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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Ok then. If everyone is in agreement, I can move things along.

If I recall correctly, some of you wanted to question the prisoners. Do you still want to do that? If so, do you want to wait for the resting party members to finish their rest first or just head there right away?

"I don't know where the others currently are." Skobeloff said. "But I don't need to know that. The gem sand in my possession will teleport us all straight to them. But first..." Skobeloff paused then as he looked to Garrock. The bearded Warrior was still injured. Something that would be liable to cause problems down the line if not addressed now. The rawscale Trickster tried to get some insight into how best to broach the topic of Garrock accepting help with the injury. But when that failed, he decided to just hit the nail on the head. "I... saw your injury during our journey here, Garrock." Skobeloff stated uneasily. "And with you being the strongest of us, we'll be needing you at your best in case a fight breaks out. Tamba and Pleexem should be able to heal you with their Moon Magic... I know accepting help from others isn't something you are all that keen on, Garrock. So I wouldn't be asking this of you if I didn't believe it to be crucial to our success."

Skobeloff's gonna be kicking himself black and blue when he finds out he missed the main event.
Banned for liking cheesecake.
The Kingdom of Kagami

Kagami is a nice name. But I'm not sure it would be a good fit for the land where Snow White takes place. Snow White is a German fairy tale and Kagami sounds more like a name for a Japan inspired fictional country than a name for a Germany inspired fictional country.

Perhaps something like Ebenholm or Siebenberg or Zwergen would suit the land better.
I'd like to think that out of everyone in the clutch, Stargaze is the one who would most likely wear ribbons and probably gave one to Skob.

That's sweet of her.

Skobeloff would have a few other bits of ribbon on him as well though. He wouldn't trade away a gift from one of his clutchmates so easily.

"No no no! Not this way!" Shadowflowers exclaimed in exasperation. "Not here, there's no way through this wall!"

"No way through this wall?" Brutrumukk asked in confusion. "But didn't you just say this wall's got a door fer the quest still?" Brutrumukk's answer came in the form of a porcine snort. The bugbear looked past Shadowflowers to see a boar standing next to the world. "Oh! The wall's got a boar, not a door!" Brutrumukk realized. "I must've not been 'earin' right when ya said that. Silly me." Brutrumukk paused to laugh then before continuing. "Yeah, the boar should come in 'andy later. Fer now though, we gotta find another way into that room. Shieldwing's gettin' lonely I reckon."

"We could try that door next to the stairs." Skobeloff suggested. "That might lead us to him."

"Worth a try I suppose." Brutrumukk said. "Let's 'ead there then. Conga!"

"Conga!" The conga line called back as Brutrumukk led the way to the door next to the stairs.

"State your names and your intentions!" Foxglove demanded. "And maybe, just maybe, I'll be willing to hear you out."

"My name is Skobeloff and the big guy is Garrock." Skobeloff made introductions. "Our intentions are to see the Darkness off this island." Skobeloff then turned towards the pixie he had encountered earlier, his mind picking out a few facts about this particular brand of fairy to further disarm the hostile elements with knowledge of their dealings. "As for your pixie dust, I didn't realize I was stealing it. I thought you had left it behind as a gift." The Trickster continued as the tip of his tail slipped into his inventory. "Regardless, none of the dragons in this room save Garrock would be here were it not for that pixie dust. So please accept this as a token of my thanks." Skobeloff's tail emerged bound in a piece of ribbon, highly prized among pixies, which he held out for the wronged pixie to take.

Would it be ok if Skobeloff had a piece of ribbon on hand?
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