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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@Dark Cloud
Oh yeah, we're killin' this bitch.
So, right now Jub hasn't used the key yet,

Guess again.

"That's fine by me." Brutrumukk said when the butcher claimed the vulture he'd pinned to the wall. With that said, Brutrumukk turned to Jub, who was standing in the doorway behind him. "Here's the key fer the last cage." The bugbear told the goblin. "Get 'em out an' get 'em ready. We got work to do." Brutrumukk then walked further into the kitchen, stopping where his javelin had stuck in the wall to reclaim his weapon. Once he'd done that, Brutrumukk looked over at the butcher again. "Oi oi. This is Bav's cottage, yeah?" Brutrumukk asked. "If so, where'd you reckon Bav is right now?"

"I suppose not." Skobeloff said when Garrock declared that it didn't matter and that he doubted they'd have any more to talk about than they did back then. The journey continued in silence for a few moments before Skobeloff spoke up again. "You said one of your parents was Kurkar's sibling." The Trickster said. "Which one of your parents was that exactly?"

"Oh no you don't!" Brutrumukk exclaimed as he threw caution to the wind and struck at the cowardly carrion eater, impaling it with his javelin as it tried to fly past. "Looks like it'll be vulture shish kebabs fer breakfast." Brutrumukk said as he inspected his second kill. He then looked up at the butcher and said to he-


"...What the fuck?" Brutrumukk said as he turned towards the sound of a musical number going on down below. But as the song went on and his confusion faded, Brutrumukk began to nod his head and tap his foot to the beat. Towards the end of the song, the bugbear even joined in. Putting Palasha's lessons to good use, Brutrumukk provided backup singing to the finale of Vansel's song as the satyr leaped mirthfully onto the balcony with Jub on his shoulder. Once the song was finished, Brutrumukk let loose a cheerful roar at a song well sung. "Good song, mate!" Brutrumukk exclaimed to Vansel before turning to Jub. "An' it don't surprise me one bit that I didn't need to bail you out, booyagh. Now let's get the others!"

With that said, Brutrumukk turned to the butcher and spoke. "Since I 'elped you out, the rules say you gotta 'elp me as well." Brutrumukk invoked the Rule of Reciprocity as Jub pulled up the cages. "I want me friends outta their cages. Where's the key fer the one what ain't been opened yet?"

At the end of each session (chapter in this case), you check to see if you've fulfilled your obligation and if you have, you erase 1 Shadow. I might homebrew some extra rules about that to make it more interesting.

Since it already only takes a single successful move to remove a shadow, I'd say homebrew would be needed here. Perhaps after fulfilling an obligation, you get a one time ability to turn a roll you don't like into a 10+.

Brutrumukk suppressed a snicker at the humorous sight that greeted him beyond the door. From his hidden spot, the bugbear figured that the crimson capped butcher was the one that put them in the cages. And if she put them in the cages, she could get them out too. 'Time to put the Rule o' Recipe City to good use.' Brutrumukk thought to himself before taking aim at the furthest vulture from the door and pinning it to the wall with a well thrown javelin. "Looks like you could use an 'elpin' 'and in 'ere." The Spirit of the Snoring Stone stated as he strode through the doorway, already reaching for another javelin. "Lucky fer you, I got two."

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would would an 18 hit a vulture and would 9 points of damage kill it?
From Garrock directly, not much at this point. However, his other family members might know more about the Kurkar and Topaz situation if you were interested in following that up.

Do obligations have time limits?
He left when Brut freed him.
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