Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts


"What if I told you pain could be relieving."

Cyan, with bags under them.

• Hair:
Short, from top to bottom dark blue and then cyan.

• Height:

• Weight:

Damian Spade

Ace of Spades. No he doesn't wear something with an Ace signia it's just a pun off of his last name Spade. Normally others would just say Ace instead of the whole thing.




Damian has a bipolar disorder and trys his best to not let it get the best of him. He 'trys' but isn't very successful at it. His usual personality is serious and self centered. Do to the past events in his life he's a bit paranoid and doesn't trust people much. Mainly due to his disorder others perceive him as psychotic or mentally unstable. Which he is but not fully he can still think for himself and is pretty smart to begin with.

•Dark places
•Blunt objects

•Selfish people

Damian lived in a middle classed family well that was until his father became a heavy gambler. He nearly bankrupt his family within a month. To help his father Damian took on the job of being a pick pocket. He was good at it two stealing up to about $300 dollars. Damian wouldn't be in this school if it wasn't for his bad decision to pick pocket a certain man in a suit. Before he could reach the guy he was knocked on his ass by his body gaurd.

Well you can say it was lucky but Damian escaped with only a stab wound to the lower left side of his stomach. His parents found out and took to him to the hospital. He recovered a week or so later and when he got back home everything was turned upside down. The house was in bad shape and his mother looked worst. It turns out while he was gone his dad was taking all of his anger out of his mother beating her. To escape the terrible reality that is his home he stayed out late. He even went back to pick pocketing to pass the time.

Damian must of had the worlds badest luck because during one of his regular nights he crossed paths with the guy in the suit. Not taking any chances he ran and was soon chased by the man in the suit and his body gaurds. This time he barely escaped limping back home. At first he didn't feel the wounds caused by the bullets that pierced his left leg until his adrenaline died down. After that incident Damian looked himself inside his room for weeks. During those horrifying weeks Damian became more paranoid and attempted to coop with his paranoia.

He tried but he wasn't successful at all his paranoia progressed so far that loud noises freaked him out. Then one day it happened. On this day his father came home as usual drunk of his bottom and looking for a fight. Damian didn't want to but couldn't help but hear his mothers screams of terror. He bit his lip trying to not break under the continues screams. Then without warning 'Bang!' It was a glass bottle his father threw and missed. In Damian ears it was more like a gun fire and that sent him over the edge. His paranoia and bipolar disorder struck hard at this exact moment.

Damain door opened slowly and he walked out of it wearing a blank stare as his hair fell and covered his eyes. "N-no not again...." He whispered to himself holding up a knife he kept to protect him if he every ran into those suit guys again. Damian without a second thought rushed the source of the sound and stabbed what ever dark figure that came in his path. The night ended quickly and by the time Damian awoke he was in a car wearing a straight jacket. It turned out his father was in the hospital with 12 stab wounds. He did that of course but while they questioned his father about his wife being beaten up he with out hesitation blamed Damian. One of the people who questioned them brung up the Fae Highschool and even helped his parents get enough money to send him there.

Damain has an odd habit to shift his eyes from left to right due to his paranoia. Although when he does shift his eyes he doesn't look scared he'd look at bit angered or ready to chase after the source of a sound.

He's closterfobic and afraid of random loud noises, so only if he doesn't know where it is or when its coming then he'll be afraid.

Cyan, with bags under them.

• Hair:
Short, from top to bottom dark blue and then cyan.

• Height:

• Weight:

Damian Spade

Ace of Spades. No he doesn't wear something with an Ace signia it's just a pun off of his last name Spade. Normally others would just say Ace instead of the whole thing.




Damian has a bipolar disorder and trys his best to not let it get the best of him. He 'trys' but isn't very successful at it. His usual personality is serious and self centered. Do to the past events in his life he's a bit paranoid and doesn't trust people much. Mainly due to his disorder others perceive him as psychotic or mentally unstable. Which he is but jot fully he can still think for himself and is pretty smart to begin with.

•Dark places
•Blunt objects

•Selfish people

Damian lived in a middle classed family well that was until his father became a heavy gambler. He nearly bankrupt his family within a month. To help his father Damian took on the job of being a pick pocket. He was good at it two stealing up to about $300 dollars. Damian wouldn't be in this school if it wasn't for his bad decision to pick pocket a certain man in a suit. Before he could reach the guy he was knocked on his ass by his body gaurd.

