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Asteria snapped her eyes open at an ominous loud sizzling, disturbed from her attempts at familiarizing herself with her mana, to find Jason fiddling around with several dozes of lizard poison and some of the mana crystals. He created something so dangerous looking that she preferred not to contemplate it too much. But she was interested in the small leftover poison pool though, and took one of those broken bone needles to it. Carefully, she grabbed it at the blunt side with her paw, dipped the end that should have been pointy into the pool of poison, quickly took it away in case it would have wholly melted otherwise, and dropped it to a patch of ground to observe how the poison affected it. If the bone happened to turn into a more useful variant, she would do the same to all the rest of the broken-off bones. Otherwise, she’d just leave them be as they were.

When she next turned around to wake up Edward, Asteria noticed he was already up. It appeared he was making a crafting attempt of his own, disassembling the lizards’ jaws and trying to shape them into something. Asteria watched him do it, curious enough if he would succeed or not. When Ed was done, Asteria took the two sharpest and the other average bone needles, bundled them into a heap, and tied her own tail around them. She then awkwardly dragged all the functional bone needle weapons towards Asura and dropped them off in front of him. “Hey, if you think you could use this, go ahead. I thought of making a trap, but I have other plans for that one hole we dug out, now. Maybe you could use them as a projectile, like Jason supposedly does with earth?”

Finally, Asteria went back to the hole they had made for hiding the mana crystals, still empty, and observed it critically. She jumped into the hole and out of it, judging its depth. It didn’t look like she could comfortably lie in it and still see over the edge as it was now, so she pushed some of the dug-out earth back in. In as short as time as she could, she basically turned the hole into a small part of a ditch, the kind that she thought soldiers used for exactly what she was about to do. She lied into it, and was now able to see over the edge as well as not be quite as visible as she had been simply standing on the level ground. To try and heighten the effect of being hidden, she used her tail to push a very light layer of earth over herself, now regretting having cleaned her coat earlier, as the earth might otherwise stick to her better. Once her body was kind of covered, she spit into her paws and mixed some earth to her saliva, applying the mud to her face in an approximation of a camouflage. Her coat was naturally grey and so good for night-time ambushes, but if the goblins had a light source, which was likely seeing as they had had a bonfire, perhaps trying to look like part of the ground from the distance (and hopefully not look too suspicious from close-by) would help.

“Ed? Mother? If either of you finds the time, could you check how my camouflage looks like? I’m thinking of making an ambush, and if this seems effective, perhaps the two or three of us could all do it.” Asteria spoke, including Mother Rat on purpose just to test if she understood basic commands directed at her or not. Then, her head already in position to watch the cave's entrance comfortably, Asteria simply focused her gaze forward. She squinted a bit, so much so to try and conceal the gleam of her eyes, which she thought she heard to be one of the most easily apparent things besides teeth from a distance, as it was to try and see farther into the distance. She had already heard the goblins approaching, and perked her ears to try discerning their position by sound as well as sight.

Akio Nagasawa

It was the beginning of a whole new school year. And more importantly, a new school environment. The Himikai Academy, one of those prestigious education establishments that were hard enough to get into that just about every attendee was proud of it. The kind of school Akio wouldn’t have even thought about getting into. But seeing as the opportunity practically presented itself, why wouldn’t he take it? The few ex-classmates he still kept in contact with, people that went to different schools now, had been rather jealous of him when they learned he'd been scouted by such a good school. The mysterious club he was to attend was just a bonus.

Akio did not believe that he would manage to keep in contact with his previous school-mates for long. The only thing they had had in common was the classes they had visited and some hobbies. Well, mostly gaming. Akio imagined it would be similar here. He would eventually find someone who was into art or video games or perhaps even hiking, and they would become something like friends. When high school was over…That was honestly too far away to consider.

All that Akio wanted from this academy was to develop his artistic abilities, specifically to learn digital art. He could and did dabble based on just free internet lectures, but it wasn’t the same as having a proper instructor. And whether he had to apply himself at schoolwork, be diligent in completing his homework, preparing for tests, or attending the enigmatic Hunters club, Akio was determined to succeed. As such, he spent the day attentively listening to lectures and taking notes as neatly as he could. During the lunch period, he attempted to unobtrusively insert himself amongst a group of class-mates. They introduced, and Akio mostly listened as they chatted about their first day and such.

