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Akio Nagasawa

“Hmmmm…” Akio hummed noncommittedly. He had already decided he would not tell his parents. They would worry overly much. And might not believe him. I’ll have to think up of something good about what a ‘Hunter’s Club’ in a school might do…Something to do with temples, maybe exploring them, or some such. Could be believable enough I suppose. I hope. He frowned lightly in distaste when their club president let them know about the group activity they were to have in a park, however. They didn’t even know each other properly! And they were expected to work together to catch something? And a harmless something? It better not be an intangible spirit. Akio grimaced – he could imagine easily enough how this disturbingly sports-like event might progress. Maybe he could just test his powers on whatever it was they were supposed to catch from the side-lines.

He loitered around in the classroom, waiting for the most eager ones to leave. He couldn’t help gaping in surprise when the blond delinquent boy jumped out of the window. Jumped out of the window! AKio shook his head in disbelief, thinking to himself that this was the kind of thing he’d have to get used to soon. The supernatural not only existed but was now part of his life. He then turned to stare at a most excitable pair, Aiden and a cheerful girl Akio had pegged as an airhead. Akio had an inkling he should at least try to get along with everyone, but people like that…they were just- too much. Too loud, too intrusive, too friendly. As the kind of person who warmed up to others very slowly, the people who were so overtly sociable were the ones that, in his experience, were better avoided, at least in the beginning, while they searched for like-minded individuals to flock to and group up with. And after they had their own little popular clique, Akio could have his peace. Though how this would work inside of a club, where group activity and co-operation was expected, he couldn’t quite imagine. On that note, why had the club president said he would only watch? Did- did he need to do that to know how to lead them better? Or would he just take on the role of an examiner, assessing how they dealt with novel situations?

Akio sighed, and after gathering his belongings, quietly exited the club-room, avoiding being caught up by anyone seeking easy companionship. He was curious to see that the boy who had seemed just as solitary as himself, if not more, ran after the rambunctious pair. However, he did not change his mind on joining the group and went his own way instead. On the way to the Yume park, Akio made a short stop at a convenience store. He bought something small and cheap to snack on, a bottle of cool water, and a bundle of rope. The rope was the kind used for tying up tomatoes as they grew, to support them. While wandering the store, he figured he may as well buy something that might help in their task, and rope was the simple, affordable choice. After that, he ambled towards the Yume park, much less tense now that there was no pressure to socialize with anyone. And though there were plenty of people around, it wasn’t nearly as bad as being on any public transport in the rush hour would be. He enjoyed his walk to the park and happily strolled on the paved paths among the artfully arranged greenery. Akio eventually settled himself on a bench, in a shade, and wolfed down his snack, then sipped on the water slowly. Though he had had that delicious brownie earlier, it had only hungered him. The small pastry and the water he had bought, however, worked to energize him. Hopefully this chasing-something wasn’t an extreme enough activity to cause him to vomit. That would be- more than awkward.

Akio felt rather pleasant right now, and for a few minutes just observed the surroundings. He looked at how many other people there were, or if he could see any of his classmates around already. He then took out the bundle of rope he had purchased and searched for scissors in his pen case. Akio cut the rope free, then cut a short piece off of the bundle. With that done, he stored everything but the short cut-off rope piece in his bag. He had decided to play some cat’s cradle on his own to pass the time. The rope wasn’t nearly stretchy enough, not to mention he would have to tie the two loose ends together. As he was making a knot, though, an idea struck him. Akio untied the partial knot and concentrated on holding the two ends together just with his new telekinesis powers. It took a very intense focus to do what he wanted, especially once he began looping the rope around his fingers, trying to manipulate the thing into different shapes without letting the construction fall apart. It was challenging, and Akio became completely absorbed in his self-given task, without even noticing his preoccupation.
@Landaus Five-One Thank you very much.

