Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Dennis kept his eyes on Theo as she spoke to him. He wore a blank facial expression most of the conversation getting a bit angered at the fact that he couldn't get the Mayor to give in. "I'll just have to get his attention in another way." Dennis said signalling to his gun. Before he could reach for her money Theo already pick pocketed him. He grined a bit when she kissed him but it disappeared quickly. He couldn't keep his tough badass mobster appearance going I someone knew that he smiled at something like this. "Your as touchy as always." Dennis stated removing his cigar from his mouth blowing a large cloud of smoke from his mouth. "I have some drugs coming in from the Southern border so I'm gonna be gone for awhile...." He added tapping the end of his cigar causing ash to fall on the floor. He walked back to his office resuming his flavorful cigar.
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Dennis sat in his chair looking over all his files while he has enough free time. Sadly not to long before he started The Boss Lady walked in requested his presences. He wasn't mad at the fact that she didn't announce herself when she entered. She gets privileges for being a partner in this cruel world. Dennis noticed her hand gesture and stood reaching up under his desk to grab a envelope that had money nearing 1 mil safely secured inside. "I can probably give her that annual salary now and not worry about it later." Dennis stated walking towards her direction grabbing his suit jacket and sliding into it. Slipping the envolpe into his inner suit pocket as he reached her. He wasn't as ass so he waited for her to finish her call and get to the point of their meeting. Dennis glanced at her and back at his silver rings that decorated all of his fingers. He even leaned against the wall and retrieve a cigar to kill some time.
Kenny jumped when Belle decided to land obviously noticing a difference in the surrounding area. He stopped and eyed her trying to get a fix on what's this chicks weakness. Kenny was really thanking those pervious classes he took that sharpened his awareness skills. "Knuckles!" He shouted his twin pistols unequiping and are soon replaced by Brass Knuckles. Kenny quickly rushed Belle attempting to hit her with onslaughts of physical attacks. "Not even a bit of advice!!!"
There was hands down about to be an awkward silence between him and Cicile if this new girl hadn't approached them. From what Noel can tell she ment business. Did she already know about him having a job in that career field. It doesn't matter know focusing on business would hopefully stop he from turning to a strawberry every time he caught a glimpse of Cicile. "I think I have enough time for one business negotiating before.....we're called." He answered the girl eating a watermelon flavored lollipop. The green ones was always his business candy treats and honestly his favorite. He awaited the pony tailed girl's reply completely forgetting about Cicile thoughts on her interrupting their conversation.
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
That sounds cool! I never seen a collab post before!
͡° ͜ʖ ͡° or have I.....wait no I haven't.... I'm not sure
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Dennis exited the back of his 1960s four door Cadillac smoking a cigar. Three serious men also exited their respectable sides following Dennis. "That little bitch!" He shouted as he continued walking towards the entrance of Block 66. Surprisingly the conversation was about the major of Chicago. It seems the major wouldn't give up the rights of the city over to Dennis company that easy. That ticked him off. Dennis hung up opening the door and angrily walking in the hideout. His actions earning him a few worried glances. By now everyone knew an angry Dennis isn't a good one. "Won't fuck'n give up yah city but your police officers will crawl to my feet like the shit they are!" He shouted as if the Major was present and can hear him. He walked to his office and closed the door his three large escorts standing in front of it as usual. Dennis threw his suit jacket on his chair and sat in it quickly going onto his computer for business purposes. A smile was present on his face as he read an email about his recent purchase of 'legal' drugs. "At least some bribings are working." He said turning his rotating chair to face the window that sat behind his desk. "40 million dollar company and a powerful gang as a partner....I should have this city under my control by the end of the year!" Dennis exclaimed retrieving some wine from his desk and drinking straight from the bottle.
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
(°∀°)b A lot of cool characters I can already tell this is gonna be fun!
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Name: Dennis Montgomery

Nickname: Suit

Birthday: February 6

Age: 23 (17 when joined)

Skills and abilities:
•Excellent with guns.
•Great at negotiating

Personal struggles:
•Easily pissed off

Personality Traits: Tends to give off a cold hearted mood when it comes to business.

• Father : Don Montgomery ( Deceased )
• Mother: Anna Montgomery ( Alive ) , but is chained in the basement of Dennis's new house.
•Half Brother: Danny Montgomery
( Deceased )

Medical Information:
• Suffers from paranoia

Phobias: N/AA

Bio: Think of the most fucked up child hood there could ever be. A mafia boss father , a slut of a mother and a half brother that's gay. Even though Dennis brother was gay he loved him. His parents on the other hand hated them both. His father who didn't have much time for any of them abused Danny for being gay and treated his mother like crap. Dennis just watched and held in all the emotions that raged in him as he watched the scenes play before his eyes. Sadly the beatings escalated to far and Danny ended up dieing from a strike to the head from a blunt object. Dennis mourned over the lost of his brother while his parents didn't give a shit and kept living as if nothing changed. Dennis decided that he finally had enough of this bullshit of a family and did the only thing he was taught to do. He assassinated his father, disposed of the body by himself and decided that he will run his father's company. As for his mother he chained her up for being such a class a asshole. With both his parents out if commission Dennis became the head of his father's illegal tycoon. Needing support to keep his tycoon afloat Dennis joined the gang providing money, drugs, weapons, anything reasonable he'd lend out. In return for their cooperation to provide his company secretary. He's also a business man by day but an assassin at night. A sniper being his main instrument for said profession. Which is something else he brings to the table that profits the gang

Trigger Warnings and Discomforts:
•Dennis has a habit of lighting a cigarette and smoking it before he shoots the person who aggravates him.

Kenny was quick to notice his bullets were ineffective. He calm to a scretching hult as Belle decided to disappear. "Damn what am I suppose to do then!" He asked rhetorically to himself. Distracted by his own thoughts he barely had enough time to become aware of the tile that was descending his way. Luckily for him Belle made a bit of sound that snaped his concentration and allowed him to dodge the tile. He begin to run again in order for that not to happen a second time. "Give me a hint at least!" He replided running in complicated patterns in order to not be hit.
Polaris looked at the girl and she did seem a bit....odd. Like she didn't fit in this setting. Polaris held onto his swords as he spectated Cleric when he approached the mysterious woman. Now that he got a better look at her, she did sorta fit in with the beauty of her eyes. Angels had the most breath taking features and her eyes were definitely out of the ordinary.
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