Ocren's capital cityElian shook her head at the idea of going after the jester. As much as she wanted to make the guy pay, their little group just didn't have the ability to do so. And if even the admins were having trouble dealing with him...well, what could six players do?
She accepted Goibniu's friend request on ChaosX, and sent Rathello one of her own. She switched focus back to Endoroth as the admins appeared. They had questions, and together the group answered them. "I agree with Claudia -- I honestly think the doxxing is more serious than the griefing."
When Rath mentioned the jester business being over their heads, Elian nodded with a sigh. "Don't let one rotten player spoil the game for you, Claudia. There was a bunch more to explore in that dungeon than we got to see, and I saw you checking out the books. There's bound to be more interesting lore tidbits in there. But...if you really want to split, I won't stop you."