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<Snipped quote by Source>

Being: 'Other obligations', hmm?... interesting. But just so you know...
*my voice sounds cold, but to the point*

I would rather you an ally than an enemy. Existence has enough of those, already.

*looks up to the stars*

.... 30. Thats my final offer.

30 million is an acceptable offer, but the value must be deposited upfront rather than after the first return. Additionally, the progressive payment per head is still expected. Are these terms acceptable?
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*grins, and nods my head in apreciation of your statement*

You're clearly no amateur. I have all the time in Existence. I just fear for those who don't. With me, they won't have to fear. Most beings will eventually die. Even you. What if I could give you a means to truly escape death? Not only that, but the chance to grow infinitely? Doesnt that sound like a great deal? Heck, I'll even throw in 28 million territories to spice up the deal.

I am quite familiar with your offer, but I'm afraid that other obligations bind me. Rather, you will observe that I am much more useful to you under the current terms.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*smirks* and your sure that your 40 or so territories will not interfere with my plan?

If such a small loss is disruptive to your ability to claim Existence, perhaps you lack the means to accomplish your goal at all.
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Once I have control of existence, your currency will depreciate in value into nothiness over time. Surely you will want something that will last beyond this System. Don't you?

I exchange territories sufficiently often to not be concerned with value depreciation. Whatever is lost upon that day is considered a cost of business.
<Snipped quote by Source>
My question is: how does this exactly help then? What is the point of collecting territories if not to control Existence?

A common form of mutual currency. I simply exchange favors between parties, and territories are my medium of exchange.
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I know. Which is why ten to forty million territiories isnt feasible. I cant compromise on my mission.

Selecting forty million territories of the smallest possible size should have a negligible impact on your objective.
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I have to have control of existence. There is no other way. I will allow you to have territories, but it cannot be so much as to deter me from having existence in my hands.

We operate in territory quantity, not size. Existence control is a factor of territory volume.
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Thats a rightfully high price... but I can't do that. As much as I want them dead, that isnt my only goal. Territories are essential in my plan. I wish to provide existence with means to grow endlessly, to consistently improve without the threat of death and dispair.

Negotiations can be arranged. I'm authorized to adjust the terms.
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Being: I want to defeat and eliminate all of Tier Five, either by a means of them joining me, or them dying out in general. Now... what's your price?

Ten million territories per head. An additional thirty million to be reserved up-front after the first return as a gesture of goodwill. Each return increases the per-head cost by one million. Territories may be claimed at any time.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Being: What would the 'price' be? My life?

I have no interest in your life or death. My tributes require a different sacrifice. Speak your desires, and I shall name their price.
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