Hey everyone!! I'm going to be the artist for this beautiful Roleplay. If you want to show off how awesome your characters look but feel like your work is a descendant of a shriveled up raisin I'm the girl you wanna talk to!! Email me at www.sam6burn@gmail.com if you have any questions or if you want to work out a price for these commissions. I tried making the prices as fair as possible and I hope to be working for you in your amazing quest of glorious visual art!!
Concept art: 2 character concepts: $5
3: $7
Any more than three: add 1$
- comes with a weapon or concept of an object
Exs: http://imgur.com/a/0Rmz6
Card art: (completely colored in commissions)
One: $8
Two: $14
Three: $20
Any more: add $5
- comes with one concept per character
Landscaping art: $15
-comes with one card art
Scene drawing: $10
-(a drawing of a specific scene in the roleplay of someone's choice)