The Faenos's lips turned upward in an appreciative, faint smile.
The other part of the wolf shell she-- as it decided it would be as Synn said, a Mother of Nature-- she gathered in her arms and sat on her knees, unraveling the body like a grandmother who has mis-stitched and decided to undo her work. Eventually, the wolf was no more, and no evidence of such a unnerving display of formulation could be seen.
But she was growing increasingly nervous, she had acted upon her own free will, and feared the wrath of her Creator. She could never return to him, she must hide from his sight for the rest of her days; she was full of such shame. Unease and regret battled for the dominant emotion within her mind. But also deep rooted was a sense of pride.
The 'werewolf' she was proud of immensely: she had made something that not even the God of Animals himself had thought or tried to do. How could one not be filled with hubris, if just for a moment, because of such a milestone?
She directed her attention back to Felin who had spoken not long ago, but she had been too nervous to reply immediately, out of trepidation if there were consequences. But Synn had made her think otherwise, and she opened her pretty mouth to finally respond. "What you saw was an act of a new demigod, Lord," The Faenos's voice rang out clear as crystal, "I do not want to be associated with the God known as Finnos, for he had made me with expecting me to die not long after. I shall be known as Lur, for I came from the Earth."
She was no longer afraid, for she was capable of many powerful works.
It appeared at the same time one of the other Gods, Ybris, appeared asking favor of Synn. She listened intently, still on her knees. Her brown hands rested atop her soft, long legs. As each of their voices rose to address the other, her amber eyes flicked back and forth with awe as the two joined hands and amplified the powers of Ybris. Such a powerful stand against her Maker, and she wondered how he would react to such a rebellion against his purpose for Man and beast. For this she admired them both, and wished to further their cause.
"Lord Felin, Lord Ybris, please, bless me as your Child of the Ground, so that I may better protect the Earth than such an inconsiderate Brother of yours.. please." As she was already kneeling, she bowed low another time, trying not to appear too servile.
"With your gifts I will expand my race of the Far and we will serve all Gods to your purposes of maintaining the Earth for all its inhabitants. Please."