cousin?" Skobeloff said, eyes wide with excitement. "That's incredible! It's one thing to meet someone famous, but to actually be related to them? There aren't many who can say that." Skobeloff's head then tilted in curiosity. "You mentioned you've met her a few times." Skobeloff said. "Were any of these meetings particularly eventful?"

"Eh, I'm not really a fan of any politician." Skobeloff said with a dismissive wave of his tail. "I mean just look at where we are now. Their bickering has made this island decide it would rather take its chances with the Cloudstalker than spend another day hearing about why Topaz should or should not be Rothscar's new head-of-house." After a moment, Skobeloff fully internalized what Garrock had said first. "Wait..." Skobeloff said as he looked up at the older dragon. "You knew Topaz before all of this started?"

"Yeah, with the rate those posts are coming out, I wouldn't be surprised if they've started calling her Topaz the Relentlessly Insufferable by the time we get back." Skobeloff joked. "Thankfully those who can't stand her have the mystery of Kurkar's disappearance to take their minds off his obnoxious offspring."
So Kurkar being hard to find even by those closest to him is an odd occurrence then?
Out of curiosity, is it normal for Ancients to be difficult to track down after they have ascended?

A mischievous gleam appeared in Skobeloff's eye as he settled on his next topic of conversation. "As dangerous as this island is, part of me is glad to be here rather than back on the mainland." Skobeloff commented. "Everyone just talking about Rothscar day in and day out was starting to get a little samey."

When Brutrumukk awoke in the iron cage, all he could remember of his time at Brigands Tollway was a burning pain beneath his foot. "I suppose we deserved that." Brutrumukk said as he took in his surroundings. "We just went traipsin' into their turf. No plan. No stealth. No surprise they got us so easily... Ah well. Live an' learn. Time to go." With that said, Brutrumukk stood up, seized the iron bars in front of him, and spent the next twelve seconds trying to pull them apart as best he could.

Not Small creatures though.

So by that do you mean small creatures would have to squeeze to get through or can they just not get through at all?
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Are the cage bars small enough for a tiny creature to fit through without squeezing?
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