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@Aristocles Very helpful, thank you. And yes, there are still things I would like to know about. I think you've said there are thousands of gods worshiped by Dracons - so I'm guessing these gods represent every natural, social and other phenomenons in the world (e.g. gods and goddesses for life, death, war, battle, luck, love/family etc.). Is every Dracon free to chose whom/what they worship or are some gods and goddesses more predominant in certain cities/social groups?

I'd like to know about some general desirable and undesirable traits for Dracons. Maybe some common stigmas.

Also, what is currently known about those dragons and humans who originally created the Dracons? (I'm guessing not much). Do any actual (winged) dragons still exist (you've mentioned evil ones above)?
@Aristocles Ha, sorry for the miss about Dracons. Besides the thing going on with kobolds, I have a feeling there are more family related matters going on elsewhere (hatching/rising young Dracons, conversations about magic, possibly something else?). Some examples about the kind of magic you've used in game might be helpful (I imagine that healing is the most straightforward). And what evil beings are there?
Also, what are some of the most common modes of transportation?
I'm interested in joining. I'll see if I can come up with a satisfactory character. As I understand the most recent events are Hekaga trying to make an alliance with the kobold occupied town (is it Traeton?). Besides this somewhat action oriented plot (which I'm a bit more interested in) there are also more SOL like events going on....elsewhere. Is that about it? I'd like to know a bit more about the magic (pretty much anything goes as long as it isn't OP?) and culture (maybe some of the gods they worship and if there is any strife among the draconians atm).
Sounds fine.
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