Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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7 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
12 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
12 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
20 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

I like annoying @HaleyTheRandom.

No words.
I'm trying to search for a roleplay partner, everything seems marked in 18+. I'm just 14! This causes me to make my own RP-intrest check and that's not marked 18+ either.

Oh well, does anybody have an answer to why there are so much mature+ themes?

Most people on the Guild use 18+ for smut, gore, and 'dark' themes. Of course some of these are on a case by case basis, meaning what some people may find dark and twisty, others will not. Sadly, mostly anyone looks for in the 1x1 sections (from my experience) is smut. Don't know about you, but at that age, I was in no way trying to write porn. xD Regardless, it appears that most people in the 1x1 section are looking to write with partners close to their age. I know it sucks. I was there. People with 18+ tags didn't want to write with me within just weeks of my birthday - but that's understandable. I was still underage.

Regardless of the 1x1 section RPG still has a lot to offer from group RP's. From what I read in your intro, you said you can write 2-3 paragraphs, right? Maybe try poking your head around casual and see what you can find.
My latest song obsessions are:

I Hope You're Happy by Blue October
3:15 by Bazzi
Voldemort by Within Confidence
Tattooed On My Heart by Bishop Briggs
Nobody's Keeping Score by CYN
and last - but certainly not least - Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mac.
Originally made for another site. Posted here for future reference in case I want to use her for a different RP.

@NeoAJ Approved.

Grayson Chambers was probably the last person Jace wanted to see at the reunion. Instead he was the first. Listening to what the man had to say, it was clear that he was on the path to make amends. How that was going to work, Jace didn’t really know. Grayson hadn’t really ever done anything to him except be a whole lot on the creepy side. Lost for words, Jace simply nodded at what Grayson had to say before turning to his food as Grayson headed to the bar. While Jace didn’t know everything that happened at prom, he had a fairly good idea that Grayson decision to head over to the bar with a group full of women whose lives he had supposedly ruined in one way or another was not a good idea.

By the time Jaces burger, fries, and coke had arrived, so had Brent just as Grayson was walking away. Jace welcomed the sight of one of his best friends with a smile. Of course the other mans outburst upon arriving would signal Jaces attention to him before Brent had ever made his way over to the table.

Drive was fine, man. Was definitely ready to get out of the car by the time I got here though. Talk about a long drive.” He took another bite of his burger. ”Want some of my fries or something?”

Shortly after their brief exchange, Alexander Shields had made his way over. While Jace was planning to decline his offer of something to drink, Dre had made his grand entrance as well. It was nice to see that all of the Kings Men had - as the cool kids call it - glow ups. Brent had managed to keep off the extra weight after all this time. Jace would bet money that if he placed a picture from ten years ago beside one from present day, it would prove that Andre looked exactly the same as he had back then. Fatherhood had worked wonders for Alex too. Jace couldn’t really say the same.

Doing his best to keep up his conversation with the Kings Men and pay attention to what was happening at the bar, Jace couldn’t really tell what was happening. All he knew was that Tara had actually appeared in a dress, and Allison looked absolutely pissed. Turning back to his food, Jace had just taken a sip of his Coke when he saw her.


Another person that looked the same now as they did back then, Amanda Woodall came into the venue like a hurricane, walking with the same confidence that she always had. If Jace still knew her like he had back then, judging by the way she held her chin at that particular angel and her shoulders back like that - Jace would also bet money that someone had just made the woman very, very pissed off.

As their eyes met, Jace’s brain decided to do him the courtesy of playing a movie of all of their favorite memories. Laughing on the beach. The time he bought her the giant teddy bear for Christmas. Their kiss under the fireworks on the fourth of July. Every time she ran out to the field after King's Academy won a football game - and even on the ones they lost. It was sounded cliche to say that Amanda was the highlight of his high school years - but he was right. Seeing her here tonight was like a kick in the gut. Why had he been so stupid to force her away?

