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Ineraz Evrenarth
Husband of: Sera @Pupperr and Zeldria @Saltwater Thief
Interacting (briefly) with: His brides, Xae @Ellion and Keregar @Legion02

As they continued wandering the marketplace, Ineraz bought several supplies that would most likely go to Terva, though he’d have to take some to Kereg-Kor as well if that is where he ended up going. He procured two pairs of riding breeches for his brides, despite the hardships he had finding them in the correct size. At least they were available – unlike the leather Gem-sized armour he hadn’t been able to find. They also made a stop to get Zeldria a cloak of her own, and Ineraz watched on in silence as his brides briefly interacted. He didn’t think they would ever get to be friends but as long as they were decently able to cohabit with each other, he honestly didn’t care too much what their relationship was. Of course, it would be quite interesting if he could get to enjoy them at the same time, but he wasn’t fussy enough to force or even encourage it. Especially not when he thought Sera was warming up to the idea of sleeping with him. Willingly. Ineraz quirked his lips in a small satisfied smile which soon transformed into a grimace as he rolled his shoulders, and the still present blazing pain in his back reminded him that he wouldn’t exactly be fully able of any such activity in the near future.

After this latest purchase, Ineraz led his group onto one of the main streets, and it was as if they had crossed some invisible boundary keeping a war zone from overflowing into the relative tranquility of the usual drakken businesses still operating entirely normally elsewhere. Literally the whole street was involved in some sort of a brawl, Drakken pushing each other, pounding on each other, and plenty with their weapons already drawn were charging whomever was closest. Ineraz scanned the battlefield, and almost instantly noted the Warlord of Kereg-Kor and his well-equipped entourage. The Warlord seemed to be in the centre of the fight, and if Ineraz had to offer a guess, the cause of it. Obviously, the entire street-full of Drakken must have been either addlebrained or drunk enough to believe that they could take on the vastly older and more experienced Drakkan, and win. Just as Ineraz set his right hand on the hilt of his sword with a nasty glare full of distaste directed at the crowd, he saw Sera getting knocked over by some random Drakkan in his periphery. With a feral snarl, Ineraz drew his weapon and slashed at the male. The imbecile had been trying to get to the core of the battle and had been distracted enough to get his leg cut away from him. Idiot. Ineraz felt rather righteous as he stood over the Drakkan, who with a gasp first turned to him then to his profusely bleeding thigh. The felled male looked at him in astonishment, slowly blinking as if he couldn’t believe what had just happened. Ineraz sneered at him and put him out of his misery. He then flicked his blade in irritation to get most of the blood off and re-sheathed it.

He had to give himself a moment to breathe and calm his flaming back. After that, Ineraz turned to Sera, who was still on the ground, and offered her his hand. When she accepted, he picked her up – almost effortlessly despite his back trying valiantly to kill him with the fiery aching – and brushed her off. Whether there was actual dust on her or he simply wanted to touch his possession to make sure she was still whole and healthy was anyone’s guess. It seemed like he wanted to do more, but just then another Gem practically knocked into him out of nowhere. Ineraz noted that if she had been a trained fighter, he would have likely been killed already due to being caught unawares. It would have been brilliant too – which Drakkan could possibly expect a Gem to come in charging for the kill? As it was however, the girl stammered out an apology, then threw herself at Zeldria, whom she obviously knew. Ineraz frowned at the pair and assessed his surroundings yet again. His group and Keregar’s were now almost side by side. It was safe to assume that the tanned, brown-haired, and brown-eyed Gem was actually Keregar’s. Ineraz decided to help protect her for the time being.

“Zeldria, Sera,” he growled lowly at them meaningfully. “Take cover by the wagon. Sera, feel free to burn any Drakkan trying to get close. Try not to inconvenience our allies though,” he gestured to Keregar’s group which was close-by and engaging pretty much everyone else. “You girl,” he hissed at the Gem stranger. “Either return to your master or stick close. And don’t die,” he briefly glared at her. “Nor,” he stated as if to the air, but the black hound’s ears perked in attention. “Guard,” he told the beast, pointing him at the Gems. The hulking black beast, followed by a slighter grey hound, ambled towards the Gem trio, to protect them from any Drakken wishing them harm.

