Avatar of Skai


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5 yrs ago
Wraith smells like beans
7 yrs ago
Conspiracy Theory: Mahz will never return from vacation.


13 years and going strong.

I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.

Most Recent Posts

All finished!

She's a little rough around the edges, but I will add more details/fix any errors and add her personality tomorrow.
CS up Monday night!
Can't wait to see everyone's characters!
@Everyone, I revised the character sheet. Feel free to customize the colours to suit your character when you make yours.

Is there still an age range you'd like to stay within?
Interested! Love the details about the city.
Very interested! Thinking of a short-range mental or short-range spatial variable type.
Apparently she hasn't been online for 11 days. Maybe something happened to her wifi. BUT, if there's a way we could progress just a bit until she can let us know whats up, let's go for it.
Another Pitch

Basically Supernatural with a different storyline than Jack the nephilim.

I've always been interested in doing a nephilim storyline. I was thinking of siblings that were produced by a lower-tier angel than Lucifer, like Balthazar for example. When they were young, the angel that fathered/mothered them somehow removed their grace or suppressed it with a spell. They grew up to be hunters when their mother was killed by demons, and are almost as equally talented as the Winchesters themselves.

I was thinking it would take place during a fight between the angels, and both sides are looking for nepilim to use against the other. There's no right or wrong side, but the angels have different beliefs in how they should work/who should lead them. God has disappeared with Amara, but there’s no lack of angels like in the series. Somehow the nephilim tracking spell has been unearthed, and all signs are leading towards the siblings we'd be playing. There is a way to regain their nephilim status, if they choose to or are forced to take that path.

It could be canonical with the Winchesters involved, or be a completely different storyline. Especially now that the final season of Supernatural is almost upon us. We could each play a sibling, and the NPC's would be the angels, monsters they face, demons, or even the Winchesters if you'd like to include them.
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