Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"Hey, it's okay, Skob. It flew away. I...did get the sense that it's gonna come after me next time...."

At those words, Skobeloff became even more miserable. If Stargaze had the sense that the foe she had faced was coming for her next time, she must have done something really cool to make it swear revenge on her. And Skobeloff hadn't been there to see it.

"Anyways! Home is safe again, and Echo should be recovering by now...I think! Can you help us find the other dragons who were trapped here?"

In answer to Stargaze's request, Skobeloff weakly lifted his head and looked about him for anything of interest. At first, he was in too much despair to do any more than that. But then he caught a glimpse of something. "Huh? What's that over there?" Skobeloff said to no one in particular before picking himself up and moving to investigate what he had noticed.

"I can't imagine what they threatened you with that would be worse than death on the battlefield, but I think I'll sleep easier if you don't tell me"

"That's an understatement" The talkative captive said, her smile fading then. "I'm sure you've noticed how the Sultan marks us as his property. The punishments only get worse from there."

"Could you tell us how they are getting to the material plane? I'd like to show your former captures why they call me 'The dagger'"

"I'm afraid we can't help you there." The captive said. "Our forces are brought to and from the Material Plane by the power of the Sultan, not through any magic of our own. And even if we did have a way for you to make the journey, I would warn you against it. The Sultan and his ally? Both of them are Wish Granters. That kind of power isn't the sort you reckon with lightly."
Here is my PC. This is my first time making a Worlds Without Number character, so do let me know if I've slipped up anywhere.

@Lurking Krog

You recall a memory from your early childhood. Early enough to be one of the oldest memories you can recall. Your parents were speaking in hushed whispers one night. You couldn't hear much of what they were saying and you remember little of what you actually heard. But you do remember that someone called Roshan was mentioned a few times.
@Lurking Krog

Roll a History check with advantage please.
I'm assuming they're talking about Roshan.

They're asking about more than one name though. I figure Roshan is one of them, but I don't know the other names they're asking after.
@rush99999 would Jørmund recognize either of those names?

Which names are you referring to?
"We weren't trying to kill you. Break your defences, yes, but not kill you." The prisoner said. "Orders were to take the camp's inhabitants alive and replace them once they were sent back to the Plane of Earth. As for our change of heart, none of us really believe all that stuff Yosef and Ervdul were spouting. It was more a fear of what the Sultan would do to us if we disobeyed or failed that drove us forward. But now that the attack's been driven off and we've been left behind, we don't have to worry about that anymore. We're just easily replaceable slave soldiers, so they won't bother coming back for us. And the Sultan? His name is Roshan and he is a dao noble who lives in the Plane of Earth. He recently formed an alliance with and efreeti noble to counter an alliance between their djinni and marid rivals. To obtain more slave soldiers for the feud, they've been sending forces to the Material Plane to take over highwayman camps, send the highwaymen back as slaves, and capture any martially inclined wanderers that pass through the camp."
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