Avatar of Sophitia
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    1. Sophitia 9 yrs ago


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I hope no one is quitting or losing interest!
Eva was surprised when Saina tried to pull her to get some rest. As much as she wanted to she agreed that this did have to do with her as well. But not that it mattered Gippal said to to get some rest as well, before he turned with urick to talk to another man who she remembered from the potion shop. Frowning slightly in thought she slowly stood up and made her way down to her room. She wondered where Sifen ran off too. Hopefully he was not doing anything bad.

Maximus was extremely quiet as well. Hopefully he wasn't as stoic as he looked and would open up. He seemed pretty off as he found out Saina.

She quickly made it to her room and signed, falling into the bunk she grunted, "ow...." It was not as comfortable as she thought it would. It being a thin layer of bedding and wood.

Like Nai she despite the uncomfortable bed she soon knocked out before she knew it. Her dreams were of that long haired blonde headed man again, she looked around and she was in Kilika. She smiled at the man all she knew was he was really important to her. Her best friend. Yet she couldn't remember his name. They were sitting on a long near the temple. Laughing at some joke he has said. Suddenly muffled yelling caused both of them to look around. Something was wrong. She stood up to run but suddenly she tripped.

BAM! Eva groaned at her face hitting the wood floor. She whimpered as she pushed herself up. She heard people yelling and fighting on the deck above her. She perked up, her grogginess gone. She ran into the hall and people were shoving to get somewhere, she didn't understand why it was safer down here.

As she thought that a massive tentacle crashed through the hull of the boat, not ten feet from her. She let out a scream, along with everyone else there. She had in her hands her staff but it would be useless, she couldn't even summon Valfore here. It was too cramped.

All she could do was help people move away from it. She yelled out, "GIPPAL, URICK! WHERE ARE YOU!" they were probably on deck they were always the first to the fight. But on the off chance they were here...

Everyone post before me please I am too tired tonight :/

Eva sat on the crate as she watched Besaid island fade away into darkness. Gippal started to tell them what happened to them. She heard part of this story before, of when they were imprisoned before her. Gippal always hesitated when he brought up experiments...always rubbing his scar on his chest when he thought no one was looking, or when he brought it up. He never spoke of what happened to him...but she heard his screams at night in his nightmares. She frowned, Gippal always put on a strong face even though he had been through a lot more than he was saying.

She reached out and touched his hand and gave a comforting smile before he continued speaking, she pulled away just as quickly as he didn't seem to notice. She didn't mind though he had a lot on his mind at the moment. It was at this moment she noticed a man plop down and start listening to them. She had seen him talking to Urick before but she was too busy to talk to him. She raised an eyebrow at the man, who seemed in his own little world.

Gippal continued for a bit and after he was finished Alex seemed to get really mad as she glared at him. This made her frown, Alex continued on with how Thane could have done things. She shook her head as Alex finished and said, "From what I gathered from Gippal and Urick is that he didn't really know who they were, he never asked for their last names...at least asked as a insane man would. He also seems stuck in the past, not caring for the news of the current world, as it will be 'Washed away by the cleansing power of Sin and bring the world back to simplicity and order.'"

She folded her hands in her lap. "Obviously he is not well, and he is obviously insane. No one can understand how an Insane man mind works. But there is a reason he didn't just go for you guys in the first place. It was as if he WANTED Gippal and Urick to be here when he did it." She sighed. "Also I didn't know I was a Summoner...REALLY a Summoner till yesterday... I didn't know who I even was, I only knew my First name and that Thane wanted to sacrifice me for one of his experiments. Gippal and Urick promised to help me find my family...and later turned into keeping me safe from Thane's henchmen who were chasing us. "

Eva looked at Alex as she patted her on the back Saying she was brave but looked better than she did. Eva cocked her head to the side and said, "Thank you.. but you didn't look bad with make up even if the makeup was over done. You can pull it off I know you could. "She said with a smile. She then leaned in and continued with a wink. "The trick is to teach them how much to use and how to do it while they do it. It only makes them more excited." She giggled

She then heard a woman call for Alex and looked over to see Gippal pushing Naisha's chair. It was Naisha who called to Alex. A knot formed in her stomach as she saw the other woman. She had been Six hours alone with Gippal... though she had her own time as well during the two years still it was the fact it was Six hours... What did they do during that time?? She got her self slightly flustered and realized she was being childish so she calmed herself.

