Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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What will be the genre
Thanks dude ^-^ don't worry post coming this way soon.
Damian finally made it to the auditorium collapsing on the floor from exhaustion. Playing kick the can with his backpack was tiring as hell. He crawled to his backpack mainly using his legs due to the straight jacket restraining his arms. Damian rested his head on the bag looking up at the ceiling. Although as he did so his air fell over his face blocking his site. He couldn't move it so he just let it be and awaited the beginning of this asinine school. "Does anyone have scissors!!!?" Damian shouted and asked among the students of the auditorium or who ever heard him at least.
<Snipped quote by Slendy>

Welcome back, friend. I hope no blood sucking insects have invaded your body.

Nope I'm safe although there were a lot of bees for some odd reason.
Zarr's lack of response was due to the mans question. I know it was simple and very easy question to answer but that would be easy for a normal person which Zarr is not. He floated there thinking to himself. Was he a doctor...? Is that what others see him as...? Or was he a doctor all along ...? Could doctors dissect people......I mean have friends...? Zarr kept asking himself completely forgetting the question that was asked of him not to long ago.

Although not feeling the presences of the two that stood before him he snapped out of his own little reality. "Oh...um friend...I could be a doctor if you wish me to." Zarr said slowly floating in their direction. He is a scientist but hell he's so crazy he believes he's half the things people call him. As he continue to follow the two his body spun in the air sometimes walking on the ceiling or walls...but never on the ground. "I'd like to know you better Mr. Friend!" Zarr stated carrying on with his randomness he stayed spinning apparently not being effected by dizziness.
Sorry peeps. XD my parents wanted surprise on this trip so they didn't tell me I was going to spend a few days up on a mountain with no connection to internet what so ever but now I'm back. ^-^ I'll post ASAP
The car Damian rode in came to a hult only two of the four men excted the car soon resorting their attention towards Damian. He couldn't do much of anything being in a straight jacket in all so he just sat there wondering what's going on and what's about to happen to him. He sure as hell doesn't want to die so even if they attempted to kill him he'd try his best to fight back. While Damian suspiciously waited the driver popped the trunk and one of the two men that exited the car before hand reached into it.

Damian winced when he seen one of the guys going into the trunk. His posture soon changed when it turned out to be a backpack. Why would he need a backpack... Before he could even get a deep thought on why he was picked up and tossed against the ground. Hitting the pavement hurted a bit and he jolted at the sudden pain. He tried his quickest to suck it up and stand but was easily stopped by the backpack pulled out of the trunk being thrown at his back. It had some weight on it so when it was thrown at him he fell again.

Why was this happening to him....? He kept asking himself as he ignored the pain and shakingly stood. Damian looked at the bag as the mysterious men went back into their respective spots inside the vehicle and drove off. Unable to use his hands he kicked the backpack along ignoring the whispers or stares he would probably get. Not to soon after his arrival there was an announcement telling all students to head to the auditorium. Damian had no clue where that was so he just kicked his bag in the direction that most of the students were headed. The school look breath taking on the outside which was saying a lot since the inside...was not what Damian was expecting.
Hakai does ^-^ so go ballistic but not to crazy cause he doesn't special in healing jutsu's.

Edit: Oh shit XD yeah Hakai can heal her but damn.....speechless.....
Can Damian wear a straight jacket when entering the school? o3o
Zarr was already getting a bad impression and he only said one word. He thought for a bit and came up with nothing. So instead of a complicated idea to achieve friends he decided to just stalk or maybe....kidnap.... Wait no just stalk and only kidnap if necessary. Zarr began to levitate off the ground and started floating towards Jacque's and Eva's direction. If he wants to make a new friend he'll need some help from an old one. Judging by how things are set up it looks like Jacque was is first volunteering friend. Zarr floated a few yards behind them in the opening. He was clearly a terrible stalker but he liked being noticed by his pray.....I mean new friend. He just casually floated behind them smiling not saying a word.
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