I was about 2 seconds from making a reference to Cloud or Noctis but I figured since FFXV isnt out yet Noctis would for sure be a bad call XD
You're better off with Cloud than Noctis according to the current opinion of many FF fans as of late.
o.o the battle is almost over, not much left to kill actually.
On my next post you all will receive a Milestone Frequency. (TLDR at the bottom)
In this choosing process you will get a grade. You will receive a number between 1 and 100. This number represents an overall impression of you and your character. I will elaborate on what I'm looking for as well as what I'm not looking for from you. Additionally you will get a quick description of your writing strength -at least what I believe it is.
You may ask me to define any weaknesses in your writing, however. That is an opt-in choice which comes down to evaluating other factors of your character.
Assisting you in this grading is your character. All of you got a description during approval which told you the time of your journey. Those dwelling in the Day will get a higher amount of points as a base while those who dwell in the Night will get a lower amount of points as a base.
Base scores are from 40 to 10 points. After that the criteria I look for will contribute to the grade.
Many of you will quickly understand that it is indeed possible and easy to earn more than 100 points, especially if you are playing a character that is dwelling in the day. In those circumstances I will simply award you the first milestone.
A milestone is a place in your character's development that makes them stronger. These milestones are set, never increasing in frequency nor decreasing, according to your grade. Because I am measuring battle posts these abilities will pertain to battle.
1-30: Milestones happen rarely, possibly after locking or unlocking a keyhole.
31-60: Milestones happen at infrequency, after locking or unlocking a keyhole.
61-90: Milestones happen at a normal frequency, after important boss battles.
91: Milestones happen at an increased frequency, after any boss battle sometimes after regular encounters.
I'm grading your characters so that character progression reflects a combination of your ability to write and the value character you are playing. This is no about improvement or telling you that you are a bad writer; this is rewarding "average" effort already given in this rp.
But here's what I'm
not looking for: advanced grammar, the time it takes to post, or errors in your post. Those are for you to improve on your own time.
What I'm looking for: character portraying ability - understanding the character you made and what they should be able to do and what they should be able to know, understanding other writers' influences - seeing what they do and responding or resonating with their actions, and finally character concept - which is where I look for uniqueness and non-cliche attributes.
If I were playing a character then I'd be my score would be around 75, my average is not so good. Don't think I'm a master! I am biased with these grades, as well as hypocritical in some aspects because I prefer that everyone takes away something positive from this test. Please do not take this as a personal attack, it's meant to quickly address some of your writing abilities. It
is meant to surprise you; your average post is what I need, not you trying to make your best effort. So in many ways this choosing process is flawed cause no one really gets a chance to show their true writing ability, just the average combat post. In my defense, I did say that the battle was a test.
TLDR: character that is harder to play needs a more effort to get a higher Milestone Frequency.
Please keep in mind character relationships still governs keylades. It is entirely possible to have a lot of keyblades compared to the number your abilities. Something like Keyblade milestones doesn't make much sense since that's more about interaction than anything else.
That reminds me...
we haven't covered learning magic yet.