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<Snipped quote by Source>

<Snipped quote by System>

PsychoBlaster: Ignis!
*two massive cannons materialize on my back and I leap up into the air*

*Swings the sword into you at the same speed as before, now coated in elemental water*
<Snipped quote by System>

Be wary.

<Snipped quote by Source>

*a hexagonal shield blocks the attack but I still get knocked back*

*The strike continues on and crashes into a skyscraper, but instead of cutting it cleanly in two, breaks it into millions of debris chunks*
<Snipped quote by System>

*turns around, then frowns in anger*
We got a friend.

<Snipped quote by Source>

*gets in a stance and the cannon on my back charges up once more*
Zeed Cannon!
*fires the cannon with a heavy bang, and shortly after it dissipates*

*Faster than reasonable, slices the blast in two and follows through by chopping you vertically in half*
<Snipped quote by System>

*my suit hisses*
I mean, I am pretty armored. I wouldn’t want to catch me.
Lets bust up some more viruses.

*The data emitted from the felled virus begins vacuuming toward me, charging my armor with a ghastly blue light*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Hmm... thats fine.

*walks over to you, putting my hand on your shoulder*

Thank you for offering your services to existence. Because of you, We'll build a better future for everyone. Take care, okay?

*smiles, and then dissapears*

*The black flames surround me before winking out, leaving nothing where I stood*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Before you leave....

*extends my hand*

I ask that you shake my hand. To our future sucess. Please do keep in touch.

I'm afraid you may find that rather difficult.
*Reaches my hand toward you, but a shadowy fire surrounds it as it nears you, preventing any form of contact*
As is my curse.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I will not cheat this deal... so long as you accomplish what's promised. Hoever, once the deal is over.. do not stand in my way. Tier Five is the firecest opponent anyoen has ever seen, yet I stood toe to toe against two of their strognest with just myself and another, and never went above half my total strength. I just see this as an opportunity to speed up the process.

*looks you in your eye*

I currently own 200 million territories. While it isnt a lot, its also enough to take part in your deal. Do. Not. Screw me. Also, I dont have blood, so this will have to do.

*stamps my hand into the paper, leaving an intricate amaranthine seal*

May the contract be enforced.
*The scroll glows and burns away in a green fire, its seal manifesting above your head before fading to darkness*
It would be impossible for me to cheat you. You hold every advantage.
*Turns away from you*
I look forward to a mutual partnership.
<Snipped quote by Source>
*looks at it, and then you*

... 'no ongoing obligations', hmm?

Tier Five is a fierce opponent, and every eliminated member is of great advantage to you. If forces we deploy cannot eliminate their ranks, your future responsibilities are annulled.
<Snipped quote by Source>
*reads the contract carefully*

Just making sure that I understand the terms of this deal correctly befor I go signing anything. The future of existence could be in my hands.

*The contract outlines the previous terms, stating that there are no ongoing obligations to eliminate Tier Five members, but that the original deposit will be returned if none are eliminated within one thousand hours of the contract signature to the satisfaction and scrutiny of the signee, given the flow of time at its creation, and that the obligation of verification falls upon the signing party, including when the termination is carried out by a third party—it also states penalties for failing to produce payments at the time of collection, up to and including temporary conscription in the signee's current state at the time of signature for purposes such as, but not limited to collection of other contractual debts*
Of course, there are no secrets when it comes to our obligations. However, do not attempt to cheat this deal.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Being: 10 million per? Hmm....absolute, undeniable proof must be shown. No business of showing me a head and them popping back up later. I mean permanently dead... and also... PD and Techi are mine. Convince them to join me at all costs. If absolutely all else fails... then I will deal with them myself.

Very well.
*A scroll materializes in my hand*
This is the contract you will sign. It contains our terms, caveats, and penalties for either side failing to carry out its obligations under the deal. This contract is self-enforcing. Sign your name in blood or its equivalent.
*Hands the contract to you*
Finally, to demonstrate the reality of our deal, I will first target a member of their leadership, and strike where they are wounded.
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