Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Are these captives just as disfigured as the others we saw on the battle feild. Missing ear tips and the like? @rush99999

All the captives belonging to races known for possessing iconic features have had those features removed. Elves and half elves are without ears, dwarves are clean shaven, orcs and half-orcs have their tusks removed. The only exceptions to this rules seems to be features required for some kind of racial ability. (i.e. Loxodons have kept their trunks, harengons have kept their ears, and leonin have kept their claws.)
What kind of play/genre tropes are you interested in? The different regions of the Gyre are suited to lots of different possibilities. If you've read the book, perhaps you have a locale you're particularly into.

I've had a flick through the book already. I plan on giving it a thorough read tomorrow. From what I've seen so far though, I enjoy the thought of a pulp sword and sorcery domain play set in Llaigis. Rather than working for warlords and chieftains, I want to be one myself, carve out a realm built on my crushed enemies and their lamenting women, and ascend to the same decadent heights as the land's rulers.
Count me in.
"Why wouldn't we be?" One of the captured attackers spoke up in response to Aura's comment without pausing in her work. "Captivity to the highwaymen means freedom from our former masters. And once we've finished cleaning up our mess here, we'll be paid for any further work we do. After that, it's just a matter of saving up enough money to secure safe passage back to our homelands... But listen to me blabber on. You wanted to talk to us about something, yes?"
Time passes, the party members who went to rest awaken free of exhaustion, and Aura turns Hawk into a pseudodragon. You all reconvene on the tail end of the morning and head to where the captured attackers are working to repair the damages and clean up the messes that they had made. Despite being captives, the attackers seem quite happy to be here.
Count me in.

If there is one thing January is known for, it's his laziness. When he needs something done that he doesn't have to do himself, he gets one of his debtors to do it for him. He's spends decades at a time sleeping. And supernatural historians credit him as the reason why Christianity considers sloth to be one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

And this whole executor of the will thing? January's got a feeling that it's going to be a lot of hard work. And while he does feel obligated to do it to fulfil his old friend's last request, January certainly wouldn't argue with the prospect of someone willing to tag along with him and lend a helping hand.

Don't forget, Colby gets an answer to one question about January since he rolled a 7-9 while figuring Colby out.

Unfortunately for Aurora, she would find her hopes dashed as Brutrumukk began to conga his way towards the door that led into B10.

Once Garrock was healed, Skobeloff nodded his approval of the older dragon bringing himself accept help. "Now that we've sorted that, everyone gather around me." Skobeloff addressed the room. "The time has come for us to join the final showdown!" One everyone had gathered around, Skobeloff focused his mind on his bond with Fellwing and threw gem sand into the air. This time, the sand formed into a great roiling cloud that then descended upon the group and incorporated them into the maelstrom as well. "And awaaay we go!" Skobeloff's voice called out from within the cloud before it shot off in the direction of Fellwing. Through the woods, across the marsh, and into the creatures lair the cloud bore the reinforcements that Skobeloff had gathered. And when it arrived the cloud disembarked its passengers and dissipated in a dramatic, multicolor tornado. "Have no fear! Reinforcements are here!" Skobeloff declared heroically as the newly arrived group came into view.

Once the sand had fully dissipated though, Skobeloff looked around for the creature and slowly but surely came to a horrifying realization. "We... We missed the showdown." Skobeloff said as he knees buckled beneath him. He had taken to long with his search for secrets and his gathering of forces. And so the ultimate confrontation with the darkness had happened without him. As this painful truth fully took hold, Skobeloff lifted his head to the sky and cried out in anguish.


Skobeloff then collapsed fully to the ground as he began lamenting his inability to make it to the big fight in time to see something cool happen.

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