Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Noel was surprised it seemed this wasn't your everyday chick. No, she was a candy mobster she had to be. She couldn't be anything else he overreacted pushing the situation a little to far. Though this is something you'd expect from someone who's as crazy about sweets as himself. "Since I'm in a happy mood." He smiles looking at Cicile not knowing he did so and then looked back at the female candy mobster that stood before him. "You can have some for free!" He exclaimed reaching through his pockets retrieving 5 of the delectable pieces of candy and held out his hand waiting for her to do the same so he can give her the candy. Noel had lots of candy so giving away 5 wasn't as painful. While his negotiation was about to end he heard the announcement and smiled. "Finally! The first day begins! Now.....well not for us just yet but it begins!"
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
:'D Got carried away.
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The Cadillac pulled up to a mysteriously quiet lot and stopped in a empty open space. Dennis got out of the car holding the suitcase standing looking at his watch. Not to long after he arrived a shady car arrived in the scene four people exiting it and made their way towards Dennis. "Got the bands?" One grunted wearing having serious tone in his voice. Dennis smiled holding up the case. "Got my drugs?" He replied attempting to pull out a cigar with one hand. The four man starred at him oddly and soon bring forth a crate filled with very pricey 'material'. One of the four stepped forwards offering up the crate. "Here now give us the 500 gran!" He demanded giving Dennis a not so welcoming look. Being the psychopath he secretly is he grinned. "See that's where the problem comes in..." Dennis lightly said swinging the suitcase cracking it against the mans skull. Before the three men could react to the situation Dennis dropped the case and unsheathed his pistols firing at two of the men who he was positive that had weapons. The air was silent for a few seconds and the remaining man took a step back. "See as the Don of my Mob I can't just give money to trash....." Dennis was interrupted by the man he hit with the suitcase. He wasn't interrupted by him talking no it was how loud he was coughing and the sound of blood that escaped his mouth as he coughed. "Y-you're a D-Don?" The remaining poor soul questioned. Dennis chuckled stepping on the slowly dying mans lungs and point his gun at the last man. "Of my family yes! But currently you could call me a Sponsor or Financer if you will." After finishing his sentence he fired a few more rounds in the now corpse that rested under his feet. "Shit! Shit! Shi-!" The last man shouted being shout in the knee which cause him to cry out in pain. Dennis walked in his direction his gaurd taking the crate and putting it in the back seat waiting for Dennis to finish what he was doing. With an unmeasurable amount of fear pulsing through him the crippled man tried to crawl away but was quickly shot in his other knee causing him to stop completely. "I rarely get to kill people in the city....some say I'm too brutal." Dennis randomly ranted smacking his pistol against the back of the man's head. Dennis wipped his blood hands on his bloody suit and started to savagely beat the man with the pistol into there was no movement noticeable. All the while he laughed maniacally at the view before him. After awhile of fun Dennis walked back to his Cadillac, retrieved a gasoline can, poured it on the four bodies and drowned that car in the liquid. He got into the passenger seat and his gaurd drove a few yards away. Dennis hung out the car from the window and shot at the car causing everything near it to explode. "Damn what a terrible car accident!!" He laughed rolling up the window. An explosion would surely grab some attention so the body guard pressed on the gas peddle as soon as the smoke from the explosion became visible in the air.

Kenny bit his lip knowing he had no clue on how to defeat her. "As much as I hate to say I failed my test I surrender it seems I'm not advanced enough to figure out your weakness by myself." With that he bowed and awaited Belle's next course of action.
:'D Looks like death by Candy suffocation is in your guys future! Hoorah for your new Ice Candy King!!!!
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Dennis nodded and started packing for the ride to the drug trade. He dropped a large black suitcase on his desk and opened a secret compartment retrieving some very questionable items. A tommy gun being one of them and sadly not even the most lethal. Before closing the case he doubled checked himself making sure he had two pistols sheath under his jacket. With everything accounted for he exited his office snapping his fingers which signaled one body gaurd to follow behind him. The other two remained at his door and kept watch over his office. Dennis got into the back of his four door Cadillac, his body gaurd taking the drivers seat. As he began to drive Dennis looked back at the manner and shook his head. He was thinking about getting Zeke but he didn't want to drag the guy into a gift that's bound to happen plus Dennis loved the thrill of being endangered so if he had to he'd probably wouldn't get anyone involved in the first place. With the border coming closer Dennis put on black leather gloves leaning back in the seat thinking of hundreds of ways to make this deal that's about to happen more exciting. A wicked grin paraded his face as a sinister plan came into his mind if only the people he was rondevuing with knew his intensions.
Polaris walked up behind Cleric giving the girl a not so welcoming look. If she didn't answer Cleric's question she was gonna have to answer to him. She'd be much safer in Cleric's hands since Polaris hasn't had the chance to use his new improved abilities. Its like when you become an Arch Angel others don't even wanna cross paths with you. If the 'spy' was looking for a fight she was gonna get one and she wasn't gonna like her opponent or outcome.
"Actually I was quite the opposite." Kenny replied rocking back and forth where he sat. "I didn't have to try to learn with my parents because it came naturally to me to listen to what ever they said." Kenny rested his arm on his knee and rested his head on his fist. "Your a really tough opponent and I like that, it puts all of my pervious teaching to a test." Kenny stood up pumped and ready for a second try. He turned around smiling at Belle noticing she was moving quite calmly with a hint of violence in her movements. "Wow......uhhh I guess we're resuming as soon as possible then." Kenny said bagging up a bit

"The one time I attempt to pay attention to something I get threatened." Kenny turned in sat looking at the wall instead of her. "Pissy attitudes aren't nice miss even when I was actually trying to learn." Kenny stated continuing to look at the wall. He didn't even do anything wrong she just seem to not notice. "Maybe if you weren't so stuck up you'd notice I was patiently waiting for you to provide some help."
Kenny was caught off guard when he was sent hurdling through the air. He quickly regained control in mid-air and tumbled to his feet when he landed. "Okay.....Belle-Sensei I'm listening." Kenny stopped taking a breath. The recoil from his failed assault was kicking in and a break was needed to regain what was lost. He wasn't gonna tell Belle that of course. "I'm listening to you and that's nice so I believe I won myself a hint." He playfully joked as he unequipped his Brass knuckles.
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