Saina appeared and mentioned she looked tired and once they get on the boat she would help her get settled. Smiling at her Eva nodded and said, "Thank you Saina. I would appreciate that. I am a bit tired from all the magic I performed today." She looked at her for a moment before adding. "I know you are very serious about being my guardian, but I also want to be friends ok? So please don't call me M'lady Call me Eva." She said with warm smile.

Sifen came up and asked if she had anything for the journey. She shook her head, most of her things were in Luca, she only was coming here for a day or so in search of Gippal and Urick. "No thank you though Sifen. Most of my things are in Luca at the moment."

After that she noticed Gippal walking over, She immediately sat up straighter and her face flushed slightly. He looked so handsome walking towards her, but she noticed right away his new Bracer, gloves and belt, along with the second pair of Knifes on them. Did they go shopping? Gippal never really buys himself new things. Was it a Gift then?

She didn't have time to think about it as he came up to her and lowered himself as he squatted on the balls of his feet in front of her. She blinked a few times as he asked how she was doing. She then said, "Well... I am a little tired. I spent all the time helping out with the wounded."

Gippal nodded and smiled at her, it was one of his genuine smiles that always made her heart flutter. "I see. You always do over exert yourself." He looked at her face and hair for a moment. "Despite being tired you look amazing."

She smiled even more and blushed. "Thank you.. it's not my doing. I was saving Alex from getting mauled again from a group of young girls." She said as she pushed a free strand of hair over her ear.

Gippal laughed imagining Alex grumbling as a group of girls surrounded her and applying Makeup. he wished he saw it. "Was that the glitter I noticed on her armor from?"

Eva Giggled and nodded. "She didn't look bad. But she apparently doesn't like makeup it seems."

They both looked to Alex and Nai, and Gippal nodded. "Yeah she's definitely not the girly girl type." After thinking for a moment Gippal then said in a soft tone. "Thank you for accepting Alex as a Guardian and allowing Nai to come along as well." Looking to Eva again their eyes met. "It really means a lot to me, and to Alex. She always dreamed of being a Guardian. Nai did too..."

Eva smiled, but on the inside she knew she was going to have to ask Nai to be her guardian as well. She nodded to Gippal. "Of course, it wasn't a big deal... I know how much they meant to you, I've kept you from them, it's only right to allow them to come along. She suddenly realized she was leaning in ever so slowly the entire time she was speaking with Gippal, Her eyes went wide and she pulled back again and blushed looking away at Urick and Saina who were at the end of the dock.

Gippal raised an eyebrow when she pulled away, He had noticed her moving closer but didn't do anything because he thought maybe she was just tired and sitting up straight would be very uncomfortable when tired. He knew it was for him. He stood up and looked over at the captain of the ship who announced they were ready to board. LOoking down at Eva he offered a hand to her. "Come on, lets get on."

@Aerandirooooooooooooooo AEEEEERRRRRR I like Urick's Qoute!
<Snipped quote by Sophitia>

<Snipped quote by Silver Fox>

...ahm I'm not sure if this is an misunderstanding here or somehting but those She should be changed with He
Last time I check i was still a man...*runs to look at himself at a mirror* Yep still am one.

Woopsie... Sorry bout that, I figured you were a girl because I never seen any guy use as many emoicons (at least with my experience.) as you do. (Or cute bunny pictures) good to know though!
Why not ??

And sorry hahah didn't understand what you meant at fiest
She meant goes after him romantically like Eva and Nai are for Gippal
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