Because of her career. Amanda Cross wanted the greatest life had to offer her. While Jace had loved her (and judging by his sweaty palms and current thoughts he still did) he didn’t think that he was the greatest that life had to offer a girl that was just a great as Amanda.

Lost in his train of thought, Amanda made her way over to the table he was sitting at as well. Before he could speak, she was gone over to the bar. Turning back to his conversation with his buddies, Jace added the occasional yeah, fist bump, laugh, and nod when need be. Seeing Amanda after all this time still had him out of whack. What threw him even more off guard was seeing her on Graysons arm.

A whirlwind of emotions ran through Jace's body at the sight. Anger, shock, and hurt. Mainly anger. Jace had a good feeling that Amanda wouldn’t like it if he caused a scene during her festivities. But Jace also knew that he didn’t fight for her all those years ago. Should he now? Did she still have feelings for him? Was there anything worth fighting for? She was married. With his head about to explode from the rush of thoughts Jace excused himself from the group of Kings Men and made his way over to Grayson and Amanda.

”Hey guys. Mind if I join you,” he asked hopefully. His question was aimed more towards Amanda, but he didn’t want to start anything with Grayson right off hand.This weekend was supposed to be fun after all.

I don't consider myself that much of a picky eater, though I haven't tried that many foods outside of my small part of the world.
If this ever opens back up, I’d love to come back with Dom and Anton! Sorry that I missed applications lol I’m a silly person who doesn’t check the guild enough when I’m not actively in a roleplay. Anyway, hi, I’m here lurking! Love y’all.

You're good, chick! If we open back up, you'll be the first to know. <3

The days leading up to the Welcoming Ball were hectic. Vivians dress had to be chosen, as well as Ravens dress. Color codes had to be coordinated for decorations. A five day long argument over flowers that resulted in no flowers at all had occurred, and Raven still didn't appreciate all of the yelling her sister did when she suggested that they go with red and white bouquets of roses.

"They don't look as pretty as sunflowers and roses!" Vivian had said, balling her fists at her side like a two year old.

"They don't go with the freaking color plan, Viv," Raven had shouted back twice as loud, slamming the gigantic binder of plans on the table in front of her sister. If you wanted to plan everything yourself, then all you had to do was say something." After that moment, Vivian finally left Raven alone to work her magic.

The final hours leading up to the ball, Raven was downstairs doing her best to make sure everything was in place. Maids, interior decorators and any one else that the royal family could spare was in the ballroom helping. The majority of the tables had been pushed to the back of the ballroom. The round tables had been draped in red and white silk table cloths - the colors alternating every other table. There were six chairs placed at each table for people to sit and eat. The round tables lining the left wall would be holding the food for the night as the chefs alternated the empty dishes with new ones. It was set up buffet style, and waiters had been hired for the evening to fill glasses for the attendees. The royal chefs had prepared all different sorts of foods for tonight's festivities. Tacos, BBQ, apple pie, cakes, soups, stews - if you could name it, you could probably find it on one of the tables. The food had also been organized so that appetizers came before entrees and so on.

Once she was sure that everything was good to go with the food prep, Raven moved on to making sure the chandeliers were spotless for the night. The windows had been cleaned, and the floor mopped and polished repeatedly. Raven wanted this to be a night that her guests would remember - hopefully in a good way. Getting so caught up in the preparations, Raven had hardly noticed the time until her mother informed her that she needed to get herself prepared for the ball. As soon as the Queen gave the world, her daughter was forced upstairs to her room in order to shower and change.

Normally Raven would insist on getting herself ready. However, the days leading up to tonight were stressful, and the young royal was more than happy to be assisted in prepping herself. Once her dress was on, and her hair styled, Ravens makeup was done simply for the night. A nude colored lipstick, mascara, light eyeliner... the only thing that was missing were her fishnet tights which she slipped on under her dress despite her attendants' protests. Settling on a pair of strapy red pumps for the evening, Raven took one look out the window as the cars started to arrive. At the end of the walkway to the castle entrance was where they would meet handfuls of other attendants' to unload their luggage to take it through the back doors and up to their assigned rooms. When the ball ended, the guests would find their names written on a sheet of paper and stuck to one of the various doors upstairs. It wasn't the best system, but then again it was Vivians suggestion.

