Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

The Huntsman

In a failed attempt to take his mind off the presence he could feel observing him, the Huntsman had retreated into his thoughts. But he returned his focus to the world around him when he noticed someone approaching the table. The Huntsman looked up to see an enthusiastic, red haired girl who looked to be around the same age as Snow White moving to join him.

“Hi… hello… um… what’s the appropriate word to use?” The girl asked the Huntsman, seemingly a little unsure of herself.

"Either of the words you used is fine." The Huntsman told the girl with a small yet reassuring smile. But before he could say anymore, the girl noticed one of the forks on the table.

“Oh my gosh! A dinglehopper!” She exclaimed in excitement before picking up the fork and using it as a comb.

The Huntsman wasn't entirely sure how to react to this. He knew foreign cultures could be strange, but he never expected this.

Eventually, the girl became aware of several patron’s eyes on her, the Huntsman's included. Causing her to smile sheepishly and put the fork down. “Um… did I use that wrong?” She asked.

"Y-Yes." The Huntsman said, finally finding the words. "That... dinglehopper you called it? That's actually called a fork. It's used to eat food that's either too hot or too messy to touch. I'll show you when the food gets here. For now though, what's your name?"

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The Huntsman

From the moment he he set foot on the Empire's shores, the Huntsman felt as if he was being watched. Even when he was totally alone, he could always sense some kind of presence observing him. He eventually came to the conclusion that someone was using magic to keep track of him. But who? It couldn't be the Queen. The magic mirror couldn't actually show anything, only describe it. Perhaps it was one of the people he had been sent to find? He hoped so. If it was a powerful caster like the ones he had been ordered to hunt down, then such a power knowing of his presence did not bode well.

Putting these thoughts aside for the time being, the Huntsman decided to find somewhere to eat as the first faint feelings of hunger made their presence known within him. Eventually happening upon a tavern/inn/diner, the Huntsman made his way inside and was greeted by a world weary waitress. "Welcome to Mudka's Mead & Meat Hut, Home of the Mead and Meat. What'll it be?"

The Huntsman opened his mouth to request a table for one and a single Mead and Meat, but a sudden flash of strange intuition changed his words. "A table for eight and eight Meads and Meats, please." The Huntsman said. "My companions will join me shortly." It was only when he was seated at his table and the waitress had gone off to process his order that the Huntsman realized that what he'd intended to say had been completely different from what he had actually said. But how could that have been? Had he just be paying incredibly poor attention to his words? Or was there something stranger afoot in the Empire of the Sun?

"I've found another prisoner." Skobeloff called out. "Freeing this one will take some doing though. They've been wrapped up tight."
Gordak paid no heed to the barkers advertising the houses of their masters. Even if he had the silver to purchase a week in those halls, he didn't care much for the prospect of losing himself to decadence mere moments after passing through the gate. Instead, Gordak continued on in search of good hench material. As he walked, he went through his initial ideas of who and what to look for and eventually settled on seeking out a Blighted serving in bondage to a master who wouldn't be missed. Blighted always made good henches. Especially when freed from cruel masters and coaxed into service with promises of fairer treatment.
Feel free to ask for any more detail

I noticed in the book that some of the rules rely on sessions. Since this is a play by post game rather than a session game, do you have any plans in place on how to work around that?
Gathis, known among the central hill tribes as the City of Velvet Lies. Gordak smelled the decadence of the city long before he first caught sight of it. And now that he was actually in the city, the scent was overwhelming. But even so, Gordak could still sense the power here. And with cunning, bravery, and a good measure of luck, that power would one day belong to him. For now though, Gordak was new to the city and as such was unfamiliar with its layout and its ways. And while experience would certainly change that after a few days, a guide would make things easier. Fortunately, Gordak had a talent for finding help. It was simply a matter of searching in the right places.


Out of curiosity, why did you alter the story the way you did?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I say we roll for it.
Just to check, does it sound good to you to start off with your character entering Gathis for the first time, or returning for the first time since setting out on your own?

Starting the story off with Gordak arriving in Gathis for the first time sounds good to me.
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