The Mundane
Name: Nōno Izumi
Age: 33
Regular Appearance:
Subject: I.T.
Personality: Izumi does not have an excitable demeanour, instead being very casual and understated. She has an understated warmth to her when she talks. She rarely grins or laughs but always makes you feel welcome. She has a dry, cheeky wit that can match that of any troublesome student. Her in-depth knowledge of anime, video games and geek pop culture may also take many of her students by surprise, as her demeanor and style of dress are very demure, modest and unassuming. New students might even think she's going to be a boring and dry teacher the first time they take her class. But her spirit, passion and sincerity wins them all over in the end.
Bio: Izumi was a very bright student who had always been good with computers, owing to her nerdy passions necessating frequent and heavy usage. One of her particularly skilled hobbies was C++. So much so that in college she studied Network Administration for the sole reason that she didn't want to lose the joy of coding by having it be her gruelling day job.
At the age of 23, she graduated from college and went straight into an office job, being the floor I.T. Admin for the sales team of a big company. While not exactly a black company, Japanese workplace culture was rampant in that office. The more people stayed overtime to meet their deadlines, the more overyime she'd have to do becaue if the network went down, people couldn't do their jobs and she wasn't there, there would be hell to pay. And the more overtime became the norm, the more employees would stay, the more work for her.
It was when she was 29 that one of her friends from college wanted to catch up, and they compared lives, that Izumi woke up to what has happening. She wasn't having fun. She'd lost contact with her friends. She only saw her parents on holidays. She had never been on a single date since college. She barely had time for her hobbies anymore including coding, and most of her free time was spent idly scrolling her phone or watching television. 'recharging' was the term she used to justify a life where she was doing nothing constructive. Even at work, she never got thanked. The same problems came up over and over again with no end and people couldn't do their work, the blame was passed to her.
After this revelation, she quit her job and became an I.T. teacher. She has been working as a teacher for four years now and though it's certainly not easier, she finds it far more fulfilling. Just being able to ee the difference you're making, and being appreciated for it has hugely increased the quality of her life. Teaching basic code doesn't even feel like work to her and she relishes the opportunity to talk about it. She may still be called on if there is an I.T. problem in the school itself but she will always be thanked when she resolves the issue.
Other: Her fashion sense outside of school can range from casual t-shirt and jeans, to a more cosmopolitan brown coat, sweater, skirt, boots dark hose combination. Inside school, however, she almost seems to be dressing old on purpose, conforming to the idea of what 'teacher clothes' were when she was a teenager.
The Magical
Transformed Appearance:
Weapon/Equipment/Magic: Izumi's equipment consists of four floating robots, a small tablet, and a visor and earpiece, all powered by her magic. The six robots take both her verbal and typed commands, and can both fire energy blasts as well as create personal forefields. Izumi can adjust their power output to either make their functions stronger, or to let them be used for longer periods of time albeit weaker. They can also work together to combine their beams into stronger ones, or chain their forcefields into a wider network of shields, protecting her or any human-sized target. Her earpiece can let her give commands to her robots as well as make or receive phonecalls. Her visor brings up a HUD display in her field of vision, and can scan or track targets.
The real bread and butter of her arsenal, however, is her tablet which is a magical supercomputer that lets her override the security of any other computer she can connect to the network of, as well as automatically creates a database of any enemy she scans, with any info she has managed to gather. It also lets her issue more complicated, written commands and subroutines to her robots.
Other: Izumi may be able to increase the number or size of the robots, as well as their max power output, as she becomes more accustomed to her transformations and grows in magical power. She will also need to figure most of these abilities out herself.