Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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10 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
15 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
15 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
22 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

Ariel Grey

"And No, I'm not okay, but nothings broke.
Maybe God will let me die when my dreams go up in smoke."

Trigger warning for brief mentions of child abuse. Reader discretion is advised.

As if homecoming wasn't bad enough, the hours leading up to the morning after were.

Ariel was greeted with the sight of her father sitting on the porch steps, the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. Trillian met his daughters gaze, nearly stopping Ariel in her tracks, but still, she walked forward, stopping a few feet from him.

"Serafina," he began, his voice stern. "Can you explain why I got a call from the Salvadors telling me you had broken their sons nose?"

"I - because -." Lost for words, her throat dry, Ariel could think of nothing to say. Her father walking over to put his hand on her shoulder helped nothing. He leaned his face over, burying his face in the top of her head as he took a deep breath.

"My sweet, sweet girl. Why is it you've only ever caused your father trouble, eh? Come on, let's go inside." When she refused to move, he gave her a gentle push - or what could only be considered gentle for Trillian Grey. Turning to lock the door behind him, instant panic rose up inside of Ariel. "Why'd you hit that boy," he asked, walking over to stop in front of her.

"Dad - it - I... It's really hard to explain."

Her explanation had helped nothing.

"You're a proper lady, Serafina. I raised you to be a proper lady. Ladies do not fight. Ladies do not hit people," Trillian said, hitting her across the face.

As she turned to run away, Ariel knew it was a hopeless cause. Her father grabbed her by the arm, pulling Ariel back towards him. A already long night, turning even longer.


The next morning, Ariel had to be at work. She had taken extra care applying her makeup this morning as to cover the bruises. The last thing she wanted was for customers to ask questions. Sadly, she couldn't cover up the few on her arms, or the small one on her neck. She could just blame them on sports. She had done it her whole life, and people had never known the difference. Broken arm? Fell off the bike. Broken leg? Soccer practice.

Work flew by, though she wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not. Saying good bye to her boss and clocking out, she most definitely wasn't ready to go home yet. Driving aimlessly down the road, she would find herself at Kavi's house. It surprised her that she still knew the directions. Ariel had only ever been here for a handful of school projects.

Oh well, she thought. I'm already here. Might as well make the most of it.

Ringing the door bell, Ariel was greeting promptly by one of Kavi's siblings - Nikki, if she remembered correctly.

"Can I help you?" The other girl asked, slightly suspicious.

"Can I speak to Kavi please?"

"Sure. Come on it. I'll go get him for you."

Walking inside the house, Ariel stood at the bottom of the steps, careful not to touch anything as she waited on Kavi's arrival.
I'm just a weirdo.

I get cold fairly easily, but yet I'll go swimming in twenty degree water like it's nothing. I don't really have a preference between hot or cold. Of I'm comfy, I'm comfy. If I'm not, well, I'm not.
I can't do a pull up to save my life.

I can, however, do 50 push ups without stopping, about 25 squats and a shit ton of crutches (crunches? Those things that are out sit ups, but not actually sit ups. Y'all know what I mean.)

Furthermore, I took weight training my sophomore year of High School. I couldn't cling for shit, but I could bench press 85 pounds and squat 145 pounds. At the time I was fifteen, about to turn sixteen. I was hella impressed with myself.
I have way too much stuff on my plate.

You've got this.
Ariel Grey

The moment her fist made contact with Kavi's face, Ariel instantly regretted it due to the pain in her own hand. Now the whole school was going to think she was insane - If they didn't already. Sure, Kavi was a douche. But did he actually deserve to have his noe broken, or was he just the most convenient way for her to take her frustrations out on her haywire nerves? All she was sure of was that Kavi was pissed, in pain, and a lot of eyes were now on her.

"Kavi, I -" she began as he flipped over the table, storming off. Face hot and eyes stinging, she stormed in the opposite direction to the girls bathroom. Rather the tears came from the pain in her hand, the embarrassment, or the simple fact that she had just punched Kavi, she didn't know. Most likely a mixture of all three. Before she could make it to the restroom, however, she was stopped by a teacher - Mr. Harris.

"Ms. Grey," he began. "May I ask what just happened?"