Making her way downstairs once again, Raven took her place at the entrance to the ballroom beside her parents as she crossed her hands in front of her.

"Where's Vivian?"

"She's already inside with the other guests," the King replied.

Raven only nodded her head in recognition to what her father had said. Best to focus on the task at hand and not the fact that her sister didn't even have the courtesy to give the guests a proper welcome. Plastering a smile on her face as the guests began to arrive, Raven shook the hands and began to greet the first of the arrivals.

Arriving a few hours before the cocktail party, Tessa had the time to properly get ready. After taking plenty of pictures of the ocean and posting them online with a few witty captions, the woman decided to scroll through the TV channels. With nothing of any interest on, she finally switched the channel to the local news and left it there. The weatherman enthusiastically informed her that tonight was going to be "Yet another warm one, folks!" Such was life in Florida.

Wanting to relax before tonight's festivities, Tessa decided to run herself a relaxing bubble bath and call up room service for a nice glass of Pinot Noir. Once everything was in place, she stepped into the bath and allowed the warm water to relax her muscles. While the news drowned on in the background, Tessa took small sips of her whine here and there - though it didn't do that much for her. Sighed, she quietly laughed to herself. She really was just drinking the whine for the taste. All of those days in high school drinking herself into a coma and doing the same any time she got a chance as an adult had built up a pretty high alcohol tolerance.

After staying in the bath for what she felt was long enough, Tessa climbed out of the tub and began getting ready.

For most females, the longest part of their routine is their makeup. For Tessa it had always been her incredibly thick hair. Sometimes she wondered why she insisted on keeping it so long all the time. At the end of the day, all that mattered was that when she looked in the mirror, she liked what she saw - and she did. After her hair was blow dried, brushed and lightly sprayed, Tessa slipped into her chosen dress for the night. The little black number was tight and form fitting, showing off all her curves. Between the plunging neckline and how short it was, she could here her mother scolding her in the back of her mind - a thought that brought a smile to her face. One thing Tessa didn't think her mother would have a problem with was her choice of reasonably sized hoop earnings and black stiletto pumps. With a hopeful feeling and her makeup finished, Tessa turned the TV off before exiting her room.

Getting closer and closer to her destination, she had to fight the rhythm of the salsa music as to not dance all the way there. Coming around the corner she was greeted with the sight of some of the Kings Men talking together. Jace and Brent she knew. The third man it took her a second to identify, though she was almost certain it was Alexander. Much to her surprise, she didn't feel hate when she looked at him anymore. Maybe her anger towards him had been bottled up like a few other of her childish things. Only time could tell.

Like most of the others it seemed, Tessa made her way to the bar first. Positioning herself between Tara and one of the other women, she was doing her best to remember the rest of their names. If Tessa wasn't mistaken, Allison was the one in the pink, and Willow the one in the blue. She could see that Grayson had also made his way over. While Tessa had no hard feelings towards the man, she did have a good feeling that some of the others standing around her might. Pleased to see how well the dress she had chosen for Tara looked on her, she couldn't help but beam as she threw her arms around her friends neck.

"You look fabulous," Tessa exclaimed. "You all do, really," she said, placing a fifty in the tip jar and motioning at the bar tender to come over with a motion of her finger. "I'll take three tequila shots to start, please." While he gave her a questionable look, the bartender fulfilled her request promptly. She downed one as soon as they were within her reach.

"No need for hostility," said the one she thought was Willow.

"My days of punching are over," Tara stated matter-of-factly.

Another shot down the hatch.

"... coming from an adderall addict." Oh yeah. The one in pink was definitely Allison.

"I mean, it's not his fault you popped pills every day before class, Allison. But yeah, sure. Dude was just hoping to play nice for at least the first event."

Taking the last shot glass in her hand, Tessa downed the last drink after she was done speaking.
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