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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Gordak knew he had reached his destination the moment he saw the hall. The bricks it was built of would not have been made easily by ordinary hands, but their creation would have been a simple task for a Functionary Blighted dedicated to construction. And it would not surprise Gordak if he learned later that the siren song echoing out from the hall and into the street has a Functionary dedicated to singing as its source.

Gordak doesn't enter the hall though. Interrupting whatever was going on in there wouldn't win him any friends. Instead he looks around outside for someone to speak to, ignoring the looks that the residents send his way. Eventually, Gordak finds a seemingly human resident who looked willing to converse. The man's ability to see through Gordak's façade of concern impresses Gordak enough to make him nod approvingly at the display of insight. As the man gets up and moves to the alley though, Gordak's eyes narrow at the thought of going somewhere secluded with a stranger.

Even so, Gordak follows the man. He does pause a moment at the mouth of the alleyway though, scanning its dim interior for any sign of danger. He is willing to pass this man's test of trust if that truly is what it is, but Gordak is not so naïve of the ways of city folk to not know how they set their ambushes. Gordak will enter the alleyway if nothing seems out of the ordinary. But if he sees any indication of a trap, he will remain at the alley's entrance.

I thought spam threads couldn't be replied to after a month of silence. How did this one come back from being quite for seven years?

Are the Origin and Spark of Rebellion aspects meant to be the two extra aspects mentioned in the hack PDF?
The party is just meeting each other, and I already love them.

Good do know

Is there anything about them you love in particular or do you just love them in general?
The Huntsman

The Huntsman opened his mouth to reply to Mabel's revelation that she was lost and needed to fin her brother. But before he could, two more arrivals made their presence known. The first was a foreign looking man who bowed to the group without a word before seating himself at a different table. The Huntsman answered the bow with a nod of his before his attention was caught by the arrival of the second newcomer.

"Hi, my name is Kovu. Something the Huntsman could only describe as a humanoid lion spoke up. I don't know why but my instincts led me here."

"You... aren't the only one." The Huntsman said as he recovered from the initial shock of this new arrival's appearance. "I'm pretty sure everyone at this table has been brought here through some strange means or another. And with you here, this table now only has three empty seats left. Something tells me that there will be three more people sitting with us before long." Though he didn't say what that something was, the Huntsman knew it himself. It was the rhymes that the Queen had taught to him before he left on his mission. Already he could put two of the poems to the people who had joined him. Mabel's was the rhyme of the shooting star far from home and Kovu's was the rhyme of the beast.
A kidnapper. Yes. This was, of course, what I had meant to say from the very beginning. Gordak goes in search of a Blighted community. There, he will go up to the first Blighted he sees that looks inclined to answer questions and speak with them. "You there." Gordak says. "I am hunting a man who has been kidnapping Blighted here in Gathis. Has anyone in this community been kidnapped recently?"
Do you think Gordak is literate?

Gordak is literate, but the skill does not come to him swiftly. He needs time to properly read or write something. He can rush the process if the situation calls for it, but that leaves him prone to misreading things or making errors in his writing.
The Huntsman

"This is very true." The Huntsman agreed with the observations on meat and mead made by the third strange girl to approach the table now. "We have eight seats here and eight meals on the way. You are more than welcome to join us if you'd like to."
The Huntsman

Before the red haired girl could answer the Huntsman's question, another girl arrived. This one was younger than the first and had brown hair rather than red. More notable to the Huntsman though, she wore a sweater with a shooting star on it and carried a tome. Was this one of the people the Queen has bade him to find? Either way, she seemed lost. So the Huntsman felt compelled to help her. "I... wouldn't exactly call this a party, child." The Huntsman said, having hunted meat for far too many banquets to see something this simple as a party. "I would say this is more of a... meeting really. As for your question about a map, I've only just arrived, so I don't have one for here yet. I do intend to buy one once I have had something to eat though. In the meantime, why don't you have a seat and tell us who you are."
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