"I punched Kavi Salvador in his nose. Obviously."

"And, why, Ariel, did you do it?"

"Because for years he's been bullying people and treating girls like dirt, thinking that he can get away with whatever he wants. He's got a stupid, spoiled, rich brat boy attitude just like everyone else in this shit hole."

Mr. Harris raised his eyebrows at her response. "Regardless of whatever justification you may have, I'll be seeing you in the principals office first thing Monday morning. How's your hand?"

Glancing down to look at it for the first time, Ariel would see that her knuckles were turning odd shades of blue and purple. "It's fine."

The man nodded. "Go on to the restroom. Get yourself cleaned up. After that, well, I'm afraid you'll have to leave."

Ariel simply nodded as she continued to her destination. Look at it on the bright side. At least she had earned herself a ticket out of her current hell.
My phone decided to double post, so here, have another fact.

I talk to 3 people on a daily basis. One of them is my mother.
I'm one of those "I went through it and it sucked, so I'm going to make sure you don't have to go through it" kinda people.
Ayyyy @HaleyTheRandom I see you lurking there!! :D Keen to join back in?? Finn needs a little bit of Sunshine :P

Haha. While you guys know I'd love to, I'm going to have to pass. I'm struggling to keep up with the RPs that I'm in as it is, and my real life just got really fucking hectic as of late.
For a girl, I'm not really.... girl like(?). At least not a stereotypical girl, anyway.

My nails break? Okay.

There's a bug? Cool.

Spider? I end up squishing those for most of my friends.

My hair? It's either down or in a ponytail. I know no other style.

Crying over a boy? Bitch please.

Starbucks? Eh.

Spending three years to shop for clothes? Hell no. Someone give me an oversized hoodie and my favorite pair of ripped jeans.

Not knowing what to eat? Eh. I know what I want to eat, but you don't want what I want which means I can't have it which means we're getting pizza.

Umm... where would I begin?

▪ Firstly my Palm Beach Royals family. Y'all are the bomb. The characters are diverse. The drama is... It's there for sure. You guys are patient, kind, and have helped me improve my writing skills in ways you will never know. Did I mention that we have some of the best GM's running this show?

▪ Secondly, a shout out to my family at Olympus Academy. I know I have yet to make a post, but I've been reading the posts and I'll have you guys some thing soon. The characters are amazing, and I can't wait to start writing with you all.

▪ Last, but most certainly not least, my peeps from Magia, Amore et Bellam. (Or however you spell it. I'm sleep deprived per usual. Fight me.)

Now... let's get down to the more serious business.


》Drumroooolllll please. We all know her. We all love her. She's always mentioned in stuff like this. Please give a round of a plause for the one and only @SouffleGirl123. My sister from another Mister, spirit twin, confidante, and partner in crime. I've pretty much beaten the topic to death when it comes to you. Just know that I love ya ♡

@Dirty Pretty Lies A goddess, a role model of a GM, and an all around ray of sunshine.

@Altered Tundra Yet another person I would be lost without. An awesome person with even more awesome memes. You are that kind of uncle. I'm gonna buy you a plane ticket to the Nile.

@Hellion My favorite RPG Newbie. Thank you for checking in on me. Please never stop drawing.

@Briza ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Not much to put here, but I've admired you from afar for the longest time. I enjoy our short conversations.

@Hedgehawk The creator of one of the best families of misfits that I have come to know and love. Thank you for bringing us together, listening to my rants and giving Salem, Ty, and Cleo a home.

@Chasebloodcrest You knew you were going to pop up eventually. Pinging this dude because he's literally one of my favorite authors. I appreciate you pushing me to be the best writer I can be. Never stop sending me your stories.

@SammyPanda & @Esmeralda Two people so full of love, I simply don't know what to do with them. <3

@TsarDev Thank you for bringing me endless laughter and enjoying my daddy jokes.

It's late.... so I'm going to ping a bunch of others. I'm a bit lazy to keep typing.

@Ruby, @Lady Amalthea, @Hero, @POOHEAD189, @Mahz and so, so, so many more.

A HUGE shout out to all of RPG for helping make me the person I am today. Keep be awesome my dudes.

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