Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

O.o kill the boys *hides behind pillow*
Jerome walked to the gym sliding his hoodie back over his head to avoid eye contact. His backpack weighing a bit more every fifth of sixth step he took. There better someone in the gym explaining where he's suppose to go or he'll be seriously angered for having an unproductive day. Most of the way to the gym he walked along the wall looking down. He was really self conscious about what people would say if they seen his eye but he was gonna have to show it sooner or later. Jerome entered the gym staying near the back probably even putting space between himself and the crowd of students soon to fill the room. While more students walked in he moved towards the loneliest wall of the gymnasium and sat there.
*eats popcorn* ~o3o~ Hellos

Sōtōryū Jin



Student or Teacher:

Kendo Club

Two katana


In image

Items you brought with you:
His family's kimono which he's wearing the image and will be seen wearing most of the time he is out.

Bio (optional):
Raised all his life in japan jin feel in love with his native country's history. Lucky for him some of his ancestors were Ronin and he was able to find their previous items. One being his family's prized kimono and the other being two swords. To become more accustomed to the swordsmen part of his history he took of kendo quickly becoming well know in national and regional kendo matches. Running out of suitable opponents the young Ronin went in search and came upon a school with various opponents he could choose from. Without a second thought to it Jin enrolled into the school looking forward to anyone who wants to challenge him.

More info(?):
Jin is calm and direct. He as a childish and playful side but its a rare chance you'll get to witness it. Unless you can defeat him in a battle or is promised to him through marriage your gonna have a tough time talking with him.

I will win the tournament

Hakai did a substitution justu seconds before Seika's kick landed. He retreated back a few yards and started throwing kunai at Seika secretly droping shards of rectangular shaped glass every time he launched a kunai. "I'm very limited to justsu since most of my family's are very lethal and may probably cause perminate damage..." Hakai landed and quickly did hand getures. "So to avoid any problems I'll be relying on taijutsu! Meimu Shazou no Jutsu!" He shouted as 3 light clones appeared by his side. They were the same as shadow clones just light instead of shadow. The three clones rushed Seika while Hakai flanked and aimed to attack Seika when the clones gave him an opportunity to.
Nuuuu like the main entrance but since I didn't specify his location he could be by the office if its to help the story progress.
o3o the the Collage's front entrance. @KatherinWinter
Wait... The hell...Jerome...couldn't of... He did. Jerome just had to get lost one the first day of collage. He knows that's possible but never would expect it to happen to him for real. Being a somewhat good thinker in a panoce like situation he just simply walked back the way he came. On his way he walked looking down most of the time to avoid eye contact with any passing by student. He was far to afraid to handle the reaction to his eyes.

Jerome made it to the door and opened it leaning against it as it closed shut. Now on the outside of the door he sat against it and unconsciously waited for someone to pass by so he could ask them were to go. He didn't know but that was the plan if someone did. It was a bit bright out so Jerome remove his hoodie and looked up at the sky totally forgetting the whole purpose of the hoodie and not drawing attention to his eyes.
Hakai sat in the dirt straight facing. He didn't expect Koi to take lead plus lead them to a muddy bath. Hakai stood rubbing the dirt off his shirt. "Thanks for the help but I'll be the one who spars with our dear friend!" He shouted running towards Seika's position with a very noticeable smile. "It looks like it'll be I who will be teaching you in the art of film realse in today's lesson." Hakai said cracking his knuckles waiting on Seika to star their battle.
Jerome walked towards the entrance of the collage triple checking making sure his hoodie was covering his eyes. He knows green eyes isn't something to be ashamed of but it was the way the color of them that he was afraid to show. Jerome was planning on not drawing any attention to himself anyways. Although his plans were failing epically due to the tape he wore over his mouth. Actually him wearing a hoodie trying to cover his face in this type of temperature would draw alot of attention.

Jerome enrolled into this supernatural collage to get away from the douches that messed with him due to his eye. He believes he isn't even supernatural to begin with but the little thing with his eye would hopefully gain him some credit. Jerome reached the door and entered walking in any direction that wasn't crowded. Honestly he wanted to know if there were apartments or a place he could be by himself.
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