The day proceeded similarly until the classes ended. It was now time to find the Hunters club, and he was quite surprised there was such an obvious announcement about it. Finding the club room was rather simple too, the obnoxiously bright sign loudly announcing its presence. The pale black-haired teenager entered the club room, finding several members already present. A taller, older, green-eyed boy sat at the teacher’s desk and was probably the club’s leader. Akio nodded at the older teen in greetings politely, then ambled further inside.

He noticed a girl had brought brownies with her, and another had already taken one. Figuring they were meant for sharing, Akio approached the girl with strangely violet-coloured eyes, and slowly stretched his arm towards a brownie, so as to see whether she’d reprimand him from trying to take one. That didn’t seem to be the case however, and so Akio successfully grabbed one. “Thanks,” he said quietly to the girl. He took a bite out of the brownie and chewed thoughtfully. “It’s good,” he commented. “I’m Akio Nagasawa, by the way,” he introduced himself, somewhat awkwardly, then made his way towards a table, and took a seat. He set his school-bag under the table, munching happily on the brownie while he waited for the club meeting to start, mostly keeping his attention on the boy he figured was their president.
"Well...several questions have occurred to me, but they all pertain to the Lady Sylph or what she said. Summoning a sentient being seems very advanced, and, well it really is amazing that you can do it. But why can we, really? Like she said, I find it a bit strange that we can summon sentient beings and potentially have them do our bidding. Though it does appear that any being with sentience can resist a summon if they so want...That is why you had to give her a gift, right? To encourage her co-operation," Yssil said. He then went on, though on another topic. "As for the rope enchanting, how is enchanting similar to conjuration?"
Ineraz Evrenarth
Husband of: Sera @Pupperr and Zeldria @Saltwater Thief
Interacting with: His brides and Keregar @Legion02

“A good omen indeed,” Ineraz affirmed. “I will go with you,” Ineraz smiled almost sultrily at the Warlord. Not the strangest of herbal mixtures, the most potent of alcohols, the wildest of parties nor the most hallucinogenic of mixtures could possibly compare to the high of a battle, of having won. Recognition however, was perhaps even a sweeter drug. “Oh, you honour me, Warlord,” Ineraz chuckled lightly, despite how even his breathing was starting to strain his back now.

“I will move myself, the brides, and some of my other possessions to your lodgings in Železna Kri in the following days, and when we are ready, we can travel to Kereg-Kor together. And then,” he sighed wistfully, “We shall hunt,” Ineraz smiled wickedly, in anticipation. After a blink or two, long enough to dispel the fantasy of near future fun, Ineraz nodded respectfully at Keregar, merely glancing at the rest of his brood and his other companions, then turned as smoothly as he was able on his heel and walked with a steady precision towards his wagon. He guided or gestured to his brides to follow him, unwilling to show any weakness to Keregar as he walked, though he was really beginning to want a rest given how his damnable back kept screaming at him every second he continued standing.

Despite being exhausted from the injury (more so than from the fight), Ineraz got the wagon ready and his whole group moving in a mere few minutes. He ushered Sera and Zeldria into the wagon, while he split the four hounds into two pairs, a pair with him in the front, and the other with Senn in the back. Ineraz led them to the manor, helped his brides get their goods to their shared bedroom, and dismissed Senn back to his previous duties for the time being. Instead of a Drakkan guard, Ineraz simply had Nor, the large black hound, and Mag, the female grey hound, brought into the manor and took the pair of hounds into his and his Gem’s shared bedchamber, leaving the canines there to guard his girls.

