Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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8 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
13 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
13 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
20 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

“What do you want from me?”

“I don’t want your so called love, or your heart. I don’t want you to take me home to meet your parents. No, what I want from you is your time. Your attention. Your secrets. Your darkest desires. I want to be the one that you come to when you're feeling down, or when you’re angry. I want to be the one to be there when you smile your most genuine smiles, and laugh your most genuine laughs. I want to be the one to be there when you cry. Not because I like to see you sad, but because it would be nice to know that you trusted me that much. I want to be…. I don’t know what I want to be. Your friend? Your confidant? I really don’t know.”

“I just want to mean something to you. One moment you’re here, and the next you’re gone. One day, we’ll talk for hours, and then we won’t for weeks at a time. You act like I mean something to you, but then you talk to me as if you can’t stand me. I don’t want anything from you but a freaking explanation.”

“I need to know what I am to you. I need to know because you mean so much to me. I need to know because I seem to care too much, where as you don’t care at all. So what’s the point in me caring, if you don’t? What the point of me getting all worked up and worried if you’re okay or not when you disappear? What the point in me having you on my mind when you don’t ever stop to think about me? What’s the point in me caring if you don’t care at all?”
Someone take me back to fifteen.

Back to the nights where I stayed up until three am, listening to Icon For Hire and writing shitty characters on my first ever RP site.
Back to the people. The friends. The memories. The hugs in the school hallway. The pinky promises in the back of the class. The written vow that all of us would return after summer. The slow walks to the bus in the May thunderstorms as we pushed each other into the puddles.

Back to when mom wasn't so sad and dad wasn't so stressed.

Back to when I believed in love. Back to when my biggest problem was the 7 page essay due in two days that I had procrastinated for months on end. Back to when high school was my only nightmare. Back to when everything was material. Back to when the decisions I made didn't make or break me.

Back to when I looked forward to becoming an adult and didn't think of it as another prison. Back to when friends were friends and the conversations came easy. Back to when the people who I wanted to care - cared. Back to when I went to sleep before five in the morning.

Back to when life was a little less complicated.

Good 'ol lunch period.

Oliver had gotten to the point where he didn't particularly care for school anymore. He would wake up, go through the motions, do his work, and go home. Perhaps it was the Senioritis growing stronger by the day, but he was really looking forward to the day where he as finally free from Kings Academy. Prom wasn't his thing, but if he knew anything about Stella - which he did - he knew that Prom was definitely something that she would enjoy. Rather they would be together at that time - no. He wasn't going to think like that. He and Stella had literally just started dating and there was no reason to think in that direction.

He hadn't seen Stella yet today, so he decided to head to lunch and do some weak brainstorming for some of his short stories. The young man found a section of a table all to himself, and so there is where he made himself his temporary place of comfort.

I came back from vacation to find out that I had been robbed by my 'best friend' of five years.

The damage caused during Kavi’s party didn’t really sink in for Marisol until Sunday morning. She’d been right in the middle of her shower when she realized she hadn’t gotten any texts from Salem, and finally remembered that he’d dumped her the night before. Mari broke down into sobs for a few long minutes, but by the time she came out, she had an epiphany. The fact that she hadn’t taken any physical retaliation didn’t mean she didn’t have to take any retaliation at all. That afternoon, the pint-sized girl spent the better part of her time gathering every piece of evidence in her possession and compiling a detailed album of the events between her and Salem’s affair. She made digital and printed copies of every text message and photo received, wrote down a detailed timeline and sequence of events, and eventually sent the folders Gwendolyn Winters’ way. She was certain the other girl had received them when Mari found herself blocked on both Gwen’s and Salem’s social media accounts, but knew her revenge plan had worked when (using Archer’s phone) a little digging revealed all previous traces of the couple in their accounts had vanished without a trace.

And Xixi? Well, the queen bitch of Crown Heights didn’t get out unscathed out of this one, either. The Colombian received an overnight special delivery of about fifty mice (the one animal phobia that sent her into hysterics), who jumped at the opportunity to invade the girl’s opulent home the second she opened the box and gave them their freedom.

