Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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Country Name: Mamothe Kras

Government type: Hereditary Monarchy with the regions being looked over by feudal seniors therefore granting each village an elder to give up harvest to the landlords which will give it to the Monarch.

Ruler: Knyaz Simo Masur, the Generous Lord of all Kras and the ruler of Mamothe.


Capital City: Mamoth

Language: Krasicien

Species: Krasyane, a superior race of humans. Rather tall and of pale complexion, strong and beautiful in nature. In little numbers, Rakshasas float around poor districts and tend to cause problems. It is most likely they have fled their own homeland after certain conflicts. Rakshasas are deceitful, power-hungry, and sly. They're kept as bodyguards for certain landlords for their ability to be menacing and intimidating, becoming a sort of pet they show off to their neighboring landlords, who's cat is the biggest and the scariest. Kobolds are the slaves of Boyars, with little to no hope of ever climbing the ladder of the society. However some are squires or servants and tend peoples' horses and look after their cows. However they are swift assassins and used to go into environment where a normal man might die, whereas they're seemingly alright to risk.

Army: Knyaznoe Voisko - 650 men and women proficient in spears. Raksha Mercenaries - 2,000. An average Boyar's party - 200. Boyars altogether - 20. Kobold Saboteur Groups - 6,000.

History: Hailing from the very north, after clashes with the nomadic peoples in the east they have fled down into south. Krasyane soon found themselves battered and held low by the Church of the Pashvar, a sect hailing from the Northern Sea. With the Inquisition of Pashvar gaining more and more hatred from the oppressed peoples of Kras, Mamothe Masur, a man hailing from the southeast, presumably from the Kingdom of Aylsfyn, started a rebellion and forced the Church of Pashvar out of Mamothe Kras and established his own Church of the Eastern Scimitar. Soon, the Eastern Scimitar and the Masur dynasty flourished, the harvest plentiful and the blades swift and trustworthy. After numerous decades, the official pantheon and holy book of the Eastern Scimitar was written and published by the most magnificient scribes hailing from all parts of the world, supervised by the honorable priests of the Church. With the holy book complete, several heirs of the Masur dynasty found themselves at a verge of war against neighboring tribes as their ways have crossed the ones pointed out in the holy book. The crusades against sinful Rakshasa and Kobold tribes began. Blood spilled, swords ravaged to the south of Mamothe Kras. Garna Masur, father of Simo Masur, had taken upon himself to secularize and settle feuds with the Rakshasa and Kobold folk. With the official forgival and withdrawal of their forces, they have soon realised that they have burned the land of the Rakshasa and Kobold folk, and simple forgival was not enough. Influx of their former enemies have drew tension amongst the Krasyane and the aliens. Garna Masuk died as he could not finish settle the conflict between them and the Rakshasa and Kobold folk. Simo Masur is yet to bring reforms to help soften the conditions in which the aliens are living in.
Konzia is now the equivalent of Thailand.
God damn this really is an attractive roleplay. Is there any spots open? I'd love to get into this.
Kaben you should go into IC rather than fill OOC with shit :)

when's anybody goin to post...
What if people then would be allowed to play Corsair Kings or something? :D Small but very interesting nations that may be important or nay.
no plese asura no
There should be a large change, maybe a typhoon hit something.
This concept shouldn't be let loose. It is turning out unique and we must not let it dissolve. Let's discuss the things on how it'll be ran before gowia accepts Kang as GM.
I'm with Kangaroo here. #Kang4GM
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