Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

"Neither do I." Gordak says in response to Tarinn's words. "But for now, I merely intend to free you from this place. The blisters on your feet, will they make it difficult for you to walk?"
KK. I wish you well on your travels.
there is no rush

Well there is one rush, but he's fine with waiting.

Edits have been made.

I decided to move Your Reputation Precedes You to Pythis Destinations rather than Throw Credits At It though. Since Vanovar is pretty wealthy even without his monopoly and hasn't been on an adventure for the past three hundred years, I'd say it would be his reputation rather than his access to healthcare that is more closely tied to his business.

Trouble has been changed.

Extra has been edited.

If I recall correctly, additional personal stunts can be purchased with refresh. I used the fourth point of refresh I got from not using all my extras budget to purchase my fourth personal stunt. Or can that only be done at milestones and not at character creation?
Gordak grunts in frustration as the adhesive chemical coating the bolt takes its toll. While the hole housing the bold was safe, it hadn't occurred to Gordak to check the bolt itself. Not until it was too late and the chemical was already burning his hand. Lesser men would likely flinch at the pain. They would immediately pull their hand away from the pain and perhaps give up altogether. Not Gordak. Gordak endures the pain long enough to open the door and wipes the chemical off on a wall as best he can as he enters the apartment. When he sees the woman in the apartment, Gordak glances down at the floor for a moment before returning his gaze to her. The woman's blistered feet suggest that the chemical coating the bolt might also be on the floor. If it is though, Gordak trusts his boots to protect him from that. "Are you Tarinn?" Gordak asks the woman.
Despite having a +0 I still rolled an 18

With an 18, Aura doesn't recognize either of the names, but she do manage to make a connection with something else. The last time Aura and her father spoke, a marid's mermaid messenger arrived with an alliance proposal just as Aura was leaving. And now the captives mentioned that an efreeti and a dao have allied to feud with an allied djinni and marid...

History check please.
"I don't know his name, but someone else might. Hold on." The talkative captive said before calling out to the others. "Do any of you know the name of the efreeti the Sultan bought Yosef from?"

"Not me." One captive said

"No." Another replied.

"I know his title." A third chimed in. "Yosef referred to him as the Sheikh in a conversation with Ervdul I overheard."
As he stood before the apartment door, Gordak narrowed his eyes at the lack of a knot or seal. Every other door he had seen had such a thing. But not this one. Either this kidnapper was foolish enough to think it unnecessary or he had other defences at the ready. Gordak checks the bolt hole for any hint of it being trapped, only putting his hand in to unbolt and open the door if no sign of a snare can be found.

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