“Eat if you’re hungry. Between the two of you, you can find the kitchens or the great hall easily enough, I’m sure. The hounds are here as a precaution and for your protection. If some imbecile still decides to bother you, I believe in your capabilities to defend yourself. Unfortunately, I shall not be available until this evening or tomorrow morning. When I…return, I will find you to see how you have been doing. As before, you are free to wander the estate. Don’t give my dear hounds too much trouble, though, will you?” he tried going for a light tone, especially with his finishing statement, but his voice was now obviously rougher with the pain he suffered, so his whole delivery was closer to a stiff-sounding order than anything else.

Having no desire to give away much more to the Gems, Ineraz walked proudly but slower than ever before towards his study. Once inside, he locked the door twice. He finally stripped his leather vest, the bloodied shirt underneath, and practically tore away the bandages, uncaring if he damaged himself further. He ignored the pieces of skin that peeled away together with the bandages and the blood that continued seeping from his injured back. Though his father had burned some of his injuries, not all of them were protected from being opened. Ineraz couldn’t quite decide if the cauterization of some or the re-opening of others caused the worse pain. He dropped his vest, shirt, and the bandages to the floor in one bloody heap, then collapsed onto the ratty chaise lounge inside of his office, finally able to relax now that he was away from any prying eyes. He didn’t so much fall asleep as he did slip into unconsciousness.


Asteria carefully licked the blood of her fur-coat, staring at the bone needles she had made. As far as she could see, two were very sharp and the best ones she had made, while six were kind of broken and useless as a weapon. The other seven were average. When her coat was cleaner, she curled into a ball next to Mother Rat and watched Jason, waiting for him to come out of that egg. He soon did, very much different. He was still a slime, just a much…flashier one. But he was most likely stronger now, so who’d care about a detail like that?

“Jason, you changed,” she commented neutrally. Asteria couldn’t claim she had grown any fonder of him during their short acquaintance, but while he was out of commission, his leadership skills, as much as they uncomfortably resembled a dictatorship, still managed to create an obvious absence. Unfortunately, no-one else from this mismatched group seemed able or willing enough to fit a leadership role. They would just have to do with the slime, for now. Not too bad of a deal when he was most likely the strongest one amongst them and had plenty of sense about what to do in a fight as well. “Hey, listen, I made some bone needles, so we could use that hole for a trap instead of storing mana crystals. Unless you have a better idea what to do with them. I don’t think anyone beside you, Digbie, and maybe Asura could use them as a weapon,” she shrugged.

Still curled into a ball, Asteria closed her eyes for a few moments. She stayed fully alert, listening closely to any suspicious sounds, especially paying attention to anything that might signify the goblins’ approach. However, she did want to rest her body as much as she could before the fight, because although she had eaten lizard meat and drank some of their blood, she was still lightly fatigued from the digging, fighting, and being poisoned. She trusted her own senses and felt safe enough being near Mother Rat – who had proven to be quite the force in a fight – to simply rest for a while.

Listening to the goings on in the cave, Asteria resolved to wake up Edward soon if he didn’t do so on his own. He really didn’t need to get skewered in his sleep. Neither did she, but to be truthful, she was anxious enough that despite lying down, her heartbeat was faster than it usually was, and her muscles tensed back up almost as soon as she got them relaxed. At least she managed to control her breathing somewhat, and in an attempt to calm down, she once again called on the magic she knew she had within her, just to feel the energy coursing through her, though as usual, it wasn’t exactly eager to respond. All the while, she kept her ears perked up, waiting for the inevitable attack.

As soon as she put the points into Poison Resistance and gained the skill, Asteria felt better; Oberon’s healing and shield were much more effective now. This allowed her to gather her strength, and the next time the pixie cast a spell at her, first a full-body one, she concentrated as well as she could on feeling his mana energy. She thought she got the vague sense of it infusing her and attempted differentiating his mana from her own, then located her innate magic, tried rising it up so she’d be more aware of it, and join it with Oberon’s spell so she’d help it work. Whether what she did was effective or not, she could tell that the pixie’s spell purified the poison from her. An intense sense of relief washed over her as soon as it was gone – there was even a system message to confirm that she was healed, and she did indeed feel much better.