Senn, the only Drakkan guard Ineraz had with him for this venture, was already standing with his weapon drawn at the wagon’s flank, attacking any approaching troublemakers to keep them away from the goods. The sandy beige and dark brown hounds were still with the guard, and snapped aggressively at enemy Drakken, helping Senn chase them away. Ineraz took this opportunity, when most of the brawlers were still focused on Keregar, to run to the wagon, climb up on its roof, take his bow from where it had hung over his back, and begin picking off the Drakkan one by one from his relatively safe vantage point. Though every single shot further aggravated his injured back, Ineraz kept at it. He was irritated enough that he didn’t even care how many Drakken were scared away from the combat zone and how many were killed on the spot, their life forfeited due to a petty little fight.

Some half-hour later, when the street was much bloodier and littered with corpses alongside the still living, and the assailants had either been scattered or slain, the skirmish was finally finished. Ineraz put the bow back around his back, still perched on the wagon, and stretched. His back protested at this action. Several of the cuts there had opened, and he could tell that his bandages were getting soaked in blood, though thankfully it was unlikely that that would be visible over the leather vest he wore over the (probably now bloody) shirt. His arrows had been mostly depleted during the battle, but as it was for a good cause, he did not mind. After wiping the sweat off his brow, Ineraz hopped back down. He checked on his brides, hovering by them while he ascertained whether they needed tending or not.

Finally, he turned and walked the short distance towards Keregar. “Warlord.” Ineraz greeted the older Drakkan with a feral little grin, unable to help his delight even though his back could probably serve as a furnace right now. “Not a bad way to meet,” he smirked and nodded at the felled Drakken, their blood steadily seeping down the path of least resistance, flowing into the gutters and getting into all the little cracks and fissures, but also slowly drying to a darker crimson. “What do you want with me, then?” Ineraz asked this curiously, his query honest and to the point but not without respect. He kept his gaze focused on the Warlord, ignoring the other's brides even though one of them had kind of assaulted Zeldria.

"Well, the Lady Sylph did praise me most on being pragmatic so that's what I thought was best to choose for now. If you think I could learn how to conjure a minor but helpful servant, something stronger than a Pawn though, we can do that later. But enchanting items does sound very useful. Everything you suggested sounds great to begin with," Yssil replied.

Asteria tore several chunks out of the lizard with great relish. She could not have possibly imagined that it would manage to turn its head within her grip, aim at her belly, and hit her with a poison volley. The acidic attack burned and Asteria faltered backwards, fell to the side and curled into a ball as she hissed out in pain. It was worse than anything that had happened to her in this world so far, probably worse than anything from her previous life too. She breathed through the pain, clenching her jaw tightly together, mind singing a litany of fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck as she struggled to think or do anything useful.

To top it off, she felt nauseated and clammy, and the system informed her she was poisoned. “Oh, fucking hell,” she muttered, not having the slightest clue how she’d survive this and desperate to do so. There had to be something, anything she could do, right? If goddamn magic existed in this world, there had to be a way for her to get out of this alive and well. For one thing, she had allies. “Guys,” she croaked weakly, but no one seemed to hear her. Edward ran somewhere else, possibly to find her something. Jason came by and sucked the blood from a lizard only to wash her with the still warm liquid. Asteria was honestly too weirded out to do anything but watch.

She thought there was still a wisp nearby, but she felt horribly weak and had to close her eyes for a moment. It was as if she could feel the life draining out of her. In a desperate attempt to try and save her own life, she focused on the energy within her, feeling out the magic she had felt earlier. She tried holding onto it, to guide it into locating and purifying the poison within her. Asteria didn’t exactly know if it helped at all, but what else was there to do? As if in answer to this question, a high-pitched voice suddenly intruded as a newcomer introduced her- or himself and offered help. Asteria opened her eyes blearily, sight somewhat hazy from being teared-up as she was. At this point, she had no way of knowing if the pixie in front of her was a hallucination or real. Nonetheless, she forced herself to croak out a sentence. “I’m poisoned. Heal me, please.” She then closed her eyes to rest just for a bit. She thought that the rest might actually turn out to be permanent this time and would have laughed hysterically if she had the strength to do so. As it was, she simply panted harshly, no option left to her but to wait, lying curled up as she struggled not to drift off.
"What ever would be most relevant for immediate survival needs first," Yssil reiterated. "Some simple weaponry, such as a sword, utility items, for example a knife, rope, blanket, and clothes. Perhaps even travelling items, a bag or a tent. I don't know if conjuration is the best way to go about getting water or fire, but that could be useful. And whatever you would recommend, truly," he answered Aerta's question.
Ineraz Evrenarth
Husband of: Sera @Pupperr and Zeldria @Saltwater Thief
Interacting with: His brides