All in all, it was just another reminder for the world that Marisol Castillo is not somebody you want to mess with.

That Monday morning had been business as usual for the young woman: homeroom, Calculus, English and Study Hall. The lunch bell had rang, and she’d been in the middle of her walk to the cafeteria when her green eyes fell on Ariel. The news of what had gone down between her and Kavi had spread like wildfire through the school, and judging by the raven-haired girl’s crestfallen expression, she obviously wasn’t doing too well.

She didn’t know if she was driven out of guilt or the need to let Ariel know she wasn’t alone in feeling disappointed by men, but before she realized it, Mari had stopped in her tracks and made a beeline towards her ex-best friend.

"So I heard my charming cousin did you dirty again- in a typical scumbag male move, I might add. That true?" she asked the girl point-blank, leaning her left shoulder against the wall of lockers beside them.

While putting her books away to head to lunch, Ariel heard a familiar voice especially close. Said voice belonged to that of Marisol. Why the other girl had chosen to approach her, Ariel had no idea. It had been years since that had talked, even though Ari had all of her contact information saved just in case she had gotten drunk enough to text her ex best friend. As it turns out, no amount of alcohol had made her that brave. But since Marisol had decided to make the first move, Ariel didn’t see any harm in seeing where the conversation was going.

”I… yeah. It is. As bad as I hate to admit it, he did,” she said, promptly slamming the locker door shut. ”More or less blamed it on me and decided that he hadn’t done anything wrong - also typical douchebag if you ask me.” Ariel took a deep breath. The act of putting on a brave face was tiring, and Mari wasn’t the only one who asked her about what had happened that night. While she didn’t wish to talk about it, if Kavi was reverting back to his dickhead ways, he’d spin the truth into whatever lies made him look best. As long as people asked, at least Ariel could tell her side of the story. ”It sort of sucks, ya know? I was ecstatic that he was actually giving me the time of day, but I guess it’s true what they say about all the good things coming to an end.”

"Fucking tell me about it…" the shorter girl muttered under her breath, her green eyes flashing with anger at the mere memory of Salem's betrayal. She took a second to compose herself before addressing Ariel again, her tone taking on her usual abrasiveness. "But see, that was our first mistake: letting them through our guard. No man can be trusted, Ariel. Well I mean, there's always gonna be exceptions -like Archer and Van for example. But all the others? Bullshit. Every. Other. Men. Is. Bullshit. Period. End. Of. Story." Marisol declared, banging her fist against her open palm to emphasize the importance of her last ten words.

Ariel pursed her lips and shrugged lazily in a weak attempt of agreement. ”I guess you have a point. I mean, none of my relationships with girls have ever ended in broken judo trophies and playstations. You seem really angry though, and I know said anger can’t just come from Kavis latest scandal. What’s up with you?”

Marisol shrugged, shaking her head. "Oh, you know, nothing much. Just got made a fool of by yet another worthless piece of shit, but no big deal," she said sarcastically, angrily picking at the hem of her skirt. "Only this one failed to mention during all the times we fucked that he'd given a big fat promise ring to the stupid girlfriend he had back home. But no biggie. I'm not even phased about it. He can go rot in a hole for all I care about." Of course, anyone with half a brain could tell that the brunette was boiling with fury just thinking about it.

The raven haired girl couldn’t help but laugh sourly. What was it with Kings being a hell hole full of toxic relationships, fist fights, and raging hormones? ”You’ve got to be shitting me,” she scoffed. ”Let’s just be real; boys are stupid. And now that I think about it,” she said, holding up an index finger, ”pretty much all together pointless. I mean, we have vibrators.”

"And therein lies the problem," Mari began, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "You see, as much as I would love to agree with you, but I can't. I took a bat to a Mercedes for the dick. I tackled a bitch for the dick. I was going to jail for the dick. Fucking jail, Ariel! All because of a stupid dick. Bottom line: I'm not afraid to fucking die for the dick. But am I sick and tired of the men behind said dicks? Absolutely."

