Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Octavius Barrett

Ark's Jason



Machete, Bat with neddles, butchers knife, and suit case full of items to torture who he wants.

Wears a gas mask that pumps anesthetic gas within side of the mask. The constant inhalation of the gas has led to Octavius becoming pain resistant.

•Pain Resistance
•Has a basic grasp of hand to hand combat

Well its not an ability but you could call it the Jason Voorhees effect. It seems Octavius can't die but can be slowed down. Maybe he's a zombie....or a demon out for blood or he could have an odd power to regenerate his body parts. Who knows he could just be an average psychopath...

At first silent, stalker type of creep that likes to follow his prey to the ends of the earth until he follows that prey into a dark alley. After that he's a psychopathic basket case who gets a kick out of torture and slowly ripping his volunteers apart. Killing his all the rsge with the teenagers these days so he stays hip and kill for fun. Its all a unrealistic game to him. Don't expect him to say much the most you'll get is a sentence or two or a crackled laugh.

Octavius grew up in the worst surroundings a kid his age could grow up in. His sponge of a brain sucked in his surroundings and treated it as the normal reality of the world. When he got older there was no doubt he was already up to commuting crime and every time barely getting away. Is life was supposably grand and amazing...until a bust happened and he was finally arrested. Noticing the trama and stuff he went through the judge decided to put him I'm a mental hospital which seemed as a great idea until he was actually brought there. His care taker at this undercover asylum was a crazy woman who tortured poor Octavius ever chance she got. It escalated so badly that she stabbed the defenseless boy in the eye definitely blinding him. He could take the sheer pain anymore the stuff she was doing should of killed him but he wouldn't die. No one at the asylum cared cause he was an ex criminal. Then one fateful night when everyone went home his care taker had the night shift. The cameras were off in order for her to have her fun. She entered his cold chamber and beat the living shit out of Octavius with a hammer. That's when his grip on reality gave up on this world and turned to a more.....'relaxed' world. The chains decorated with spikes and sharp needless weren't painful anymore. The hammer that once slowly crushed his skull tickled his body. The once bitch who tortured his being now ripped limp from limp and who blood was painted all on the walls of his chamber. Her mistake was letting him free to enjoy herself even more. So she killed herself once you think about it. The now free Octavius broke free and heard of a place he could call home, Arkham City.

Being ignored
This doesn't seem like a big deal but trust me when someone starts viciously stabbing them self just to get attention there's a problem.

Attention of course, blood, screams of his victims and the sounds of broken bones.

•killing childern
•Self Righteous people
•Someone who acts like they're more important than others

Theme song:
Am I a Psycho by B.o.B

Reason for being in Arkham City:
To have a place to call home.

Octavius is 6'3" and always wears his gas mask. His left eye which has healed is now white.


Octavius Barrett

Ark's Jason



Machete, Bat with neddles, butchers knife, and suit case full of items to torture who he wants.

Wears a gas mask that pumps anesthetic gas within side of the mask. The constant inhalation of the gas has led to Octavius becoming pain resistant.

•Pain Resistance
•Has a basic grasp of hand to hand combat

Well its not an ability but you could call it the Jason Voorhees effect. It seems Octavius can't die but can be slowed down. Maybe he's a zombie....or a demon out for blood or he could have an odd power to regenerate his body parts. Who knows he could just be an average psychopath...

At first silent, stalker type of creep that likes to follow his prey to the ends of the earth until he follows that prey into a dark alley. After that he's a psychopathic basket case who gets a kick out of torture and slowly ripping his volunteers apart. Killing his all the rsge with the teenagers these days so he stays hip and kill for fun. Its all a unrealistic game to him. Don't expect him to say much the most you'll get is a sentence or two or a crackled laugh.

Octavius grew up in the worst surroundings a kid his age could grow up in. His sponge of a brain sucked in his surroundings and treated it as the normal reality of the world. When he got older there was no doubt he was already up to commuting crime and every time barely getting away. Is life was supposably grand and amazing...until a bust happened and he was finally arrested. Noticing the trama and stuff he went through the judge decided to put him I'm a mental hospital which seemed as a great idea until he was actually brought there. His care taker at this undercover asylum was a crazy woman who tortured poor Octavius ever chance she got. It escalated so badly that she stabbed the defenseless boy in the eye definitely blinding him. He could take the sheer pain anymore the stuff she was doing should of killed him but he wouldn't die. No one at the asylum cared cause he was an ex criminal. Then one fateful night when everyone went home his care taker had the night shift. The cameras were off in order for her to have her fun. She entered his cold chamber and beat the living shit out of Octavius with a hammer. That's when his grip on reality gave up on this world and turned to a more.....'relaxed' world. The chains decorated with spikes and sharp needless weren't painful anymore. The hammer that once slowly crushed his skull tickled his body. The once bitch who tortured his being now ripped limp from limp and who blood was painted all on the walls of his chamber. Her mistake was letting him free to enjoy herself even more. So she killed herself once you think about it. The now free Octavius broke free and heard of a place he could call home, Arkham City.

Being ignored
This doesn't seem like a big deal but trust me when someone starts viciously stabbing them self just to get attention there's a problem.

Attention of course, blood, screams of his victims and the sounds of broken bones.

•killing childern
•Self Righteous people
•Someone who acts like they're more important than others

Theme song:
Am I a Psycho by B.o.B

Reason for being in Arkham City:
To have a place to call home.

Octavius is 6'3" and always wears his gas mask. His left eye which has healed is now white.
Ryuu kept to himself thinking of a way to stop this but in the end came to a successful way to beat them alone. He looked at the 2 eevee evolutions and the Absol. "Do one of you happen to know the location of a near by legendary?" He asked smiling. Alone he couldn't do this but another legendary will surely deck house on this scandalous team.
@The ghost in black
:P Summary please!?
D:< I've defeated the painful exams!!!!!
:P Today is my last day for exams so count me in!
:D I have made changes!
:P Expect one from me sooner or later!
Could a holy knight be on par with a Deadly Sin?

"The Key is Perfection!"

Xavier Heine





All the basic vampire abilities. Hand to hand combat seems to be his main source of power. His strength, speed, stamina, and durability being way pass the average for your everyday vampire. Xavier is a free spirit and doesn't really care if there are consequences for his actions. He might even do something knowing what will happen if he does it.

Xavier is a normal vampire who trained hard to become as powerful as he is now. His family isn't well know or powerful to begin with. That was all gonna change though. When the world catches a glimpse of Xavier, Heine won't just be a low class vampire name. While trying to find several ways to becoming a more perfect being Xavier came across cannibalism. He didn't eat his fellow kind he did drink their blood. At first he didn't believe doing this effected him much but it did. By the time he was finally caught and charged with is crimes the blood from his various volunteers started to arise. Nothing seem to have changed or so he and who was there to witness his beheading thought. It seems Xavier can survive a bit longer then the average vampire without his head. No one believed it to be possible but its true. Knowing this Xavier was a step closer to perfection and the only to achieve it is by sucking the blood of his fellow species.

Xavier is 6'2". He does not kill the vampires he sucks the blood of, he does not kill humans after sucking their blood either. No he will not go on a random killing spree and obviously knows right from wrong. Most of his actions will be in his favor.
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