They soon made it to the markets, Ineraz leading the group, while Senn kept pace at the rear of the wagon, the four hounds split between them. Next to Ineraz was Nor, a huge black one, the ends of a few patches of his fur already greying. He was a behemoth even by drakkan standards, and though old, he could still stand his ground against many a creature and win with sheer power and ferociousness. The multitude of scars on his body where the fur never had never fully grown back told quite the story of what he was capable of surviving. The other hound was a much smaller, sleeker, and faster, a grey female by the name of Nea. She was nowhere as tough as Nor, but could easily outrun him, and took longer to tire due to her younger age, a definite advantage to her hit-and-run tactics.

Next to Senn were a pair of siblings, one hound as beige as the desert sands and the other a darker brown. These two were about the same size as Nea, though they were males, and were most useful in hunting, though they did respectably in war-fare when paired up. Ineraz wasn’t as bothered as he otherwise might have been by Senn – a Drakkan not in his employ – accompanying them; partly because of the pulsating fiery pain in his back keeping his grumblings to his own mind, and partly because there was no point trying to hide the meeting with Lord Kereg-Kor from his father when his sire already knew about it. Well, if he honestly thought about it, the two reasons were strongly correlated. Thankfully, his brides were both inside the enclosed wagon and wouldn’t get to observe the way his expression wavered between a pained grimace and an attempted scowl to mask the ever-present pain in his whole back, the agony insidiously seeming to spread even to the parts of him he knew to be undamaged.

The relentless sound of clip-clop, clip-clop of the two horses pulling the wagon was soothing to Ineraz. The myriad of Drakken wasn’t unusual for Železna Kri, and just about what one could expect in celebration of the Reaping. However, having got used to the relative solitude of a sparsely populated fort to the north, surrounded mainly by desolate forests prowled by some dangerous creatures here and there, and a tiny village or two the only nearby settlements, Ineraz was honestly somewhat uncomfortable with the mingling crowd. But ignoring them was easy enough, especially with the way his injured back proved to be a nice distraction, offering a background of aggravating searing sensations whether he was walking or standing still or being bumped into by the occasional careless Drakkan. He weaved from street to street, keeping away from the main and most populated ones, though the smaller ones were only marginally less packed. The shabby wooden stalls were littered to the sides of the paved pathways, and amongst the merchandise one could truly find almost anything one wished to. Ineraz headed to the nearest section of clothing stalls and alerted his brides to get out of the wagon and browse the offered array of garments.

Almost immediately, Sera settled herself at his side, her small hand holding onto his left arm, clutching at the elbow, barely above yesterday’s burn from the tournament. The feeling paled in comparison to his poor aching back but only reminded him of the indignities he had suffered. Preoccupied as Ineraz was, he didn’t entirely miss Sera’s beseeching gaze, but for the first time in their acquaintance, he did not meet her enthralling blood red orbs. Instead, he kept his gaze fixed forward while he waited for Zeldria to come out as well. Before they started a leisurely walk down this part of the market, however, Ineraz repositioned Sera’s hold on him so her grasp slipped into his hand, and he gave her a belated comforting squeeze.

Zeldria wandered slightly ahead of them though not out of Ineraz’s or Senn’s line of sight, the latter of whom was following the trio of Drakkan and his Gem brides, the white-haired male now the one directing the horses and wagon. Ineraz’s red-headed bride was the first to make her picks, simple light-coloured tops and several darker skirts, adding one formal dress and a light blue scarf or whatever the neck accessory was properly called. “Good choices,” he complimented her and paid for the selection. He noticed she had to carry the apparel by hand and decided to buy two bags or suitcases or something of the sort later on. He had to release Sera while he was paying, and the next thing he knew, she was already browsing, though seemingly with much less enjoyment than Zeldria had.

Trusting Senn to keep an eye on Sera while he focused on his other bride, Ineraz once again considered Zeldria’s choices, taking note of what other pieces of clothing may do her well. His gaze landed on the only accessory she had wanted, that piece of clothing easily the unique one among her assortment. “An interesting item, that one,” he commented. He picked the blue neckwear from the top of the pile Zeldria was holding onto with a purposefully slow movement, staring into her eyes with a neutral expression, then unfolded the kerchief and tied it loosely around her neck with a simple knot. He cocked his head judgingly to the side and found he appreciated the contrast. “It suits you,” Ineraz told Zeldria.

