Avatar of sheeps
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 7 (0.00 / day)
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    1. sheeps 8 yrs ago


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sam | intj | scorpio | nineteen | college junior
linguist | dumbass | story-based roleplayer
{actually the real samuel beckett reincarnated}

Most Recent Posts

Rama Sao

Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-two
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Species: Human.
Appearance: Stands a few inches taller than most of the people he knows
with the body of a casual jogger who manages what he eats. Light skin,
narrow eyes, expression usually cut out of stone or dry amusement.
A lightly-corded layer of muscle flexes just beneath the skin; his posture
is straight-backed and strong, but flexible and casual.
Personality: Textbook alpha personality: type A, leader, dominant. He is
genuinely confused when people question his authority. Falls back on humour
when uncomfortable. Rama is passionate about the theatre and loosely aspires
to be a stage director. Currently, he barbacks at a small hole in the wall.
Extra: From Israel, speaks Hebrew. Borne of a native father and a white mother.

Gender: Male.
Age: Appears to be quite young, early twenties.
Sexuality: Gay.
Species: Demon.
Appearance: Diminutive and thin; gracefully secure in his body; movements reminiscent of
a pale exhale of wind; bright, clever eyes; a soft smile; an androgynous figure. He stands shorter
than most of the people in his life and usually half as wide, but his presence subtly commands an
attention, and possesses a power whose origins are unclear.
Personality: He was born with this vicious, cunning personality that he's only recently learned to
temper just enough to successfully interact with his prey. Through a false air of quiet demure, he
influences and subtly manipulates and entraps most of the people in his life into behaving the way
he wants them to behave. He has very few true friends and prefers it kept that way.
Demon Information: Hates being called a demon, because he wishes he weren't one. As far as
superhuman powers go, he's become quite adept at sociology and psychology: dissecting people,
identifying lies, and pulling accurate judgments seemingly out of the air.
@Wade Wilson
Lol, thank you.
@Neko Sensei
Right on. I'm at work right now (star employee), but I'll be able to make some characters tonight. Probably max of two. Got any requests as to attributes?
Et maintenant, ils sont morts..

Welcome to RPG. I hope you have a good time.

I hope it's sufficient in seducing you into a friendship. That's how you make friends, right? Bribe them with cake?
Anyway, welcome! This place is pretty awesome and you'll get into the swing of things in no time. Everyone is really nice here. Except me, I'm just the worst. But I have cake, so it sort of evens everything out. If you have any questions or would just like to chat, chuck me a message. :3

Thank ya, thank ya.
Still accepting? I can throw a couple boys in here.
Heyyo. I'm Sam; I'm here pretty much for the same reason you are. Roleplaying is cool. Writing is my game. Let's do it.
I'm a cool dude I guess, I'm plodding through college, I've been rolepøaying since I was twelve and writing for fun since I was eight. I'm super friendly but I'm bad at talking to people, I generally make them uncomfortable. Working on it. Smack me if I get weird.
I like genres and plots wherein character development is the key focus, but mostly any plot will capture me, if done well.

Some true facts:
•I'm not too strong in turn-based combat roleplays, but I can always learn.
•Some deeply-rooted psychological queerness in me makes me unable to write about straight couples.
•Unnecessarily long exposition is where I thrive.
•OOC I'm a sarcastic shit but also nervous little wimp so beware.

Be my friend and also roleplay with me. :^)
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