Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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With the conflict in Ironstone and the possible new land, I may grant you some. maybe.
lol. I never called you a war-junky? I just inquired about the battle you were talking about in the last page.
Fuck. I dislike how Cale posts some things like 'oh man this battle is amazing win or lose' and I don't know about this amazing war that is happening. HNNG.
She's not a religious fanatic, although she's not atheistic enough to hate the Church and not understand the risk of excommunication which will hurt both her House, and her People. She doesn't fight Rone because he's not worth fighting, but if he just goes into her country and pillages? Fuck, she'll not tolerate that. She just tries to stay alive, grabbing benifit from Rone's inactions and his weak mental abilities, caring for her people and her house first of all. There is so much wars that could happen right with one order, but she needs to be careful with it, dude.
I don't use my ooc opinions in my IC actions. In here, I'm Sadko. In IC, I'm Lady Olga, who doesn't go to war because of badly chosen wording from someone who abandons the notions of escaping and ruling through his sister - deciding to just go 'fuck it i'm gunna murder this overlord cunt'. Shooting out his forces gungho style, which is pretty fucking cool, but nontheless a little hopeless. Rone commands a host of elite mercenaries under the employ of the most fucking rich banking family in the entire world, and I like the mysterious affairs of Rone, maybe he is a genius in disguise.
I think to add more interesting canon to Bloodsun, the region it is located in is callled "The Wound" Since we took Houses, we can take awesome region names, like in GRRM The Reach, The North, stuffs like that, but our own. Most people from 'The Wound' are called 'Woundmen'.
waait, they just raided the sea trade route, not the towns themselves.
"Obviously you are the cold-hearted harlot all the rumors speak about."

It's not an insult?
And calling one of your only allies and your technically future wife a fucking harlot is also ludicrous, man. Face it, bro, Lord Solterra is pretty damn strange.
The fuck you talking about? I'm sorry, but nobody's waging a genocide on Therral people, only on Lord Solterra with his strange laws and insults to the church and his allies. Be a little bit more delicate, and maybe you wouldn't have chaos and mayhem.
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