The more and more Marisol talked, the wider Ariel's eyes got. "You might have a problem, love."

"Me? Having a problem? What's new?!" Mari shrugged before letting out a round of laughter. "Tell me something I don't know."

While chatting with Marisol like this was fun, and it was nice to see that they could still talk as easily as they used to, it was a little hard for Ariel to ignore the elephant in the room. ”So what exactly is… this?” she asked, making a weak attempt at some weird hand gesture between them. ”Us talking like this, I mean? Or was that something that I wasn’t supposed to mention, and by doing so, I completely screwed up whatever this conversation was?”

"I mean, I would have rather you just take it and run with it than make things awkward, but when have I ever gotten what I wanted?" she replied cynically, shooting Ariel a teasing smirk. "But since you asked, I'll be real here: I know I'm not the easiest person to be around or deal with. And you know I have the hardest fucking time making friends- especially friends of the same sex- because of this 'special and unique' personality I have. But you know what? I'll fucking say it: I've missed you. I've missed the sleepovers, the random hangouts, shopping trips, the bad makeup attempts… And just having a fucking girlfriend in my corner I can talk about all that pussy girl shit with. Am I still pissed that you tossed us all away like a used condom? Yes. But am I willing to put it past us just to have you back in my life? Also yes… As long as you don't pull the same crap on me again, of course. Then I'll just have to talk with my bat, I guess."

”No,” Ariel said shaking her head. ”I’d never do that again. I had a lot going on then - not that that’s a reason to drop my best friend - but I honestly thought I was protecting you guys. Again, long story.”

At this point, Marisol had learned that there was no use in prying for any information that wasn’t willingly shared. “It’s fine, Ariel. If there’s anything I’ve learned in this time is that people do stupid fucking things to those they care about. Sometimes they’re bad, but most times they’re good. And if you say that you had a good reason for it, then I believe you. I’m over it. Carpe diem and all that shit. I just want my favorite baddest bitch in my corner again…” she admitted in a low voice, sheepishly looking down at her worn-out Vans.

”Well if you really mean it, then can we please go get some cheese fries from the cafeteria like old times? Because I’m fucking starving.”

“Only if you promise to meet me at the Shack after school for burgers and milkshakes,” Mari quickly replied.

”Absolutely,” she said beaming. ”Could I have a hug, or are you still to much of a badass for that?”

“Fuck you,” was the shorter girl’s immediate comeback, shaking her head with a smile but wrapping up her friend in a tight hug nonetheless.

While it was sudden and unexpected, Ariel didn’t regret her decision to have this conversation. Returning the hug, she couldn’t help but smile.

Marisol and her were finally friends again.

Went to a water park for the first time this week.

Can and will do it again.
@HiippoAF I'm just a tad busy at the second, but giving you sheet a quick glance, I have to tell you that we aren't accepting Dark Shadow Members at this time. I'm sorry.
still open and alive?

Indeed we are.

Normally, Cleo would have spent her day working in the kitchen as to make a ginormous meal for the Dark Shadow Clan. This day, however, had been reserved for the more different tasks. She had spent the day at the store, buying groceries, spare clothes and whatever else she felt like. Days like these were when she ordered massive amounts of delivery pizza and let the kids have their way with it. Days like these were one where she simply didn't give a damn. She took a deep breath before entering the main room of the Dark Shadow Headquarters, the last of the pizzas from today's shopping spree in tow.

"Time to eat, shit cakes!" she called out. Groups of fours and fives flocked around the large round table holding the massive stacks of pizza boxes. One by one, they quickly disappeared, until only roughly ten pizzas were left. She opened a box for herself, taking out a large slice of cheese pizza and then taking a bite. Cleo turned to see Lex walk through the door way, not even offering a basic greeting before demanding information.

"Aloysius has been awol. Unnatural lightning is striking from the sky. He did something to piss of Salem, and you can bet on it." She turned around quickly to grab one of the pizza boxes before turning around to face the younger man again. "Care for some pizza?"
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