Also I just got around to looking at all the stuff about the ship on the header post and wookieepedia. Wow that is one shitty ship.
Now why did you have to go and do that? Now I might have to make the ship spring a leak above your bunk. 😘
[Last Updated: February 1, 2025]
Also I just got around to looking at all the stuff about the ship on the header post and wookieepedia. Wow that is one shitty ship.
questions answered, he turned back around and led everyone up the staircase to the upper level of the ship, where they finally set foot on the bridge. The bridge itself, like the rest of the ship, has probably seen better days but looked better maintained than the cargo hold was. It was almost as though this part of the ship was not apart of the original blueprints, if judging by appearance alone. The fore side of the bridge had two seats up front which were unmistakably the piloting controls. They two were identical, so it did not matter much where the pilot chose to sit unless one side happened to be locked out. There were two other seats on the bridge, one port and one starboard. The port side seemed to be a communications panel and galaxy map, and the starboard side was linked to the ship's weapons system. The latter was rather simplistic and unimpressive - after all, the ship only had one medium laser cannon.<BAARSUTH>, The cockpit didn't seem like anything that was necessarily fancy, but the aesthetic wasn't the tell-tale sign of a good ship. Whatever you might think about the rest of the ship, you could tell at a glance that the controls were fine-tuned and optimized. Nothing was missing, no lights were flickering, bent or rusted levers, no weird sounds of humming - while somewhat worn, they were still polished and didn't look like they were falling apart.
<ZEKHA>, No need to fear. The windows were already replaced. No suffocating deep in the black for you, no sir. Not yet, anyway.
<BAARSUTH> and <SHAI RIVELLIA>, you two managed to see through the captain's bluff. It was probably the first sign of a sense of humor anyone has seen since all of you boarded the ship. The rest of you however? Evidently not quite as quick to pick up on the joke, but who can blame you? The captain has been all business since you met him! Perhaps there was a sudden wave of dread washing over you or maybe you just weren't that impressed with the awful condition the ship was in and how your own means of defense was inoperable half the time. Even more troubling, the implication of the even requiring a cannon on this job was haunting in its own right. <LIAK'YKAM>, ordinarily, I might say the wookie is flipping out right about now, but you're also zen like all the freaking time. Then there's the catch where you're not even experienced with interstellar travel or ship cannons anyway. You're more likely to wonder why we even need a cannon. Regardless of what you think about ships and guns, you've taken Varen's word entirely to heart. He's been straightforward, serious, and honest so far, why has that got to change now?
<ZEKHA>, purring like a kitten indeed. The hum of the hyperdrive had barely the faintest palpitations, with highs and lows in the tone like sounds of tenor followed by sounds of alto in a repeating pattern. There wasn't any real risk or danger to it, but it could affect fuel and energy efficiency - you just had to investigate what the problem was. It was faint, but as someone who worked on engines and drives for many years, you could pick it out pretty quickly. The engines themselves were an old model and outdated by even some of the cheaper parts on the market. The panel on the walls seemed straightforward enough, but some of the kWs had some outliers. Where most hovered just above the 500 mark while the ship was powered, but was just at rest, the kW reading for artificial gravity generator was as high as 800. That could mean that the corresponding part isn't getting enough power or that the reading was off and had to be calibrated or the part replaced. Granted, some outputs were probably different because different parts required different input. Still, it was reading the block cooling output for the generator and might be worth investigating. If the reading wasn't lying, that meant that generator was getting too hot and the cooling system was working extra hard to maintain its target temperature. It looks like you'll have just enough work to keep you busy.