Well you can say it was lucky but Damian escaped with only a stab wound to the lower left side of his stomach. His parents found out and took to him to the hospital. He recovered a week or so later and when he got back home everything was turned upside down. The house was in bad shape and his mother looked worst. It turns out while he was gone his dad was taking all of his anger out of his mother beating her. To escape the terrible reality that is his home he stayed out late. He even went back to pick pocketing to pass the time.

Damian must of had the worlds badest luck because during one of his regular nights he crossed paths with the guy in the suit. Not taking any chances he ran and was soon chased by the man in the suit and his body gaurds. This time he barely escaped limping back home. At first he didn't feel the wounds caused by the bullets that pierced his left leg until his adrenaline died down. After that incident Damian looked himself inside his room for weeks. During those horrifying weeks Damian became more paranoid and attempted to coop with his paranoia.

He tried but he wasn't successful at all his paranoia progressed so far that loud noises freaked him out. Then one day it happened. On this day his father came home as usual drunk of his bottom and looking for a fight. Damian didn't want to but couldn't help but hear his mothers screams of terror. He bit his lip trying to not break under the continues screams. Then without warning 'Bang!' It was a glass bottle his father threw and missed. In Damian ears it was more like a gun fire and that sent him over the edge. His paranoia and bipolar disorder struck hard at this exact moment.

Damain door opened slowly and he walked out of it wearing a blank stare as his hair fell and covered his eyes. "N-no not again...." He whispered to himself holding up a knife he kept to protect him if he every ran into those suit guys again. Damian without a second thought rushed the source of the sound and stabbed what ever dark figure that came in his path. The night ended quickly and by the time Damian awoke he was in a car wearing a straight jacket. It turned out his father was in the hospital with 12 stab wounds. He did that of course but while they questioned his father about his wife being beaten up he with out hesitation blamed Damian. One of the people who questioned them brung up the Fae Highschool and even helped his parents get enough money to send him there.

Damain has an odd habit to shift his eyes from left to right due to his paranoia. Although when he does shift his eyes he doesn't look scared he'd look at bit angered or ready to chase after the source of the soundsound.

He's closterfobic and he's afraid of random loud noises, so only if he doesn't know where it is or when its coming then he'll be afraid.
Zarr was sipping his coffee strangly like a regular person. He was on his way to greet his new friends. When he reached the outside he grinned taking another sip of his coffee. Zarr after his little relaxing pause continued to walk. Oddly when he began to walk he took higher steps as if he was walking up stares, but there was just grass and trees so he had to be walking on air. He stopped walking and stood in mid-air looking at the view. His eyes also came across an old friend.....and a new person. "New play thing!!!" Zarr shouted as he spun in the air towards Eva and Tori's direction. From ground view a guy in a lab coat drinking something while spinning as if he was doing cartwheels without hands could be seen. "Friend! Friend! FRIEND!!!" He shouted as he got closer to the women. From other perspectives he looked like one of those ragdolls that you would shoot out of a cannon and laugh at as it flails through the air.
Okay good to know.......Another thing! XD will there be attempted jail breaks and or take overs of the school at some point. I know crazy but I just need to know what type of character I'm constructing here.
*Raises hand* I'll like to join, although I'd like to know something. At some point will our characters get ahold of weapons not crazy ones but like your average hand gun or knife? If not I'm still full heartedly gonna join.
\o3o/ Who wants to be besties with Zarr.
Hakai clapped as he spectated the fight. "Boo!!! You guys suck!" He playfully said fighting back the urge to cry from so much laughter. Hopefully the know he's playing around and not being serious. The last thing he wants to do is get on the wrong side of his fellows friends. "Hey! I thought honeymooners were suppose to be all lovy dovy after their wedding!" Hakai shouted referring to Seika and Hokuto as newly weds.
Nope it was a question and I'll wait to about two more post then I'll go.
\o3o/ When shall your favorite scientist post!
Noel was thrown of my the first announcement. Did these people really wanted him to share a room with his future killer. He popped anoter piece of candy into his mouth attempting to calm down for the overload of spontaneous bad that was coming his way today. To his surprise Ena was still there and not running away or avoiding him. "Ummmm yeah you can-." Before he got to finish his sentence another announcement ranged through the air of the school grounds. "Looks like we can walk to class together instead." Noel said smiling a bit hopefully she wouldn't run away. It didn't seem like she would so he tried his best to give off a happy expression in his time of serious confusion.
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