Without further ado, he turned on his heel and stalked to where Sera had just picked up the last piece of clothing she seemed intent on having him buy, a beautiful white cloak with golden accents. By the time Ineraz made it to her side, the shopkeeper was already putting the wide variety of attire she had chosen in several bags and Ineraz wondered whether they provided her with those because she had taken so many articles or because she had managed to intimidate the merchants. The young Evrenarth heir paid for her collection as well. He let her carry the bags to the wagon, keeping a guiding hand on her upper back, and only took over the bags from her to store them inside the wagon, then linked his left hand with her right once again. He turned to face Zeldria with Sera on his side.

“Put those on a bench for now,” he gestured with a head movement from the clothes Zeldria was still carrying to the wagon and its narrow wooden but fur-lined seating. “I will get you each a suitcase for the various items you may acquire. Zeldria, you might consider a travelling cloak of your own. A pair of riding breeches would not be amiss for the both of you. And Sera,” he now turned to face her instead of the red-head. “I will try to find a hunting outfit for you, preferably a leather one, though the closest we will probably come to that here is some durable cloth apparel.”

And that having been the most he had spoken since his punishment, Ineraz remained mostly silent for the rest of their shopping trip, interacting with the Gems only as a reply to any prompt either might give. If Zeldria decided to get a travelling cloak, he would let her get one before moving on. The same went for the riding pants; he’d pick a pair or two on the way if either Gem expressed an interest in having them. After that, Ineraz directed them towards travelling-oriented goods. He oversaw the kind of suitcase they picked and approved of the choice as long as the items were durable but not needlessly pricey.

Lastly, Ineraz led the group to the stalls dealing predominantly in weaponry and armour. He bought a leather vambrace for his left arm to replace the one that had been destroyed the previous day, then wandered from stall to stall to see if there was anything appropriate Sera could eventually use for hunting. The only leather apparel that would possibly fit her were some tight and skimpy pieces obviously meant to be pleasing to the eye rather than protective. With a disappointed shake of his head, Ineraz gave up on the endeavour, and simply purchased Sera a pair of trousers, a shirt, and a tunic made of thick cloth, its fibres one of the highest quality ones around here. Once done with the purchasing, Ineraz roamed the markets to find Keregar; the Drakkan warlord would be impossible to miss if he had already arrived at the meeting location.


Asteria steadily dug alongside Ed, only speaking after his reply to her proposition of finding or making another exit. “Oh, I didn’t mean so I could flee and leave the other people to the goblins. I simply thought having an extra exit only we, the humans that is, know about could prove to be helpful. Though making one would be quite the task and I don’t know if we’d manage to conceal it sufficiently…” she trailed off, considering the idea some more, continuing to shovel the earth and rocks from their position, making a hole for the mana crystals and eventually widening and deepening it into a trench.

Sometime during her work, Asteria suddenly received a system notification about gaining a new skill and she would have happily celebrated if she weren’t also getting tired. Gaining dexterity in her paws was quite the advancement, but at the first level, the skill wasn’t yet quite capable of everything she’d like to do. But it did open new possibilities, most importantly the ability to manipulate small tools. Asteria believed she might be able to make a more competent attempt at crafting a bone tool now. What was more, this skill helped in her current task; any small stones she came upon were now much easier to dislodge, pick up, and remove for her.

As she continued working, she realized she was becoming hungrier. First it was a vague feeling of wanting to eat but it soon became a painful clenching of her stomach, a loud grumbling from both herself and Mother making itself known. She was just considering suggesting a break, when three incoming poison spheres entered her line of sight. Asteria dashed to the side and outside the trench, landing to one side of the group, now flanking it. Although her dodge was fast, she had not noticed the lizards before she did their attack and so one of the poison globs caught the last third of her tail, harming it.

