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<Snipped quote by Source>

*He swings his scythe, sending red blades hurdling into the planet, bloodly magic consuming everything living*

*Due to the destruction of native plant life, the ground begins crumbling faster than before, shortly leaving nothing but a veritable ocean of magma in its wake*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*A green gaseous orb appears from the ether, that descends upon the land covering the region in a cloud of toxic corrosive gas that eats away at flesh and burns through the creatures exoskeleton.*

<Snipped quote by Source>

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*He fires a blast of bloody power, and vaporizes the blood inside the creatures. He makes a face at the insects wave of icor and blood as it boils away*

I hate bugs.

*The dragon hurdles along, snapping everything up that gets too close*

*The entities fall to the ground, now crumbling under the weight of the swarm and the tunnels drilled by the hand creatures—the planet begins to collapse inward onto the submerged magma*
<Snipped quote by Source>

<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*A red sigil glows over the dragons head, creating an amplification that maximizes the blood dragons power as it's form becomes superheated. As the air pressure pushed outwards a field of energy forms a cone that halts the pressure momentarily before exploding inwards sending shards of energy into the creature.*

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*A massive blood dragon bursts from Vinashys hand, devouring everything in it's path*

*The creature’s torso slouches downward, but several more erupt from the ground, carrying legions of the insectoids on their backs*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*I teleport next to the tube, summoning a condensed blade-like form of energy that I swing cleaving the tube asunder before blinking into an ethereal form.*

*The creature freezes, smoothly sliding against the cut, before erupting in multiple directions, resulting in air pressure waves across the region*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Acid rain begins to fall from the sky, the wind blows harder and the ground continues to shake.*

*Without warning, hundreds of the hand-like creatures burst from the ground, floating high in the sky, still connected by a fleshy tube, and shred anything in their path*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*With a grumble I point my finger at the ground and the ground begins to shake, before opening up beneath the hive as a vast sinkhole.*
*Hurricane force winds push the dirt out of the way as more lightning flashes striking the hive en masse.*

*The creatures struggle against the forces, their bodies catching against the wind*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Alright now I'm tired of this game.

*I stop the missile in midair, letting it's momentum carry around me before it slams back down into the creature.*

You are starting to get annoying.

*Suddenly hundreds of bolts of electricity explode outward through the horde of creatures below.*

*The hive kicks up a sea of dirt to shield themselves from the lightning*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Good lord this is getting tiresome.

*Thankfully due to the aura the impact of it's grip was weakened, thus it give me enough time to teleport millions of feet into the air.*

*The handlike creature suddenly twists its torso and rockets into the air, the missile homing onto your location and bounded to the ground by an elongating cylinder of flesh with the appearance of ivory*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*As soon as it slams into me, the aura flashes again. Instead of me being crushed by the weight of the thing, the impact is absorbed and channelled into a blast of equal force.*

*In the chaos, one of the hand creatures shoots from the ground below you, crushing you in its serrated grip*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Ah, spoke too soon.

*I don't flinch, as the creature rain upon us the orange aura around me flashes. Sending a tremendous wave of kinetic energy outward, sending them flying.*

*The creatures near you are ejected, but the sheer mass of bodies building up around the two of you, living and dead, results in the mountain of creatures rebuilding itself nearly as quickly as you disperse it, followed shortly by another pack of the arm creatures springing from the ground, connected to an unseen body, and slamming on top of you*
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