Asteria exhaled lowly and slowly, drained and loose from the fight, taking several deep breaths to collect herself. “Open status menu?” she asked confused, blinking a couple of times to see if what she said had any affect. “I was already…informed that I’m not poisoned anymore. Thank you very much for that. I owe you,” she nodded her head at the male pixie once to show she meant it. He then cast a healing spell limited to her burned area, and she swore she could almost feel the spell if she focused on it intensely, though actually grasping the sensation properly still seemed to be out of her reach for now. After she was fully healed, Oberon went to do some other business. Gone or not, Asteria would remember him for sure.

Finally, back to full health, she now had the opportunity to observe her surroundings. That one loud-mouthed Wisp had flown some distance away, and Oberon apparently followed to talk to her. Edward was passed out on the ground, and Asteria couldn’t help but wonder if he had strained so much only for her sake, and if he had, why he had done it. Mother Rat was still nearby, perhaps simply observing, not having much to do at the moment. Jason was…turning into some sort of an egg?! Maybe that’s what he had been trying to tell them when she was too insensate to pay any attention. There was also a goblin who she was fairly certain had been digging tunnels not too long ago and had just suggested that they should rest up. Seeing as how she had literally been doing that for the past who-knows-how-long, Asteria felt that would be a waste of time in her case.

Having nothing else to do, she turned to the three lizards’ corpses and began extracting their bones. She remembered how poor her last attempt at crafting had been, but a fifty or so percent success rate was better than nothing. She didn’t know if the spikes she intended to make out of the lizards’ femurs, tibiae, ribs, and the long arm bones would even come in handy, but if they did, that would be pretty great. With that in mind, she approached the first corpse and began chewing the meat off the pertinent areas as carefully as she could without damaging the bones. Extracting the leg and arm bones wasn’t that easy and sharpening all of their ends to a point went about as well as the first time she did so. Getting at the ribs was much harder though, because, one, they were connected to the rib-cage and had to be broken off, and two, they were much more fragile and harder to make anything useful of.

Still, after working tirelessly at her self-set task, Asteria managed to extract the three lizards’ bones and got some of them shaped into something that could be called a spike. Depending on the bone, some were a bit longer and tougher, while others were shorter or curvier and more fragile. But even having these at her disposal, she didn’t exactly know what to make of them. “Hey, uh, temporary goblin leader? Sorry if I didn’t catch your name…But do you think you could make traps out of these or something?” Asteria pointed to the meagre number of badly shaped ‘spikes’ if they could be truly called that, looking at the person/goblin she hadn’t interacted with so far.

Looks like it could be fun.

Asteria remained lying curled into herself on one side, trying to wait out the shaking and cramps. As the pixie cast some magic on her, she felt getting slightly stronger for a while, but the poison stubbornly persisted. “That helps a bit,” she croaked to Oberon, then asked confusedly “Open what? Still poisoned if that’s what you mean,” she whispered, panting harshly for a while to regain strength after talking so much while in pain. Suddenly, a system message informed her of a level up. Asteria looked at the message blearily and suddenly shouted “8 points to poison resistance!” She weakly waited to see what the effect was, though she didn’t believe that she’d be miraculously healed, but the poison might wear off after a while at least.

Jason was blathering on about something terribly inconsequential some distance away, while Edward had returned from his trip and poured some water on her acid burned stomach. Asteria groaned quietly in relief. “Thanks, Ed,” she muttered, her voice still weak. She then lifted her gaze to the pixie in a request. “Can you try the healing or whatever you used just at the burned area?”

Whether the new poison resistance skill would be helpful and in what way, she’d prefer to be fully healed. She also wanted to help the process along and so she breathed as calmly as she could, trying to relax from the way the pain managed to get her all tensed up and cramping. Then, when Oberon directed the healing and/or shield spell at her abdomen, she would focus on how it felt on her fur and skin and try to feel and draw his magic inside of her body. She wanted to try mixing his magic, which already obviously worked with some sort of intent with her so-far unshaped and uncontrollable energy. Maybe she could heal herself from the inside that way. Though this process required intense concentration in the face of her current suffering, she persisted. She just had to survive and when she was rid of the poison, maybe she could rest for a few minutes. But now was the time to struggle and get through this.
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