Before attacking the lizards, she hissed at them furiously, swinging her tail through the earth from one side to the other to wipe off the poison. Then she simply charged at the nearest lizard, being close enough that she worried about its teeth more than about its ranged attack. She used her speed advantage to quickly close the small distance between them, lifted herself very briefly on her hind-limbs then slammed down into the lizard, her left fore-paw landing on the top of its head and her right on its back. Asteria put all of her weight into the tentative hold, gripping tightly with her paws, then proceeded to try and bite several chunks out of the struggling mass beneath her. If all went well, she would quickly dispatch the first lizard and move onto the next. There was, of course, the danger of being attacked by another lizard right now, but she could only depend on her allies to distract the other two.
Yssil chuckled lightly. "Yes, those kinds of tests are practically a classic, aren't they?" He then nodded, knowing receiving a gift was rare. As Aerta continued the possible reasons the sylph had for gifting him with the charmed necklace, Yssil blushed and winced almost simultaneously. As beautiful as the woman was, it was also just a bit strange to think about. "O-oh. Um. Thank you," he stammered slightly. "I will keep that in mind. Are we starting with that item creation now? Or something else?" Yssil cocked his head inquisitively at Aerta.

Their telepathy experiment seemed to have failed, but at the very least Asteria discovered that there was indeed some sort of energy within her that could be only magic. For the next few moments, she kept her focus on it, getting a feel for it, calling it to her, keeping it building, then slowly letting it dissipate, and repeated the procedure a couple of times. She may have managed to attempt more if Jason hadn’t interrupted her, suddenly making off towards the dying light of the bonfire Mother Rat had alerted them to. Asteria frowned at it. She remembered it burning more brightly and wondered what happened. And she was technically part of Jason’s group now, so she followed, having to intentionally keep her running pace slower so she was able to go alongside the group. Now that she had to pay attention not to outrun the rest of them, she was much more aware of how her body worked to run. She focused on the flexing of her muscles, the way her fore- and back limbs moved in concert, the manner in which her tail stabilized the rest of her. Her head was slightly hunched between her shoulders, kept close to the ground, so she could easily sniff out a scent to follow if needed. She felt the wind resistance in her whiskers, ears and along her fur, the wind ruffling it lightly. Her front and back digits dug into the earth somewhat, providing the grip while her palms and feet worked to push her forward and helped her land each step gracefully.

In no time at all, they reached the bonfire, the sudden stop startling Asteria into a light stumble. And…there were a lot of monsters. Or rather, what turned to be former humans in the guise of monsters. Jason wasted no time barking orders at them all, mentioning an individual named Crispy and a horde of goblins outside that wanted to kill them all. Fucking great. Asteria glanced at the crystal cache, a quick count revealing them to number somewhere between fifty and sixty pieces, though about a dozen was grabbed up right away by some of the former-humans. Asteria glared at the mana crystals. Not that it was the mana resource’s fault that they had an imminent battle to look forward to but that was certainly part of the cause in her mind. She was downright appalled at how terribly organized they were and could only pray their enemy didn’t have a half-competent commander. Because even if Jason proved his worth with some quick tactical thinking, not everyone at all was inclined to follow his order. One Wisp even challenged him directly, and Asteria might have been amused and inclined to agree with the floating ball if she hadn’t proven to be even pushier and more high-handed than Jason was – quite the feat to be truthful.

Asteria almost groaned out loud when she heard Jason assigned her to digging out a hole for the freaking crystals. Weren’t there any better and more important things to do? Maybe looking around the cave to see if there were any other people and potential allies around? Or worrying about the fact that they had no way to escape once the enemy decided to attack them? Not that she had the time to suggest any such thing, because Jason wobbled his slimy self away together with a goblin for some kind of digging elsewhere, and Edward had already moved backwards and was diligently digging into the yielding soil. With a sigh, Asteria followed, nudging Mother Rat to go along and help them in their task.

“Let’s just get this over with, shall we?” she suggested, shoving her paws into the earth in determination, scooping out as much as she could as fast as she could. “Then we can try finding or digging out an escape route. Because I don’t know about you, Edward, but I really loathe the idea of being trapped in what could be our graveyard, with the only current potential exit leading directly to a horde of monsters just waiting, or worse, preparing to slaughter us all.”

@Searat @Zeroth
"Oh," Yssil said, not exactly disappointed, but surprised. He had though she had been summoned as a teacher, but apparently that was not the case. "Thank you. I shall treasure your gift greatly," he said, bowing to her formally. Then he put the talisman around his neck and tucked it under his shirt, only part of the bronze chain the hidden gem was attached to remaining visible.

He waited until the sylph disappeared, thinking on the situation. Then he turned to Aerta, curious about something. "Did you simply want to test my character? Motivations? Or desire for power? I can understand why, but surely that's not the only reason you summoned her for..." he trailed off uncertainly, frowning lightly. He had enjoyed meeting the air elemental but he couldn't help wondering what Aerta's reasons for having him do so were.
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