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It was just another regular workday when Jacqueline woke up that day. The sun wasn’t up yet, but she manually opened the window to let in some fresh air. She breathed in the freshness, the luxury provided by the past years of stringent anti-emissions campaign and some useful but expensive new technology that would supposedly “fix it” all. It would be a shame to lose something so pleasant, so they better keep working on it, she thought as she closed the window and walked from her bedroom to her office/study/workout room. There, she did her usual light morning workout, not longer than 15 minutes, and showered after. Her breakfast for now consisted of a toast and coffee. She knew she would pick up something more filling on the way to work. What to take today?

She finished her drink just in time for her phone alarm to remind her to prepare for work. Not like I need reminding, she sighed, but turned on the computer in her office to review today’s assignments. Even though digitization was ever more popular nowadays, she still had to have physical copies of many of the documents. Digital data could be too easily compromised and if that happened, the physical copies took precedence and so were a must. In her area of work, only elite layers could afford the kind of digital security that most not even dared to dream about. I will get there, Jacqueline knew.

And that wasn’t a simple desire – it was a realistic and planned for goal. Even her current job, as hard to get in and prestigious as it was, was only a stepping stone on her path. Next year…I can move on. My chances of getting hired by a good firm should be high. I will have to maneuver extremely carefully in order not to get caught in my parents’ web, however. They would just love it if I were part of a business they had great influence over. She sneered at that last thought, displeased even at the thought of further association with them.

Even now, she wasn’t completely free yet…She likely wouldn’t be until after their death. But her current arrangement with them had plenty of benefits. She was very well aware of those and not ready to lose them. So she would still act the good girl while slowly gaining power and with it, control over those pretentious bastards. You are not the only one playing this game. A soft beep informed her that it was time to leave. She pressed a button on a robot that served as a simple maid to turn it on – it was in the shape of a small metallic ball when dormant – then entered the security code in a pad on the wall to engage the “Away” safety-mode. She was also paranoid enough to have mechanical locks both on her doors and windows – even though her flat was near the top of the building.

After that, she left the apartment complex – she had to take the elevator first, and as was usual, met some neighbours and chatted a bit. Nothing worth mentioning. Really, it was just people following social conventions. It was similar in the metro she took to her job – this was now the most common mode of transportation for within the city and it offered yet another opportunity for people to reduce their loneliness. At least, that was what Jacqueline assumed was the most common reason for trivial conversation between strangers. After all, this wasn’t a party the likes her parents invited her to, where socialization was a function of gaining social status. If she had to choose between the two, Jacqueline would pick tram-goers any day. Less snobbishness here. Being able to eat as much as one liked in the diner car without being looked upon helped as well. With that in mind, she picked up some delicious looking plum pastries.

In this manner, her completely regular workday went on. Well…It should have. Jacqueline knew something out of the ordinary was going on when she received a message from her mother via her phone. “There seem to be some new security concerns for NSC. Take care.” Jacqueline appreciated the warning, she really did, but it also pissed her off. What has this to do with me? And now she’ll be expecting some silly favour in return, no doubt.

But as it turned out, this was a matter that would come to concern her rather personally. Indeed, the very same day, after work…There would be an incident. An unknown creature would come to stalk her…and it would come bearing gifts. Human eyes.
@CollectorOfMyst Yes, still following.
Still in, but I'm going to need time to make a post for this. It might take until sometime next week. By the way, can/should we do the Smile-visit/transformation for our first post?
In Alphabet Game 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
(The) Hunger Games
@Redward Thank you, I hope I will be able to portray her in the IC as well as I have in the CS.
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