With that, the party dispersed. <BAARSUTH> and <B-0> leave the engine room with Varen Kray and <SHAI RIVELLIA> and <LIAK'YKAM> stay with <ZEKHA>, who will be lending the engineer a helping hand with some of the take-off procedures that the pilots don't have much control over or if something goes wrong. Anyways, it's quite clear that Varen is on a schedule and was eager to get off of Alderaan. Perhaps that was something you could relate to, eh <B-0>? Speaking of whom, it was after a few minutes did the pilots get accustomed with the controls. <B-0> had taken to it almost intuitively, and it was thanks to some of your guidance that <BAARSUTH> got used to the cockpit as quickly as he did. Varen manned the control panel and monitored the ship's systems. The ship lifted into the air slowly, but before long, the Phoenix was soaring through the air and aimed towards the horizon. The engine room, though purring before, was now a loud and almost-deafening roar as the ship picked up more and more speed. The ship itself was holding together even through the turbulence of entering the atmosphere, and eventually, into space.
This is my GM voice. If you see me writing with [code] tags, that means I am speaking to you - the player - as the GM. Like in many tabletops, the GM will describe your environment with
a rich narrative voice, but when it comes time for the GM to talk to the players and answering their questions, the roleplaying is momentarily suspended so that the information can be concisely conveyed (such as whether you fail rolls or not, or what you can or cannot see).
When it's time for dice to be rolled, all of the numbers will be in a titled hider within the post. The outcome will be described in the post, so you have the option of skipping that entirely if the numbers do not interest you.
God damn it, Walks.
<SHAI RIVELLIA>, <LIAK'YKAM's> meditation had something of a calming effect on you. You know from your Force training what this technique was, you've seen it done many times in the battlefield, where a powerful Force user could bolster the spirits of their allies or make their enemies tremble with fear. There was something about this power that caused your fear and insecurities to subside for the time being, allowing you to think with much greater clarity and act with more confidence. As a result, you receive a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 hour. Continuing on, all of the different conversations happening right now, such as the one between Woo'rah and <ZEKHA>, and <BAARSUTH> and <B-0>, and with <LIAK'YKAM> meditating, no one was really left to notice you pull out the remains of your weapon... no one except the captain, that is. He didn't seem necessarily bothered by the presence of the broken device, but he looked at you with a stern gaze that suggested it might not be such a wise idea to so carelessly show it off in the open. He glanced between you and the pocket it came from and that was that, and he looked back at the rest of the crew.
<ZEKHA>, Your jabs at Woo'rah's height and originality didn't look as though they unsettled her very much. In fact she looked rather satisfied, as if she had somehow won in a battle of temperament of some kind, probably taking your comeback as a defensive reprisal to her teasing. Regardless, her smug attitude reverted back to the bored expression you first saw her with as you explained the risks of a bad seal in the combustion chamber, almost to the point where it's hard to tell if she's still paying attention.
lecture on engineering. Though she didn't look very impressed, she did at least give him a shrug, as if that was a sufficient enough gesture of acknowledgement. In a brief lapse in her chewing and blowing pink bubbles, she did say, "Well, you know what you're talking about. I'll give you that."<ZEKHA's>
face. She continued, "These babies don't work if I don't have the proper seal on them. Jump packs are basically two missiles strapped to somebody crazy enough to try it. Grenades and mines, they work the same way - sort of. You can't just half-ass the seal if you want a good pop! If I couldn't fix the damn thing myself, I'd already be dead."<ZEKHA>, There was a moment of realness there that one might not have expected to see in her when you first met a couple minutes ago. No snappy comebacks, smart-ass remarks, or dismissive comments - she talked to you on an equal level of sorts, likely out of respect for your profession. Still, there was a sense of pique that betrayed her otherwise polite answer. She certainly comes across as a woman who is prideful in what she's good at, and considering how many twi'lek girls were sold into slavery or became indentured, it takes a little imagination to figure how she got to this point.
and explained, "If something that's not the ship needs to be worked on, you come here. You will have to share with Woo'rah, however. Learn how to coordinate and prioritize your time management."<BAARSUTH>
, “but I would prefer if Zekha stayed in the port side cabin, since the the blast door to the engine room is through there. Are there any questions before we head upstairs?”Courtbridge, Prince Edfield_
Courtbridge, Prince Edfield_
Six of One Thousand Steps: The Hunt Begins