Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Holy shit! O.o I'm really sorry!!! I'll get a post up.
"Me... stronger than you....." Jin said with a serious hint of 'are you serious' in the tone of his voice. If all the women here is this strong Jin hands down made the right decision of traveling to this school. While Jin eyed the young woman as she regain her poster and obviously heavy choice of weaponry he notice her somewhat muscular like built. He didn't see it at first, it was probably because he wasn't starring at her before.

The young women introduced herself and not shortly after so did the the man. Jin bowed towards both of them his upper body not bending pass his waist as he bowed. "Its an honest pleasure to meet you both, Jafari and Bryan." With that he stood straight up and took a short but deep breathe. "My name is Sōtōryū Jin, although I believe in western cultures your surnames go last. So I guess that means it's Jin Sōtōryū. I'm from the country known as Japan." He bows again. This is probably his shot at friends so he's gonna do his best and try not to screw this up.

"Oh and about before I'm positive your stronger than me." Jin said scratching his head bit he was strong but he doesn't know if he's strong enough to wield a weapon that can poke hoes in pavement with out applied force. "Although I do believe.... Jafari might be a skilled man in the strength department. Speaking of which if its not to intruding of me but I'd like to know more about both of you guys weapons?" He asked with a small grin.
@King Tai
Hakai sat next to Koi laughing at Seika's and Hokuto's conversation. "Seika, Hokuto sitting in a tree....!" He laughed aloud fall in over as he did so. "Why don't you two shackle up already." Hakai added opening his bento soon consuming everything inside of it. "This rival is done for today you can have a date fight or what ever with Hokuto I'll boo you guys if you want to."
Jin bumped into a woman and was about to apologize until he was quickly interrupted by the breath taking sound of pavement giving away under an unsupportable amount of mass landing on it. Again before he could get another word in the woman's bag swug nearly decapitatin him. Lucky he took a step back the bag barely missing him. While he was breathing seriously heavy from the thought of almost loosing his life a guy approached them and asked if they were okay. Jin managed to squeeze out a high pitch. "Yeah...." He calmed down a bit and started wondering how strong was this chick to be carrying something so heavy. "I-its okay...r-really." Jin stated hovering his hand over his chest. "If its not to much of me to ask but h-how strong are you.....?" Jin know it was awfully rude of him not to ask of her well being but he just had to know.

"Yaaaay test buddies!"

Zarr Hellstrand

Nickname (if applicable):
Loony Man, Straight jacket guy, What the hell!?, why isn't that guy in an insane asylum, why you, help and other screams of terror.

Age 12-40:

Not much is know about Zarr hell who has enough balls to go up to someone and ask about his past if half the people he works with is afraid to.

All seriousness he's a caring guy if you can stand his complete randomness. He doesn't take anything seriously so threats, attempts to hurt him and pretty much everything hostile won't be much effective on the guy. Just a warning try to run when you see him or he will pull you in with his endless talking.

Suffocating on the moon
↑ Crazy right but that's his serious fear no jokes.

Power they applied for:
Gravity Manipulation

Has weird urges to walk on ceilings and walls.
I'm stuck between a steam punk happy go lucky scientist and a somewhat young adult scientist who's serious but nice at the same time.
Could I be a scientist with powers. o3o
Jin gave his attention to the source of the spontaneous sound that roared through the area. Finally school was gonna start and he can get his conquests of battles and possibly a bit of romance on the side. He listened to the introduction given by a women with a noticeable accent. Was she the head master? Jin never really got any word on what he or she would look like. The lady did seem tough and spoke like a true master or respectable sensei would.

Standing up to get a better view of the head master Jin attention was interrupted by a famales cry out of perviness. Before Jin retrieve his sword the wind picked up a bit but he couldn't see anything the only thing that he noticed that continues screams of young women. "Who could do such a thing!" And as if he asked the lady at the podium she quickly shouted out a mans name. He's probably the one responsible for this. Jin was ready to attack the guy.

That was until he was revealed to be their new Headmaster. Jin was you could say speechless. The more the guy talked the more pervy he sounded. "Why was dressed like that....." Jin questioned himself after awhile and left the younger version of Master Roshi alone to be what ever he want to be. Judging on how fast the dude did what he did he could even probably beat all the students at once. Jin accepted him for being a perv and decided to leave it alone.

Jin rolling up the little blanket he sat on to drink his tea packed it in his backpack. I know its really odd seeing a samurai with a backpack but it was school after all so get use to it. Jin concealed his sword next to the other and began walking towards the dorms. As he walked pass some students it seems that a lot of them were asking a bunch of future friends already. Jin kept walking though he'd love to have friends but he's not the start a conversation type.
o3o I was waiting for at least someone else to post.
Sup dude!
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