“Yes, we are well hidden. We will have to time our ambush very well to be effective, however,” Asteria whispered. “The goblins are still some distance away, but approaching steadily,” she commented quietly after squinting for a while and only making out their enemies’ torches. She then remembered the four poisoned bone needles were still on the ground, in plain sight. Leaving them so obviously in the open would only reveal that monsters were nearby. Cautiously and as silently as she managed, she climbed out of the hole, gathered the four bone needles by carefully wrapping her tail around their handles, handling them delicately so not to get poisoned herself, then took them into the hole, where she crouched back into a prone position. She placed the four poisoned bone needles to the side of the hole, where she could still easily reach them, but none of the Dire rats would accidentally step on them or something.

“Do you have any good idea what to do with these four poisoned needles? I made them beforehand, but…” she murmured trailing of. “A trap would be inefficient and too conspicuous, I believe. Perhaps if we could fashion ourselves a stinger as a scorpion might have,” she muttered doubtfully. She thought she had time enough to test her tail’s strength and flexibility, however. Asteria swung her tail from left to right, forward and backward. She checked whether the goblins had approached into what she’d consider danger zone and decided they had not yet. Crouched, she aimed her tail at the rear wall of the dug-out hole and smashed the appendage lengthwise into it. She assessed the damage to the wall and waited out the pain from purposefully battering a relatively vulnerable part of her anatomy at something solid. Then she brought her tail forwards in several quick attempts at a thrust, ‘attacking’ the empty air, only so she could feel how her tail responded to such a manipulation.

Akio Nagasawa

Akio watched in amazement Saito showed them the proof. His eyes had dancing lights in them and his ears were still suffering from the aftershocks of the loud thunder, but his mouth was slightly open in surprise, his eyes wide in wonder. Before the first student stood up to grab a talisman, he managed to snap his mouth shut, relaxing his posture so he could watch as one by one, the students were seduced by the promise of power. Not that he was any better, really. He curiously observed as students manifested various powers, some more obvious than others. The exception to this was the blonde delinquent teen who had already awakened his, and Akio realized that it must be some form of super strength, as evidenced by the male’s previous violent entrance. So that’s what he had meant when he said he used too much....

Still, Akio couldn’t help but notice that what the students unlocked were mere parlour tricks in comparison to what Saito had demonstrated. Presumably, they could train and grow this…ability – their president had mentioned something on that account, hadn’t he? Something about setting up a portal? Well, whatever it was, Akio was satisfied with all the answers the older teen had provided. He was quite wary of whatever they might face that they needed such supernatural abilities, but nonetheless stood up when then was less of a crowd and went to find hid talisman.

You inherited the ability of telekinesis from a long line of spiritualists, though the latest known users to manifest a similar talent that were also your direct relatives were your grand-grandparents. They even had a temple, though it passed from your family’s possession some decades ago. Despite that, you have been (un)lucky enough to receive this power. Use it well.

“And how could you possibly know something like this?” Akio asked Saito with a frown, waving the talisman in front of him to emphasize his point. “The work of your psychic too?” Without really waiting for an answer though, he pricked his left index finger with the provided needle, let the blood drop onto the talisman, and held the item to his chest. A very strange sensation, like experiencing an energy current beginning to run through him while also being subjected to an uncomfortable pressure from both the inside and outside of his body. The pain was most obvious in his head at first, though the thudding ache soon spread everywhere else. Eventually, it slowly began to dissipate, and Akio opened his eyes in relief. As soon as he set his gaze onto the talisman, it floated – floated! – into the air, then returned, as easily and lightly as if it were a feather, back to his palm. So that was a part of his new mind powers. Well. Alright then.

“What now then?” he once again turned to Saito with a question, though with more politeness than he had expressed on some of the previous occasions. “Is there something else for us to do today or are we done? Oh, and I’ve just remembered, but what are we supposed to tell our parents? Since this club is the only reason we’ve been invited to this school. And they’re not exactly supposed to know the truth, I’d imagine.”
@The Jest

Agreed. I'm perfectly happy making the spy. And I was actually hoping you might have something in store for the organization which was responsible for their training and sending them to the empire. Any details you have on that faction/agency I'll be happy to receive. There's also the decision of which sector of the empire they had been infiltrating. Their military? Security? Commerce?
I've been thinking of perhaps making a character for this, to add another member to the deckhands. What I've considered so far is a (Denar) former imperial soldier (perhaps combat medic) gone rogue for one reason or another. Another option I've thought of is a (Alori) spy who had been sent to infiltrate the empire by some sort of organization/faction but who had to flee both powers due to being 'compromised'. Might there be space for one such and does either sound viable?

