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Yeah, I intend on applying, but I need to figure some things out first.
Hmm, curious for sure. If you want to simplify things, you could limit the happenings to our world/dimension w/o an access to another. Maybe even make time travelling something like being an astral seer instead of an ability to (actively) affect and change the time-flow.

While lightly dozing, Asteria still heard Digbie doing his honest work – or perhaps she was already dreaming, the sound now even a part of her subconsciousness – but nonetheless, was still aware enough to recognize something wrong, something different. She wished to fall asleep, but instead opened her eyes and forced her body to uncurl and stretch once again, her eyes quickly flicking from tunnel point to tunnel point, assessing whether anything was wrong. She noticed a lizard-like worm hatch from an egg, and her assumption that it might be Rain was confirmed by the female’s voice as she announced she would be leaving. She analysed Rain with the proper skill, only because she wanted to know what manner of creature the lizard was now, after her ‘evolution’. “I don’t like this place either, Rain, but I cannot leave, not quite yet,” Asteria managed to explain to the lesserwurm before she suddenly burrowed under the ground and presumably headed towards the cave’s exit.

Still tired and yet agitated, Asteria dug out a small-sized rock, wrapped her tail firmly around it, and proceeded to do an exercise that could have kindly been called weight-lifting. While she did so, she relocated to the exit of Jason’s tunnel, and crouched low at it, gazing outside, focusing on her sight to try and discern whether there were any enemies outside or whether she had begun hallucinating. Lack of sleep for such a short period of time shouldn’t cause that, but if it did, would seeing something truly reflect reality? Ack, don’t mess your own mind up, girl! Asteria huffed and continued her tail-training until she heard what she thought was a shout, or perhaps it was a shuffling gait. “Digbie, I’m going to check the premises, I think something, or someone might be close to us…” That said, she dropped the rock from her tail, and walked slowly but steadily outside. Not only did she move quieter like this, she also had the opportunity to swing her head left and right, sweeping the surroundings thoroughly.

It was because of that caution that Asteria saw the zombie-skeleton as soon as she did. She inhaled sharply but didn’t dare shout for Digbie’s help – she did not know how well the stumbling creature’s senses worked. It certainly seemed to be looking at something, however Asteria had the feeling that what it saw was either something she did not or that it was looking for something irrelevant to her. Relatively confident that she could take the single enemy out or at the very least slow it down without being heavily injured herself, Asteria crouched, contracted all her muscles, then jumped into a running start, pushing into a quick acceleration, dashing madly at a diagonal towards the skeleton. When she was close enough, she turned her body slightly and used all her momentum in the swing of her tail as she used it to lash directly at the skeleton’s knees. She then quickly turned to face the skeleton directly, and used her tail, paws, and jaws opportunistically, aiming to knock down the skeleton onto the ground and smash its skull into pieces. She hoped that even though it had no flesh nor any brains, turning the skull to dust would still be enough to kill it, again.


Touching the core and trying to drain it felt remarkably like Asteria was suddenly submerged into a deep cold ocean, drifting down, deeper and deeper, drowning. She felt the pressure of it against all her senses and struggled to block the oppressive feeling from overwhelming her. However, the sensation passed as swiftly as it had begun, until all that was left was a brief paranoia of being watched. Asteria removed her paw from the red crystal spike, and looked left and right, trying to find the watcher, but knowing she wouldn’t. That made her uneasy, and her fur fluffed up a bit as the suspicion raced coolly down her spine, leaving her tingling, alert, and aware, her tiredness forgotten for the moment.

She refocused on Jason as soon as she noticed him stirring, though his waking words were unexpectedly aggressive. She opened her maw with a distinct rat-like frown present and was just about to give him her piece of mind, when he visibly reigned himself in. He then explained himself telepathically, and Asteria noted he no longer needed physical contact to message them mind-to-mind. She focused on what he was communicating as much as she was on trying to feel the foreign mana she assumed would be present while Jason used his telepathy. Next thing she knew, Jason had already reached for her with a pseudopod, and was apparently talking to the crystal, announcing that she was to be his subordinate. Confused as to why exactly Jason did such a thing, she nonetheless activated Mana Sense while they still had physical contact, though instead of trying to read his general magic affinity, Asteria concentrated on sending a short “OK” through the mental link. Whether he received her affirmative response or not, Jason curled into a ball and barrelled straight out of his tunnel.

A wisp – Asteria thought he might be the one she knew as Danny from that Lorek incident way back, even though one glowing ball wasn’t that different from another glowing ball – and Ed followed Jason soon after, while a pixie she still didn’t know the name of said his goodbye. “Good call. I’d love to sleep too. See you later,” she waved a bit carelessly with her paw, not caring just then whether they would actually see each other again or not. As she had said, she was tired. With that in mind, she curled into a ball next to Mother Rat, and focused on slowing her breath, clearing her mind, and keeping partially alert to the sounds of trouble. However, she hadn’t even managed to doze before being interrupted by Jason shouting that everyone should die. The hell? Did he meet the rest of the enemy goblins or what? Asteria wanted to dash off and go check out what was happening but remembered Jason’s insistence that someone stay at his base and guard the crystal.

Feeling restless, she silently joined Digbie in his digging, doing the mindless task to burn her remaining energy and doing her best to not think of that presence she now knew existed and which may or may not be constantly watching them all. She pushed her whole body into each shove, using leverage and force to her advantage as she dug. Determined to get a proper work-out, she even focused on her newly gained magical sense, concentrating on feeling that mysterious energy flowing within her, prodding and pushing at it to try and get it to imbue her muscles, especially her arms. After long moments of digging, when she felt properly exhausted, barely keeping her eyes open and almost having to drag herself to walk, Asteria plopped down right next to Mother Rat, nearby the dungeon core, and fell asleep. Before oblivion claimed her, she focused on her hearing, hoping that even asleep, she could react swiftly enough if anything noteworthy and/or dangerous happened.

I (<- capital i btw)
In Rengoku 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Ann-Katrin dutifully noted the male's name, and snorted mildly at his teasing. “Yeah, well, I’m still not used to this place or the people around here. Hope you don’t mind a new arrival too much,” Kat raised a curious eyebrow at Tien. “Huh, so you use magic together with that maul, then?" Ann continued, going along with the general good mood, though his was almost over the top.

“And what kind of a weird thing do you have in mind? Besides, my skill is something like an illusion, but I need a beast’s blood to get it going. I tested it on those horned killer bunnies,” she explained with a shrug. “Though if there’s rubble falling regularly, scouting out the ruins might not be as helpful.” Ann frowned slightly, making a mental note that not only were there skeletons to look forward to, the castle ruin's environment was going to be hazardous as well. She also memorized what little information he had about the ruin, pondering over whether it were possible to make an efficient plan for such a potentially chaotic venture.

Katrin nodded at Tien’s suggestion, and was just about to make off on her own and get to recruiting, when two females approached, both shorter than her, one a blonde with light blue eyes, while the littlest one appeared rather boyish with her short black hair. The dark-haired one was also the one to address them, and Kat smiled a pleased smile at the fortuitous encounter. “I met up with Tien over here,” she began, nodding at the male besides her “because I overheard that same conversation. We intend to go to the southern castle ruins, kill some skeletons, and most importantly, try and get some riches while doing so, yes.”

“My name is Ann-Katrin,” she introduced herself, and stuck out her right hand to the boyish female, though she’d offer it to the blonde right after as well. “And if you happen to be in a bit of a pinch for money, as I am, this adventure is a good opportunity for all of us to get more than the daily grind provides. Interested?”

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