“Thanks, but I've already made several bone needles. I've carried most of them over to Asura though.” Nonetheless, she looked over at the remaining bone material Ed had left behind. Perhaps with her new crafting skill, she’d even manage to turn one of those shard into a bone needle. She attempted to do so, once again utilizing the leftover poison pool to aid the process and potentially add the poison coating to the new bone weapons – some seemed to be shaping into something more closely resembling a shiv than a needle, though Asteria suspected she might once again be unable to sharpen them into a proper edge like a knife would have.

“Mud? Oh, well, fine, we have some time,” she said, in a whisper this time, as she had heard a pixie’s warning about the steadily approaching goblin enemies. She crawled out of the foxhole, nudged Mother Rat in the hopes she’d follow, went over to Ed’s mud pool, and rolled in it. Oh, her poor shiny coat. Hopefully the mud wouldn’t be too troublesome once it dried…After she was so 'camouflaged' she tried getting Mother Rat to dip into the mud pool as well, nudging her side once again and gesturing to the dirty puddle.

“I don’t know how much she understands, but I can probably get to mimic us. Hopefully that fox-hole is big enough for us. By the way, this ambush wasn’t so much of get to them before they get to us and stay hidden while we do so, but more of the wait-and-hide variety until they’re close enough that we can lunge at them in a surprise attack. Though perhaps both options appear equally risky,” she shrugged, then went back to her fox-hole. With her new level of the beast skill, she chose her sight to focus on, and gazed towards the entrance, trying to discern the goblins and their movements.

Akio Nagasawa

Akio swiftly finished eating the tasty treat that was the brownie, and, having worked up an appetite, was just sweeping the crumbs off the table to lick them up from his palm, when someone practically smashed the door open. Akio turned to stare at the newcomer, a delinquent looking boy who was much too careless and energetic for Akio’s taste. Saito reprimanded the seemingly violent teen as well, and Akio silently agreed with their president's action. Steadily, other members arrived one by one, and most of them appreciated that one girl’s brownies as much as he did. Unfortunately, as bad as names as Akio was, he didn’t quite remember most of those that introduced themselves. The only fellow club member that stood out to him was the most silent one, a boy who neither offered his name nor took a piece from the still available free food. Akio barely had time to offer the dark-haired dark-eyed boy a glance, when Saito began his introduction.

He started off by telling them that the weird beings they might have seen and the strange situations they have experienced were far from far-fetched figments of imagination. Akio nodded at this; he had never believed himself crazy, even if such lack of doubt was already a suspicious sign. “Everyone else said those things aren’t real,” he muttered quietly, mostly to himself, though anyone close enough might have heard that bit of rambling. Saito then went on with his speech, continuing with how some of these spirits or perhaps demons, were dangerous. And that everyone here was an individual chosen to…fight them. He spoke of power, preparations, training, and danger.

“You want to make us into soldiers!” Akio exclaimed almost as soon as Saito was done with his speech. His assertion wasn’t quite accusing, but it was full of disbelief. After his initial outburst, Akio simply listened to some of the other teens’ doubts and questions, then stated some of his own. “And assuming you are telling the truth, how did you find us if there are so few people like us,” Akio made air quotes at this, not entirely sure what Saito had meant besides being able to see weird things. Well, that, and possibly having some other supernatural abilities, according to the older teen.

“And were you the one who found us or are there also adults in on this? Because no offense but just getting a bunch of high-schoolers to fight…It sounds wildly fantastical and unlikely to do much good.” Then Akio contemplated what the (relatively) confirmed existence of those kind of things that he saw on occasion actually meant. “By the way,” he said, this time with an added hesitation. “Are there actual…other realms? Um, like, the demon world? Though if there’s that, aren’t there gods and benevolent spirits too? Don’t they take care of the things you want us to deal with?” he questioned curiously. And yeah, maybe Saito said that no one would think them crazy, but Akio had the suspicion he might appear that way to some of the others, because he was the one to just spout the craziest of suggestions, so far.
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